First time out of the vault

DemonNick said:It's not necessarily the same kind of relationship as Infinity Ward/Activision. Zenimax was founded after Bethesda by Beth's owners. Depending on who you talk to, it was originally either a shady tax dodge or a means of reorganizing their assets to allow for expansion and diversification.zkylon said:I'd imagine Bethesda has money of their own, right? Like Infinity Ward with Activision or something.Ausir said:ZeniMax is Bethesda's owner, so any money that goes into Beth goes into Zeni.
Either way, they're a lot more closely tied than most developer-publisher relationships.
Bethesda's current CEO Robert A Altman( Not to be confused with deceased film director who fancied his actresses in crotchless outfit film scenes) is a DC area mover and shaker with a shady past once indicted on several charges then acquitted and banned by the Federal Reserve from banking.
Think about it for a minute, Bethesda's current CEO was banned by the slimiest of all Feral Corporate rackets in our world: The creature from Jekyll Island known as the FED.
Faceless_Stranger said:Jeezus... Vlatko Andonov? Man in charge of Bethesda sounds like a russian gangster...
Working for him is a character with a gangster name right out of Max Payne and possibly Russian mafia connection?
Apparently He also has worked for only one company shortly after the fall of the Soviet Union:
No other History.
You can already imagine the Max Payne version:
"I giva you tha Mawny, you washit and you giva me a few producer titles then Presi dent title and that way I build up my gaming reputation with a bunch of credits.
The employees donta perform, I cap their knees.
You taki cari of tha buzy niss side, I getta ridda of the bodies."
You know where the mafia washes their dirty money?
Investments in various businesses and Zenimax just sounds fishy doesn't it?
PhD Game Developer Pioneer geniuses use banksters to expand their businesses who get them mobster investors looking to wash their money scarface style.
Gotta love the circle of life.
You have a guy that is known for being shady(married to Wonder Woman Linda Carter I may add and sporting at least one gangster tattoo on his right forearm
I didn't know bankers and gang tattoos made for a good portfolio presentation)
and someone "working as President for him" with a shady name.
They are the batman and robin of racket running a company that spends a lot more money on lobotomizing consumers with their wall to wall advertising strategy rather than letting the game speak for itself.
Notice in their press release, they called the buyers of their games "consumers" instead of gamers?
This marchitecture company only cares about selling you a product to consume and getting their banker created thin air fiat money. If consumers fancied collectible editions of $60 cyanide suicide kits they'd be on it like white or rice.
I know I'm going on a paranoid conjecture tangent but there are lots of coincidences with Zenimax/Bethesda.
Chaired by shady acquitted ex indictees and run by Oligarchy linked guys with mobster names.
And Voila, do you wonder why they buy the gaming journalist industry's reviews?