fallout 2

  1. NMLevesque

    Fallout 1 mod Idea: turn 'Tell me abouts' into regular dialogue options!

    'Tell me abouts' only require a keyword. Each could be rephrased into a question that shows up in normal dialogue. Obviously only those that result from keywords the player character would know about should show up. For instance, going to Junktown or hearing about it. Why, you may ask: because...
  2. otakumon

    Fallout2HR.exe Has Stopped Working

    NOTE: I read the rules in the other forum and it says it is for unmodded problems with the game. However, my problem involves a modded version of Fallout 2. I have the following mods installed: 1. Restoration Project 2. Economy and Combat Rebalance Mod 3. fo2tweaks I bought and downloaded the...
  3. NMLevesque

    As a time traveler what would you change about Fallout?

    By which I mean Fallout and Fallout 2. Fixing bugs is a boring answer; restoring cut content less so. Fallout: I want more of the Master. For instance he could psychically influence the player once they enter the LA vault, to an increasingly strong degree. Something akin to Reaper...
  4. R

    Fallout 2 utility Planner/perk calculator for Fallout 2

    Hi friends, Mutants, Ghouls! Today, 30th of September 2018 it’s 20th anniversary of Fallout 2! And I think, it’s a good day to represent my little program, that helps to plan your fallout 2 ideal playthrough – fallout 2 planner/perk calculator! All links are at the bottom. The Fallout 2...
  5. eXistential Warlock

    Here come that Pip Boi

    Oh shit whaddup
  6. Negativity

    Fallout 1.5: Resurrection

    Here is my review for Fallout 1.5: resurrection: For those who aren't interested in watching the video, my general thoughts on the mod were that it was brilliant. I don't think I've ever played a Fallout mod that is that deep and well written. I was hesitant to try it but I'm sure glad I did...
  7. I

    Fallout 2 combat speed only affects walking

    I first asked in the GOG forums but was directed here I found that my combat speed seems to be broken, where run speed is the same regardless of the setting. The only thing affected is walk speed. This leads to some pretty slow combat which I only noticed in the den while I had to wait for all...
  8. MPPlantOfficial

    Luckiest Fallout Game ever???

    Luck 10 game. Look at how these random encounters overlap like a venn diagram. Perfectly aligned too. One in a million chance?
  9. VIXRE

    A book containing the whole Fallout Lore

    It's been various years since i first started writing a sort of book containing every major and non-major events in the fallout universe sorted by date (DD/MM/YYYY) spanning from the XVII century to the very last years . I am from Italy so the only copy existing online is in italian and has been...
  10. NovaRain

    DirectDraw Compatibility Tool 1.01

    Original author: Galogen, English Localization by Alchemist =============================================================== DirectDraw Compatibility Tool =============================================================== [ Program purpose ] DirectDraw Compatibility Tool is designed to fix...
  11. Sunking

    (Theorizing) How Would You Implement Player Housing in Fallout 2?

    While working on a project today this thought just sort of sprung to mind. I know of at least one mod that does such a thing, but it's fairly simple. So I wanted to see what you the community could come up with, thinking as if you were game designers of the original or a remake, as ways in which...
  12. CheesyBorders

    What was your favorite ending for New Reno in Fallout 2?

    Title is pretty self explanatory. What ending do you think would benefit New Reno the best, weather it be for New Reno's growth, or your own personal enjoyment? Personally, I like the "Ash Friday" ending the best, but that's probably just out of my love for mob movies.
  13. C

    Fallout 2 (3D).

    3D-model of the Fallout 1-2 location (3d modeling software).
  14. otakumon

    FO2 Modded Unresponsive/Crashed in Den

    Started a new game in Fallout 2 with following mods installed (in order of installation): 1. Restoration Project 2.3.3 by killap 2. Economy and Combat Rebalance Mod 0.6.2 by phobos2077 3. Miria Mod v2 (for RP 2.3.2) by Endocore 4. fo2tweaks by burn Followed instructions for each and restarted...
  15. TerminallyChill

    Classic Fallout Gameplay Flaws (Also New Vegas)

    It's no secret that Fallout, Fallout 2, and Fallout New Vegas are beloved by fans of the series for having things like a meaningful RPG system, reactive worlds, and high levels of internal narrative consistency. No game is perfect though, which is why I'm asking you, what did these revered...
  16. Negativity

    The Entire History of Fallout

    Hello NMA, hope you are all doing well. This is the Entire history of Fallout. Enjoy.
  17. Valdetiosi

    Is Fallout 2 requiring much of minmaxing?

    I guess I could have worded out the title more appropriately, but I do want to point out few things that are concerning me as I make my first playthrough of Fallout 2. As you can see from this, I mainly have character associated with Gifted & Good Natured Traits, aiming for in the long run...
  18. S

    New Reno Map Just Vanished

    Hey sorry if this is in the wrong forum. I'm new to fallout 2 and was recommended 2 mods. The Restoration Project 2.3.3 and XoneGameR's Gangster Armor Mod. And I think I've come across a game breaking bug where New Reno Just doesn't load in no matter what. Any save attempted here can't be...
  19. NovaRain

    Condensed Temple of Trials for Restoration Project 2.2+ 1.2.1

    Version 1.2 has two sets of the map mod: RP_2.2+: for killap's Restoration Project 2.2+ and RPU 2.3.x. RPU_map_update: for RPU with Pixote's updated maps and RPU 2.4.x. Info: ----- I removed the second elevation (hallway) of the map, so after going through the foyer you'll be in the inner...
  20. NovaRain

    Condensed Temple of Trials for Unofficial Patch & vanilla game 1.2.1

    Info: ----- I removed the second elevation (hallway) of the map, so after going through the foyer you'll be in the inner sanctum directly. I also moved the impenetrable door and items from the hallway to the foyer. Now the very first door in the temple needs to be lockpicked. Installation...