Sicblades said:B5C said:I already have like $120 a week taken away from me for federal income tax. Why is it my patriotic duty (According to Biden) that I need to pay someone else s medication for which im paying good insurance for my own. Also note universal health care is not a right!
You shouldn't do it for other people who don't pay taxes, but for a universal good, it doesn't hurt you that the money you're already paying goes to give a benefit for everyone in the society. You're paying for people's education but somehow that's not a problem? Unless of course you believe that that money should only go towards your own education and you live in a society of morons. Universal health care isn't a great evil that should concern you too much because you lose an extra 20 bucks a month. Granted that that 20 bucks can be used for something personally enjoyable, but you should also be thankful that that 20 dollars a month could prevent you from having a disease transmitted because Joe Schmuck can't afford insurance.
Well written sir! What ever happened to "I'm my brothers keeper." ?
I personally don't think the 46 million (and then some) uninsured Americans are enjoying this health care system right now... I am disgusted that my own parents can not afford medical insurance let alone a Dr. visit. Therefor they have no preventive health care, so should something go wrong, they are screwed and possibly taken from me far too early in my life.
Buxbaum666 said:A true republican doesn't give a shit about people who aren't him.
There unfortunately seems to be more truth to that statement than I would like to admit. However it is a inflammatory statement and one should refrain from using it. We need to come up with more constructive ways to resolve our differences now more than ever.