“Bethesda Softworks Can Suck It”

Coming soon from Bethesda:


Enjoy glorious chess combat you know and love from the innovative 3D perspective !
Play chessmaster in first person! More action then ever before! :)
shihonage said:
Coming soon from Bethesda:


Enjoy glorious chess combat you know and love from the innovative 3D perspective !

Protect Uriel Septim VII from raging Orcish Pawns as they come one by one!
Black said:
I must remember to not send newpost material to BN, he srsly sux >:(

I suck because I'm not online 24/7?

Jeesh, I'm not Ausir, people.

It is preferred if you use the news submit form rather than PM me. It has the same effect but with the added advantage of more than one people catching it.
djmulder said:
I laughed hard (so hard that collegues were looking funny) at this..

"Pissed off the majority of their fan base with ignorance, arrogance and misunderstanding of the Fallout franchise "

is the line where I basicly stopped to laugh

if there's one company ignorant, arrogant and misunderstanding of their "true" fanbase it's blizzard.

I've bought nearly all Blizzard games and I can say you are so very wrong! Starcraft 2 is true to Starcraft 1. The Diablo series has had some changes but has mostly stayed true to the type of game it is. World of Warcraft is probably the best MMO ever made. And the Warcraft series has always been extremely impressive for its singleplayer and multiplayer. Most of all BLizzard games have had amazing multiplayer without turning its back on people who love singleplayer. You are probably from Bethesda or another kiddie from the Bethesda forum. Because you are completely wrong.
goffy59 said:
djmulder said:
I laughed hard (so hard that collegues were looking funny) at this..

"Pissed off the majority of their fan base with ignorance, arrogance and misunderstanding of the Fallout franchise "

is the line where I basicly stopped to laugh

if there's one company ignorant, arrogant and misunderstanding of their "true" fanbase it's blizzard.

I've bought nearly all Blizzard games and I can say you are so very wrong! Starcraft 2 is true to Starcraft 1. The Diablo series has had some changes but has mostly stayed true to the type of game it is. World of Warcraft is probably the best MMO ever made. And the Warcraft series has always been extremely impressive for its singleplayer and multiplayer. Most of all BLizzard games have had amazing multiplayer without turning its back on people who love singleplayer. You are probably from Bethesda or another kiddie from the Bethesda forum. Because you are completely wrong.

You just listed a bunch of stuff that suggests Blizzard makes good games, but none of it addresses the guy's point that they don't listen to their true fans. Not that I agree or anything, but that's what HE was saying. I don't know if you've ever read the Blizzard forums, but he's certainly not alone.

Not sure how him thinking that nails him to the specific profile you provided, though.
FeelTheRads said:
djmulder said:
if there's one company ignorant, arrogant and misunderstanding of their "true" fanbase it's blizzard.

Oh, for realz?! And how may that be?

The switch from Warcraft 3 to WoW perhaps? I've never been much of a Warcraft fan myself (especially since I thought WC3 was incredibly boring with the exception of tower defense maps), but I seem to remember some fans being pretty disappointed with Blizzard around that time. It was something to do with changes to the lore and stuff, I think, sort of like I've heard fans of the earlier Elder Scrolls games being critical to the lore (among other parts) of the later games not matching the earlier stuff.

I could be entirely mistaken about this, but it wouldn't surprise me if he was a Warcraft fan who felt bad about WoW (in which case he has my sympathies). Stupid memory, I wish I remembered more about this stuff :cry:
The news has certainly been making its rounds, and it looks like the media is tentatively siding with Ashley Cheng.

Rock, Paper, Shotgun, Joystiq, CVG and - of course - GameBanshee. The N4G story is aggressively pushed to the frontpage by their hotness rating system or whatevz.

Certainly a bit of an overdrawn response to a blogpost. Poor Ashley.
Imagine if the Ender Scrolls IP was up for sale and Blizzard purchased it. And then imagine it was turned into a PC only Diablo clone rather than a FPP all-platform game. How would the fanbase feel about this? How would Beth's console fans feel about not having access to the game, unless they play it on a PC? Unfortunately Beth's developers are so self-focused that I doubt they could ever put themselves in anyone elses position.

Good on Blizzard for bucking the trends and sticking to PC and ISO-like games. Personally I enjoyed their earlier games better (D1 over D2, and WC1 over WC2/3 & expansions). I felt the earlier versions had more atmosphere and less cartoon colouring. Nonetheless it's shows that there are still a large number of people who are happy to play games that use that viewpoint, despite what some other developers and journalists say.

By the way, if Blizzard did make the next Elder Scrolls game I'm sure it would be a winner, and probably wouldn't be a bad game.

Brother None said:
The news has certainly been making its rounds, and it looks like the media is tentatively siding with Ashley Cheng

They're probably siding with Ashley Cheng because Beth go direct to them with "exclusives", as opposed to Blizzard who release game news/info to everyone.

It must suck having to be professional all of the time.

I'm sure a lot of former BIS employees have some sour words they would like to share with the staff over at Bethesda. Even more so with the dicks over at Interplay.

Maybe after they're retired like Al Lowe - although it's still unclear if he's really retired. Here's what he had to say regarding Magna Cum Laude:

"Those who seek 3D boobs, profanity, and fart jokes will be pleased.

