Search results

  1. Dirk Magirk

    No Blood Allowed - Blood Bowl 2 Tournament - On sale at one point but you missed it

    Count me in. Shotgun Lizardmen (unfortunately the saurus players have a hard time catching).
  2. Dirk Magirk

    You beautiful, Nordic son of a bitch.

    You beautiful, Nordic son of a bitch.
  3. Dirk Magirk

    Kilus, the Holy High Council of Star Citizen has Serifan. He is already dead isn't he?

    Kilus, the Holy High Council of Star Citizen has Serifan. He is already dead isn't he?
  4. Dirk Magirk


  5. Dirk Magirk

    Rate the avatar above yours.

    It's a Vault Boy wall I built on the original Order (NMA hosted forum for miscreants) Minecraft server. Took about thirty minutes.
  6. Dirk Magirk

    Rate the avatar above yours.

    9.5/10 Nothing is perfect, but aggressive Gregory Peck with a spear is as close as you get.
  7. Dirk Magirk

    What's your poison?

    Predominantly beer. I used to drink a fair amount of hardbar once upon a time, and I certainly do shots still these days - but overall it's mostly beer. Beer is making my gut plump.
  8. Dirk Magirk

    Terrorist attack on French satirical magazine

    Bit vitriolic over on this side of the fence isn't it?
  9. Dirk Magirk

    Aokigahara, the suicide forest in Japan.

    I have also read a little bit about this forest, and watched a vidoe at one point - it may have been a VICE video on it. They interviewed one forest guard on suicide watch, and he regaled the interviewer with different stories of him finding bodies. This may sound funny, but I'd like to visit...
  10. Dirk Magirk

    Terrorist attack on French satirical magazine

    I must say, I don't think that any masterminds behind this attack planned it as an attempt to silence anyone. To believe that an attack on a newspaper would do anything but enrage and entrench the ideals in question is a bit naive I think. In my opinion the attack was made in an attempt to cause...
  11. Dirk Magirk

    What is the most addictive video game you've ever played?

    Ah yes, I was in fact recommending UO Second Age to mobucks over in tO forum the other day. If one is going to play a player run shard, it should be that one in my opinion.
  12. Dirk Magirk

    What is the most addictive video game you've ever played?

    I agree with you there stranger, I was addicted to Ultima Online back in the day - even now I find myself considering a dive back into a player run shard. That being said, the game I have sunk the most time into is Hearts of Iron 2 and it's various deviations (there are a number of...
  13. Dirk Magirk

    Lord British Presents: Shroud of the Avatar

    The enjoyment I got out of Ultima Online in it's early days shall never be matched or surpassed by any other MMORPG for all time - there, I said it. It shall be interesting to see what this develops into mind you. I shall keep a watch on this.
  14. Dirk Magirk

    Is excessive longevity a universally undesireable prospect?

    The effects of entropy are all the future has to look forward to. That and flying cars - just think of the accidents, it's going to be neat.
  15. Dirk Magirk


    This is an absolutely lovely game, one of my favourites of all time. I adore it.
  16. Dirk Magirk

    Games you don't want to play again

    Yes! I rented this once years ago and was frustrated beyond belief with several of the puzzles - it didn't take long for me to put it down.
  17. Dirk Magirk


    I want to play this but my computer is not capable of such a feat - and yes, Ultima Online did kick ass.
  18. Dirk Magirk

    Games You're Looking Forward To

    And now I know that [spoiler:e9be0b9e3a] Wesker dies in RE5 [/spoiler:e9be0b9e3a] that's just tip top. I mean sure, I'm taking my sweet ass time getting around to picking it up and giving it a go, but COME ON (truth be told I'm just being dramatic)! Anyway, if a game involves killing...
  19. Dirk Magirk

    Generic Birthday thread (they ALL go in here)

    Happy Birthday Dutch Ghost! May your cup overflow with ectoplasm.
  20. Dirk Magirk

    General Gaming Megathread: What are you playing?

    Planning Meeting for Earthbound 2.