Games Radar profiles the factions in Fallout: New Vegas. I can't vouch for its accuracy as it profiles the Enclave (sigh), NCR, Brotherhood of Steel, the Vault Dwellers (what), the Nightkin, the Followers of the Apocalypse and the Slaver's Guild (I think they mean Caesar's Legion).<blockquote>The Followers of the Apocalypse
Appears in: Fallout 1
History: A “secular religion”, the FotA do not believe in any particular “god”, but still serve as missionaries to the wastes. You could say the Followers are “good guys” given that they show wasteland inhabitants how to grow their own food and teach the history of the pre-war world in the hopes that humanity’s mistakes are not repeated.
The Followers accept refugees from all over, including former Raiders, Slavers, even Enclave members. Such practices naturally inflame those who might still have a bone to pick with such characters. Even more enraging is the FotA’s policy of encouraging “oppressed” citizens to rise up against their respective governments.
However, the FotA’s own track record is not without its own curiosities. Given that its base of operations (at least as of 2061) was the mostly intact Los Angeles Library, certain followers became privy to ideas and notions that were not in line with the primary mission of the organization. It is even said that Caesar himself (of the Slaver Guild “Caesar’s Legion”) was once a member of the FotA.
Role in Fallout New Vegas: It has been confirmed that the Followers appear in FONV, but the group’s motives are still unclear. Is it attempting to correct the mistakes of the past and bring down Caesar’s Legion? Is it being hunted by the NCR for crimes of sedition? Both? We’ll just have to see.</blockquote>
Appears in: Fallout 1
History: A “secular religion”, the FotA do not believe in any particular “god”, but still serve as missionaries to the wastes. You could say the Followers are “good guys” given that they show wasteland inhabitants how to grow their own food and teach the history of the pre-war world in the hopes that humanity’s mistakes are not repeated.
The Followers accept refugees from all over, including former Raiders, Slavers, even Enclave members. Such practices naturally inflame those who might still have a bone to pick with such characters. Even more enraging is the FotA’s policy of encouraging “oppressed” citizens to rise up against their respective governments.
However, the FotA’s own track record is not without its own curiosities. Given that its base of operations (at least as of 2061) was the mostly intact Los Angeles Library, certain followers became privy to ideas and notions that were not in line with the primary mission of the organization. It is even said that Caesar himself (of the Slaver Guild “Caesar’s Legion”) was once a member of the FotA.
Role in Fallout New Vegas: It has been confirmed that the Followers appear in FONV, but the group’s motives are still unclear. Is it attempting to correct the mistakes of the past and bring down Caesar’s Legion? Is it being hunted by the NCR for crimes of sedition? Both? We’ll just have to see.</blockquote>