Those who fondly remember the earlier games will be severely disappointed."

"By the way, I'm proud to say that I had nothing to do with Magna cum Laude!"

Edit: And here's a thing I didn't notice before, about another possible Larry game:

You go, Al! You rock!

So maybe the Fallout developers don't need to go all "Fuck you Bethesda!", that's what me and others are here for. They can however express their disappointment. One is allowed to be disappointed, no? And it would surely weigh a lot if one of the original developers would publicly say they are disappointed with Fallout 3. That is if someone else besides us knows who the original developers are and don't think Toddie is "teh mastermind".

The switch from Warcraft 3 to WoW perhaps?

Hey, I'm not saying they are perfect, but to claim they are "ignorant, arrogant and misunderstanding of their "true" fanbase" is nothing more than idiocy. I was never really a fan of Blizzard, except for StarCraft and I enjoyed Diablo for what it was while never caring for any WarCraft iteration, but it's impossible to deny their continued support of the older games and their fans. And not being a fan, which can cloud the judgment, can make me see the difference between a good company (Blizzard) and a shit company (Bethesda).

The news has certainly been making its rounds, and it looks like the media is tentatively siding with Ashley Cheng.

I didn't expect anything else. They couldn't say Blizzard is doing good for keeping the old formula while on the other hand brownosing Bethesda with the "isometric is dead" absurdity. And that will probably not change even after Diablo 3 is released. By now pretty much all game journalists are kiddies who don't know any better than first-person. But it doesn't matter... Diablo 3 will win anyway, because fortunately there are still people who think.
Brother None said:
The news has certainly been making its rounds, and it looks like the media is tentatively siding with Ashley Cheng.

Rock, Paper, Shotgun, Joystiq, CVG and - of course - GameBanshee. The N4G story is aggressively pushed to the frontpage by their hotness rating system or whatevz.

Certainly a bit of an overdrawn response to a blogpost. Poor Ashley.
This comparison in particular made me think... It's true, the first one is so much better. I hope blizzard changes it. They probably will...
Morbus said:
This comparison in particular made me think... It's true, the first one is so much better. I hope blizzard changes it. They probably will...

True, the first looks much better.

/Edit: Hey, maybe they should include two graphic (color) sets... like in Gothic 4... lol.
""starcraft 2 looks great, wish blizzard deviated more, try ground control/battlezone first person gameplay.""


My god that game was a clusterfuck. It was a fun tank game, and it was ok as a sim base builder, but as a tacticle game it utterly sucked.

If anything it was concrete evidence that some game types really are better off as 3rd/iso perspective.
Lexx said:
Why is Bethesda that fixed at first-person?

DirtyDreamDesigner said:
Because they don't know how to do anything else.

2 of Bethesda's successful game are Terminator series and Elder Scroll which are play in first person view.

If Ashley wishes Blizzard to do something different, maybe it should start with them first, rather than making another Oblivion in wasteland mod.

People criticize how simple id's game has been when Doom 3 was released, yet it still provides more fun than Crysis and Bioshock.
At least for me. :ugly:
Mick1965 said:
They're probably siding with Ashley Cheng because Beth go direct to them with "exclusives", as opposed to Blizzard who release game news/info to everyone.

Uh, no.

I'm as realistic about the gaming media as the next guy, but that's just being stupid.

FeelTheRads said:
So maybe the Fallout developers don't need to go all "Fuck you Bethesda!", that's what me and others are here for. They can however express their disappointment.

Why would they do that? They haven't played it yet.

FeelTheRads said:
Hey, I'm not saying they are perfect, but to claim they are "ignorant, arrogant and misunderstanding of their "true" fanbase" is nothing more than idiocy.

Depends on how highly you hold the concept of "true" fanbase.

The deviations in style and gameplay from Warcraft II to Warcraft III had 'em up in arms.

Sure, from our perspective they look like a bunch of spoiled brats who should treasure what they have before Bethesda buys it, but how are they to know that? It's kind of like the people who heavily criticized Van Buren when it was being developed, I'm sure all but the most stubborn of them are kind of looking back and going "well, that was dumb".

FeelTheRads said:
Diablo 3 will win anyway, because fortunately there are still people who think.

Claiming Diablo 3 will "win" anything based on people "thinking" is pretty far out there, dude. I'm going out on a limb and guessing that while there is probably not as much thought and polish put into the design of Fallout 3 as is in the design of Diablo 3, I'd still wager Fallout 3 is more complex to play than Diablo 3.

So D3 winning over F3 is hardly a victory of the thinking man.

Morbus said:
This comparison in particular made me think... It's true, the first one is so much better. I hope blizzard changes it. They probably will...

It does?

It looks to me like they're clamboring for Diablo III to adapt the same "brown is real" grey shit that is supposed to transfer "atmospheric" to the player.

It doesn't. All it does is make things bland. Put those "how it should be" pics side by side and try to distinguish locations. It's fucking impossible, everything is one big bland mess.

Y'know, this is what people talk about when they say listen to fans, but don't be guided by them. It sounds to me like Blizzard wants to express Diablo's horror nature by effective use of colour schemes rather than by just making everything grey. Judging by those screenshots, that's a damned good call.

(though they could tone it down a bit, but hell, you have graphic settings for that, and can make the game as dark and hard to see as you like)