
  1. TheModernStoryteller

    Tyranny as a Spiritual Successor to Fallout

    I would argue for Obsidian's Tyranny: an underappreciated masterpiece of the RPG genre, for being a continuation of many of the core ideas of Fallout; if not a spiritual successor. I'd like the opinions of some of you. Here's a link to a video explaining the idea:
  2. The_Proletarian

    Josh Sawyer talks New Vegas on IGN unfiltered

    Josh Sayer was recently interviewed on IGN unfiltered. In the extract below he talks a little about the development of Fallout: New Vegas. He underscores that the intended audience for New Vegas was the more casual audience of Bethesda's Fallout 3. Had Van Buren been developed as intended the...
  3. H

    I like fallout 3

    so this is my first time on the site, iv always heard bad things about it but to be honest those were mainly from the fallout subreddit. Ithe fallout subreddit has like 400k subs which is about 4% of the fallout community so I’ve decided to exploremany fallout sites such as this and see what the...
  4. S

    Fallout 2 maybe Fallout 1 hazy memory of AI causing the nuclear war

    I played fallout 1 and 2 multiple times throughout my teenager years and loved them to bits There is a military base that I swear I can remember finding logs of an AI that proved if not at least heavily hinted at that it started the nuclear war. However I can not find any proof of it anywhere...
  5. The_Proletarian

    Fallout Nevada: New update out!

    The great Russian Fallout: Nevada got a new release! The mod takes place in Nevada before the events of Fallout. Check it out! Download English Translation There are still a few areas that need translation edits and you're welcome to help out!
  6. Negativity

    Worst things about Fallout: BoS

    What do you guys think is the worst things about Fallout: BoS. my opinions are summed up in this video I made - however there are more things than in that video, like for example the fact that the game is extremely repetitive and unrewarding. There are other things xD
  7. The_Proletarian

    Noclip documentary about Bethesda - Some Fallout stuff

    Earlier this week Noclip published a documentary about Bethesda that contains at least some of interest to Fallout fans. The documentary is pretty shallow but that's the price of access. You'll find most of it in this thread. But I'll highlight a few things for you: 1) Morrowind was a...
  8. M

    Fallout BradyGames survival guide

    I've been trying to find a correctly scanned version of the "Fallout Official Survival Guide" published by BradyGames. The only version available online is improperly scanned with text of some pages being blurred and impossible to read. A member who hasn't been active for 4 years had uploaded...
  9. aP // Elliott

    The Fallout Franchise As A Dysfunctional Family Of Brothers.

    Fallout 1 The smart business casual family member who everyone listens to and is looking forward to the weekend. Fallout 2 The family member who has tattoos all over his body covers them up with a suit gets black out drunk and wakes up not knowing where he is every morning. Fallout 3 The...
  10. D

    The History of Bethesda Game Studios - Elder Scrolls / Fallout NoClip Documentary

    Pretty interesting stuff. NoClip delivering as always. You don't really have to care about them as the focus is in the games. Any thoughts?
  11. Negativity

    What is your favorite Fallout trailer?

    In the light of the new Fallout 76 trailer, I was inspired to create this video I'm curious though what NMM thinks is the best Fallout trailer. One that really captivated you.
  12. C

    My Fallout Community Discord Server...

    Welcoming all fellow fallout fanatics to my public community discord, Fallout: Blue Moon Ranch, to get the most out of fallout...together. Join here today: https://discord.gg/c2huqpS Spread the word! We're looking to make this community one fallout lovers won't forget! There will be: *Mods...
  13. VIXRE

    A book containing the whole Fallout Lore

    It's been various years since i first started writing a sort of book containing every major and non-major events in the fallout universe sorted by date (DD/MM/YYYY) spanning from the XVII century to the very last years . I am from Italy so the only copy existing online is in italian and has been...
  14. Skyeris

    Fallout PnP 4.0 Playtest Stream

    I wasn't sure where to put this up but this is the closes it is to the topic. I've been running roll20 campaigns for quite some time and have played some as well. However, I always felt that on roll20 the Fallout tabletop scene has never really shined. I was aching for a game and found only...
  15. dmonin

    Sands of Space RPG

    Hey guys, I'm working on my old school RPG with turn based combat - Sands of Space. It will be with open world and really inspired by classical RPG Fallout 1 and Fallout 2 and Underrail. The plot of the game takes a place in the not-too-distant future. Active space exploration in progress...
  16. Fan Film Boyz

    The Blood of My Father

    Hello fellow Fallout fans! My name is Robert and this is my first post in this forum. I wanted to share with you all a new Fallout Fan Film that was just released last week. ‘The Blood of My Father’ was written and directed by Cameron Smith out of Texas and was made in one day and on a $0...
  17. Ranger N


    Who do you like?
  18. C

    Fallout 2 (3D).

    3D-model of the Fallout 1-2 location (3d modeling software).
  19. TerminallyChill

    Classic Fallout Gameplay Flaws (Also New Vegas)

    It's no secret that Fallout, Fallout 2, and Fallout New Vegas are beloved by fans of the series for having things like a meaningful RPG system, reactive worlds, and high levels of internal narrative consistency. No game is perfect though, which is why I'm asking you, what did these revered...
  20. Daniel The NCR Veteran

    Meme-making challenge: Turn a Dead Rising moment into a Fallout reference/meme.

    "THIS IS MY STORE!" Now what I want you to do is: 1. Take a better photo than this one of this moment 2. Change the face to any Fallout character's face 3. Change the line "THIS IS MY STORE" into "THIS IS MY _____" or "THIS IS ____ _____" 4. Make sure it's a funny Fallout-themed meme.