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  1. Izak

    General Discussion Thread of DOOM

    Adaptations are fine but remakes are almost always shitty. Adapting Akira from an anime to a live action film isn't comparable to adapting Dracula to film either. Being mad at Live-Action Akira is more comparable to getting angry at an unnecessary ultra-commercialized modern remake of Dracula...
  2. Izak

    Why Robert Edwin House is the best hope for the wasteland and humanity

    Vegas isn't a country, it's not even a state. Monaco, which New Vegas would probably be very comparable to.
  3. Izak

    Would people be interested in contributing to NMA's Fallout 4 and DLC review?

    Perhaps you should stay out regardless, I doubt your opinion on the game is representative of NMA's general opinion.
  4. Izak

    You get to take over the Mojave with absolute power,

    :yuck: Who goes to all the trouble of creating a country only to give up their power? If I'm taking over a nation I'm going to be emperor.
  5. Izak

    NMA Podcast Round 6 - Nuka World

    Oh cool. More guest speakers would be nice, I wouldn't mind listening to an interview with someone from Bethesda for example, though I don't know how such an interview would work.
  6. Izak

    NMA Podcast Round 6 - Nuka World

    What did you guys decide about the future of the podcast, now that all the Fallout 4 bullshit is over?
  7. Izak

    NMA Podcast Round 6 - Nuka World

    How long did the podcast go for?
  8. Izak

    Should NCR collapse and the games return to the West Coast?

    The NCR doesn't completely collapse if you choose another faction.
  9. Izak

    CT Phipps' review of Fallout 4

    It doesn't require sentience, though. And no, sentience can't be developed due to a malfunction, except maybe in a shitty Stephen King novel. They also talk about Space colonization in 2. Don't be stupid. Nope, it's not very far down. You can get there by going through a secret access tunnel...
  10. Izak

    North Korea

    They have enough old Soviet missiles to ruin a good chunk of South Korea, the Americans can't stop missiles in flight (well, they can, but not many) no matter how much they want to.
  11. Izak

    CT Phipps' review of Fallout 4

  12. Izak

    The good aspects to Fallout 3?

    They weren't really feral ghouls though, they were more senile then feral.
  13. Izak

    Things we learned from Fallout 4

    :confused: I don't remember any children in the Railroad or BoS.
  14. Izak

    Laziness and incompetence are two different things.

    Laziness and incompetence are two different things.
  15. Izak

    Should NCR collapse and the games return to the West Coast?

    The orbital nuclear missiles were made to handle the New Plague, if an infected person escaped confinement the nukes would purify the area that the infectee escaped to.
  16. Izak

    "Fallout: Van Buren" Fan Remake

    The Interplay executives thought Fallout: Brotherhood of Steel would make more money, so they put Van Buren on hiatus and made that; BoS failed spectacularly but instead of trying to rush Van Buren out the door they started work on BoS 2. As you may be able to figure out from these fantastic...
  17. Izak

    Should NCR collapse and the games return to the West Coast?

    Well, yeah. Under Lanius the Legion would collapse rather quickly; under Vulpes or Lucius or someone that isn't entirely incompetent the Legion would have a chance of fucking the NCR right up.
  18. Izak

    Should NCR collapse and the games return to the West Coast?

    I'd rather the NCR rapidly decline then spontaneously combust. Maybe have a game in Seattle where we hear of NCR migrants fleeing a famine, or an encroaching revitalized Legion under Caesar's non-Lanius successor. You can't just scavenge Nuclear weapons, they kind of used them already (the ones...
  19. Izak

    the Master: was he evil?

    Except for the kidnapping part, usually.