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  1. FreedomStalker

    Would you pay money for a new release of F1/F2?

    A slight deviation can be a game being butchered depending on what has changed.
  2. FreedomStalker

    Are there any actual downsides to being a Ghoul?

    The radiation will make them go feral eventually though?
  3. FreedomStalker

    Would you pay money for a new release of F1/F2?

    Only if they add new content and stay 100% true to the original. If there is any deviation from the original, no matter how slight then I won't buy it because I don't want to support a trend of games being remade but also butchered for some ridiculous reason or another.
  4. FreedomStalker

    Morrowind is a mixed experience

    It was amazing for it's time. But since then, so many games have taken it's formula and improved upon it.
  5. FreedomStalker

    The Ultimate Fallout Marathon

    You should check out the movie Spacehunter: Adventures in the Forbidden Zone. It gives off a Fallout kind of vibe on top of being a good movie.
  6. FreedomStalker

    Who else hates the idea that the world could’ve been saved if only...

    Which game revealed fusion technology was on the verge of ending the pre war resource shortages?
  7. FreedomStalker

    Fallout 2 Is Too Hard At The Start

    I've been playing Fallout games since the first Fallout game came out in the 90s and I agree with you but not entirely. Yes, the temple of trials is a pain in the ass. But after that, if you know what to do, you can become powerful very quickly and then deal with the toxic caves and what you...
  8. FreedomStalker

    Fallout Sonora - v.1.0 released in Russian

    I wish I could read Russian. :(
  9. FreedomStalker

    Cashgrab 2 - Fallout 76 gets a subscription service called Fallout1st

    Capitalism only works well when most consumers aren't retarded...
  10. FreedomStalker

    Why don't we have a communist society yet? I mean we could.

    I think this can be solved by rewarding people for working the unpleasant jobs. Not with money but with privileges and status. Money is just one way to reward people. Of course, people are not going to be motivated to do anything unpleasant without gaining more and more. If the job is not...
  11. FreedomStalker

    Obsidian Strikes Back with The Outer Worlds

    It's nice to see a government show Bethesda, they can't just sell trash and laugh their asses off at the people who purchased Fallout 76.
  12. FreedomStalker

    Cashgrab 2 - Fallout 76 gets a subscription service called Fallout1st

    That game was just a cash grab piece of trash for console gamers. But fortunately, console gamers back then were smarter and naturally, most of them have never even fucking heard of the Fallout series, so it failed miserably. A game like that with 2019 level graphics though, would probably have...
  13. FreedomStalker

    Cashgrab 2 - Fallout 76 gets a subscription service called Fallout1st

    Because they put capitalism on a pedestal because it's their god. So then it is good, no matter what. But really, it's just a economic system. And like with everything else in this world. It can be a good thing or a bad thing, depending on who is in charge, what kind of people make up most of...
  14. FreedomStalker

    Cashgrab 2 - Fallout 76 gets a subscription service called Fallout1st

    It's absolutely disgusting what Bethesda has done to the Fallout series with Fallout 76...
  15. FreedomStalker

    BROKEN ROADS - Narrative driven post-apoc-Australia turn-based RPG

    Nice to see an old school Fallout like game that doesn't take place in the USA. Because I like variety.
  16. FreedomStalker

    Wasteland 1 Remaster - Release Q4 2019

    It looks like a half ass cash grab to me.
  17. FreedomStalker

    Cashgrab - Bethesda releases Fallout Legacy Collection

    Bethesda is disgusting me, more and more with each passing year...
  18. FreedomStalker

    Fallout 76 Really Sucks. People Act Shocked.

    They look like shit... Why does Bethesda hate the Fallout series so much and why does Bethesda hate their customers so much?
  19. FreedomStalker

    Legion Territory Speculation

    They conquered those tribes though.
  20. FreedomStalker

    Which options should I check when installing? I can't read what is written...

    Which options should I check when installing? I can't read what is written.