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  1. B

    Scenery stuff and such...

    Pixote AND Continumm do you ever take breaks, your work is uber awesome, I want that truck as a toy now. Sorry had to edit Im smokin way to much weed atm cat beleive I left your name out contin :clap: :oops: Continuum should get the privlage right to have a big fat copyright logo on all...
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    Fallout 2 mod My sFall Mods and Tools

    Nirran, will you ever improve FSE tool as I get allot of stupid errors that make no sense when I compile, or maybe the decompile is outdated :roll: Is Jargo still around as FSE has not been updated in ages. Only script editor I use atm as I am still learning. Stupid op_ errors give me...
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    Talking Heads

    wow continuum I cant stop drooling :crazy: One of the major things that kept me emersed in Fo1 was the talking heads, major let down in Fo2 wasnt as many to chat with. I just wanna chuck everything from fo1 into fo2 and remove all the stupid crap that doesnt fit into fallout2 then Ill be...
  4. B

    barter screen messed up.

    Not finished yet, as its an ongoing work in progress and if I dont fuk it up like my last mod the maps should all work fine. Sorry, did you want just the new broken hills makeover version or other locations that I will work on aswell. Basically if you remember the hub or junktown they will...
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    barter screen messed up.

    Thanks Rain man, I must be going senile. Yes pixote its my own personal version of Fallout2, I prefer that rustic barren wasteland look rather than green and clean perfect streets with perfect houses. The more of a shit hole roach infested war zone looking pre war town the better...
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    barter screen messed up.

    What line in hcliz in broken hills script would cause this bug?
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    Underground Base Version 2.0 Updated - Released.

    Sorry :oops: link fixed version 2.0 ok now.
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    Underground Base Version 2.0 Updated - Released.

    My brother removed it as was his account, sorry. Anywayz gives me a chance to fix some minor bugs, making a smaller dl size and a simple install just the mod itself with no extra excess baggage. Sorry Nuka-X I don't understand your comment.
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    Underground Base Version 2.0 Updated - Released.

    Small bug you can ignore but annoys me is when in combat action with the green mutants they display incorrectly as nightkin sargeants but are suppose to be displayed as super mutant guard. I cant figure out why its not recognizing the correct name change. I changed proto_crit.msg...
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    Underground Base Version 2.0 Updated - Released.

    Underground Base location mod *Updated version 2.0* This Base is located north from NCR in the mountain regions. Massive 6 level super mutant base to explore. New tougher muties to fight. If you enjoy a challenge and have cajones then this mod is for you. This aint no cake walk...
  11. B

    using existing map script.

    Finished my location mod, just need to add creepy darkness to a map. Would the map script be ok to use with my maps? as it has the perfect dark atmosphere. That wont cause any conflicts with my maps would it? I will release it in the next day or so.
  12. B

    adding new weapons to game...

    Searched thru the gazillion threads and posts, eventually found the info I needed, got one of my new weapons in game :mrgreen: Forgot to extract all the item protos, that was the problem.. Here is the thread link that helped me out just incase other people need help...
  13. B

    adding new weapons to game...

    Any tuts around? couldnt fiind anything. Already have new frms of new guns made just need to add into my maps without the mapper crashing. Searched forum and the wiki, no info. I created new weapon in mapper items slot after franks gun, last slot... Im guessing this is what causes...
  14. B

    world map sticker names?

    bro you are awesome 8-) thanks. If you ever need any maps made after I finish my mod let me know. :D
  15. B

    world map sticker names?

    Found a copy of photoshop 7, but when I click on image/mode color table and try to load fallout.pal it wont load it as it says its not a valid microsoft palette file ? fixed the links sorry. frm bmp
  16. B

    world map sticker names?

    Sorry about that, my game res is in 1920x1200 16bit, I removed that huge image above. My latest attempts using frame animator and gimp.. failed :oops: in game screenshot 640x480 res, of my failed conversion. frm and bmp files link, if anyone wants to help out and fix it :wink...
  17. B

    world map sticker names?

    Thats great :clap: It looks perfect, thanks for helping me out and taking the time to do this. Also cheers pixote for offering your help to. Maybe the fo pal that I used is dodgy, I dunno why my colours dont change ingame :? As I said Im using windows paint with the frmcon20 tool to...
  18. B

    world map sticker names?

    cheers mate, but I seem to get that same funky colour in game with your version to. Suppose to look like this? Dunno why its coming up in game like this, I think Im doing everything the tuts say, clueless. ah well ill just focus on finishing the maps and not worry how the label looks.
  19. B

    world map sticker names?

    Im confused, I saved it as 8 bit bmp then converted to frm but the colours are still messed up in game :? I also use sfall in making my location mod so my game is 16bit colour, should that make any difference? I had to use win7 paint shop to edit bmp as my adobe photoshop trial expired...
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    creature attack line of sight?

    cheers :wink: