“Bethesda Softworks Can Suck It”

now that is funny. because I DID THE FUCKING RECOLOR :D

posted it here first:

(direct: http://img180.imageshack.us/my.php?image=makeluvnotwarcraftzs3.jpg)

funny? because i never played diablo1/2 more than a few times lol
i prob shouldnt have said that, but i KNOW how the col scheme should be like (artist profession ^^)

i could have spent more time with it (removing the stupid glow & tweaking colors abit more but i was tired - and in luv)

normally i just lurk where i stay, but that was just to damn fun heh
btw, love u psychos <3
Considering the things I saw while I was at blizzard, I'm surprised they can accomplish anything.

As for that petition for blizzard to relook their graphics, ha. There is no way, no way on earth those cluster fucks are going to pay attention to anything, any fan, any customer has to say.

General incompetence aside, and excusing the nepotism so rampant throughout the compnay, the level of developer arrogance
is so unbelievable high at blizzard you can't possible imagine it.
no way on earth those cluster fucks are going to pay attention to anything, any fan, any customer has to say.

Are you kidding? They are the ones that listen the most to the ideas from the fans. After the first info on Starcraft 2 there was a big roar, in days they were making changes and thanking the fans for the input.
steppenwanderer said:
now that is funny. because I DID THE FUCKING RECOLOR :D

posted it here first:

(direct: http://img180.imageshack.us/my.php?image=makeluvnotwarcraftzs3.jpg)

funny? because i never played diablo1/2 more than a few times lol
i prob shouldnt have said that, but i KNOW how the col scheme should be like (artist profession ^^)

i could have spent more time with it (removing the stupid glow & tweaking colors abit more but i was tired - and in luv)

normally i just lurk where i stay, but that was just to damn fun heh
btw, love u psychos <3

Stop trolling.

Then perhaps things have changed since I was there, or the Star Craft 2 development team isn't as isolated nor arrogant as the WoW team.

However, what I saw there, how that place is run . . . I can't even begin to imagine how they can get any product out the door, much less keep anything running.
Corith said:
Then perhaps things have changed since I was there, or the Star Craft 2 development team isn't as isolated nor arrogant as the WoW team.

However, what I saw there, how that place is run . . . I can't even begin to imagine how they can get any product out the door, much less keep anything running.

Whatever the case, they do seem to get the job done, hm? I mean, right up with Valve, they're pretty much the head honcho of PC games development, and everything they produce gets immense hype without that much effort from them.

Nothing is ever perfect 'behind the courtain', but they're far from letting their fans down, yet.
pv: with that attitude you prob wouldnt last 5 seconds in a real wasteland

proof: http://www.diablofans.com/forums/sh...0416cb16a61bb3d3317e8&p=270842&postcount=1687

if you look at the post , may i re-direct your eyes to the last line which clearly reads: /nekromant aka steppenwanderer

a quick search @ their forum also lists the other post, which as i ALREADY SAID is the pic i actually DID recolor.
(linked above, or for the dumb, http://www.diablofans.com/forums/showthread.php?s=9d3e0fd3af1e20aca0b2a65f56dda463&t=9213&page=8)

proof talks, insults walk.
party on garth.

f2 is "fun" : http://www.octopusoverlords.com/forum/viewtopic.php?f=2&t=61346
steppenwanderer, I'm fairly sure Pope Viper misread your post and thought you were trying to get a rise out of people with the "psychos" comment. However, that's no reason for you to start insulting him for real. Mistakes happen and I'm sure this can be cleared up.
aronsearle said:
Corith said:
Considering the things I saw while I was at blizzard, I'm surprised they can accomplish anything.


(Corith is found in his kitchen with a medieval sword protruding from his back, slumped over a pile of Blizzard action figures)
Blizzard? Bethsoft?

Bethsoft buy a foreign license and fuck with it a little.

Blizzard fuck with their own franchises, although not as much as Bethesda does with the Fallout franchise. But think of this: At Blizzard there are at least the original makes of the older games and still they somehow fuck their franchises. I couldn't say what's worse really; fucking with a foreign license or with your own. It's both not great :/ but Bethesda at least has the excuse that they got none of the original makers of those games in their time and therefore can't reproduce it fully...

If you wonder what i mean with Blizzard fucking with their own franchises: Play Warcraft 3 intensively, then play World of Warcraft intensively. WoW has nothing to do with Warcraft except for some little things. Imo the heroes of Warcraft 3 should be the classes of WoW, and the whole undead race of WoW has nothing to do at all with Warcraft. They just shitted at Warcraft 3 and made something loosely connected to it (aside from graphics i mean) which just works as an MMORPG. But I got no real problem with it because you can't take Wc3 as seriously as you can take Fallout. Warcraft is just about simple fun, no deepness. What really annoys me is what they are doing to Diablo now. The graphics really disappointed me, the whole look is as generic as for example Titan Quest's graphics. And that although Diablo had a very "special" graphic style with all it's darkness, the destroyed and devastated world, the hopelessness for example the monastry in Act 1 with all the corpses and torture scenes around, just well done. The gameplay trailer of Diablo 3 was kinda more like just fun and hack n slay and comic style,.. not much devastation and darkness, the whole graphici s more WoW style than Diablo 3.

Even the colorful jungle in Act 3 in Diablo had its darkness or the Act 5 ice level for example was still kinda dark, imo.

The gameplay trailer just showed a hack n slay game without the great atmosphere and an average graphics style without the details and the devastation its predecessors featured. it doesn't even have fitting music tracks
I wonder what are the chances for fallout3 to flop right now ?

And do you think that if F3 flops, Beth would consider then doing an iso Fallout 4 ? Or they would just drop the Fallout license entirely and go back to Elder Scrolls 5 or something else like that ?
Kukident said:
If you wonder what i mean with Blizzard fucking with their own franchises: Play Warcraft 3 intensively, then play World of Warcraft intensively. WoW has nothing to do with Warcraft except for some little things.

... They're two completely different games. They were created to be two completely different games. They never claimed WoW was Warcraft 4. Just like BIS never claimed BG:DA to be a sequel to the BG series.

Bethesda fucks fans over. Blizzard does not, they listen. That's why we have Starcraft 2 and Diablo 3 coming out, with the same core gameplay. Bethesda didn't have to buy the IP. So the game is now theirs. It was their responsibility to adhere to the fans, but just like Oblivion, they didn't give a fuck what the fans of the series thought.