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  1. TailSwallower

    Five Lessons Fallout 4 Can Learn From Skyrim

    One Lesson Fallout 4 can learn from New Vegas: For the love of god Bethesda, keep your hands off it and give it to Obsidian to make.
  2. TailSwallower

    General Gaming Megathread: What are you playing?

    I've been playing a lot of Frozen Synapse, which is absolutely brilliant. I tried the demo, didn't really get it, but once it was in a Humble Bundle and I could get it for a good price I figured I'd give it a proper shot. Love it now - if you were on the fence the Humble Bundle has less than...
  3. TailSwallower

    New Vegas Mod Advice

    Thanks for the advice! I'll check through your post in the other thread and just spend some time delving into the Nexus.
  4. TailSwallower

    NMA was hacked

    Replace the "Post Reply" with "Enter V.A.T.S."? Actually, forums are turn-based, and thus are totally outdated and unmarketable. We need a chat room! A gritty, gorey chat room!
  5. TailSwallower

    Syndicate rebooted as (surprise) an FPS

    You guys have probably seen it already, but just in case - never fear, Paradox is here with a spiritual successor to save the day. Now, I understand that a top-down tactical game with an added layer of R&D was never going to be made by a big publisher in 2011, but they still didn't need to go...
  6. TailSwallower

    NMA was hacked

    I hope that means the forum is getting overhauled as well, because a green-on-black main page would look way too 1997 (though that could be the point, right?).
  7. TailSwallower

    New Vegas Mod Advice

    I recently got a laptop good enough to game on, sold my 360 copy of New Vegas and got it on PC. So now I'm looking for hints on good mods. My main concern so far is fixing up the console leftovers, like UI elements, inventory, etc (also the FOV because the default one makes me sick and the NV...
  8. TailSwallower

    Obsidian CEO wishes New Vegas "wasn't as glitchy"

    I'm giving Obsidian the benefit of the doubt with Dungeon Siege III. If it turns out to be just as buggy as their previous games despite it being their own engine then I'll never buy an Obsidian game first day ever again, I'll give it a few months 'til it's patched. I know DS3 won't be...
  9. TailSwallower

    New Vegas vs. FO3 humor

    I actually laughed out loud when talking to that woman about her Aunt who made the Deathclaw Omelettes. The way she described the Deathclaw getting killed by a wanderer who shot it in the eyes... Classic. And it's funny because anyone who's played Fallout 2 has probably done exactly that. Yes...
  10. TailSwallower

    Fallout: New Vegas' bugs due to its size

    Personally I've had hardly any issues with New Vegas. Playing on the 360 FWIW. In my last playthrough of Fallout 3 GOTY - which was as patched as the game is ever going to get - I still had a number of hard crashes. But so far in New Vegas, no hard crashes and the worst glitch I've come...
  11. TailSwallower

    Fallout: New Vegas Launch Day Reviews

    I think the guy from Joystiq has no idea what he's talking about in regards to the music. I'm sure someone at Obsidian has already said that there are more songs in New Vegas than there were in F3, and the Joystiq guy claims to have never been able to get sick of the music in F3. What the fuck...
  12. TailSwallower

    Fallout: New Vegas Interview Galore

    Obvious mistakes aren't just for lazy journalists anymore!
  13. TailSwallower

    Dead State Revealed (ZRPG)

    Holy shit, an RPG from a top-down perspective? That's madness! So glad to see someone fighting the current trend of First & Third Person RPGs. That said, I guess it's more like F:T/Jagged Alliance/X-Com than a standard RPG, but it still sounds very interesting. I'll definitely add this to...
  14. TailSwallower

    Fallout: New Vegas faction profiles

    Bullshit certainly, but is it old bullshit? I only just skimmed over it, but from the comments in this thread I'm sure I read it a few months back... Maybe the Master just gave me his special ability of being psychic for bullshit games journalism.
  15. TailSwallower

    New Vegas Definitive Ending Explanation

    I would much rather a well done ending than a half-arsed ending or a half-arsed no-ending. Really, anything would be better than the bullshit that Bethesda dished up at the end of Fallout 3, but if Obsidian give us something closer to the brilliance of the Fallout 1 ending I'll be a very...
  16. TailSwallower

    Behind the Scenes: The Many Voices of New Vegas

    The Wire's Bill Rawls? That should be great. If only they got Omar too...
  17. TailSwallower

    Hello, old friend

    I imagine that any Chandler-style lines coming from Perry would be totally cringe-worthy, but at the same time I can't help but smile at the Chandler jokes NMA-ers are making... But yeah, apart from Perry, who I'll have to hear first, the rest of the cast sounds top-notch.
  18. TailSwallower

    The Game That Wasn’t There

    Seeing as the article talks a lot about Wasteland I figure this is a good place to ask - any way to legitimately obtain Wasteland these days besides waiting for a 2nd hand copy to appear on eBay?
  19. TailSwallower

    New Vegas outgunning 3 in preorders; Fallout 3 sales

    I thought I read somewhere that F:NV was content complete as of a couple of weeks ago. If that's the case then it should give them plenty of time for bug-hunting and what-not. Then again, as much as I loved Alpha Protocol, there were far too many bugs in the game, especially considering it...
  20. TailSwallower

    Will you play Hardcore mode from the get go?

    No compass? That sounds a bit extreme. It's not like a compass is a totally unrealistic thing to have either when you're trekking through the wastes. It seems like a damn sensible thing to me. Would it make people happier if you had to equip the compass to look at it instead of it being on...