5 new gameplay videos

I just saw the new trailer for farcry 2 and it's amazing how terrible the FO3 animations are in comparison

compare the AK reloading animation at 0:52 here

with this at 0:30

setting aside the fact that the farcry AK is mirror-imaged, you can see that farcry's animators know how an AK magazine is rocked into place whereas the FO3 one just sort of slides in. that's just a specific example that not everyone would pick up on but it's pretty mind blowing how much better the animations are in general
Just install the fo2mapper and open any original map and you'll see the same situation, if not even poorer.

Poorer? Hardly. Might be because Fallout 1 & 2 were isometric and not immersive as Fallout 3. More immersiveness more chance to see the fuck-ups, eh? Or maybe in the original games they had the smart idea of not putting 10 copies of the same asset next to each other? Too difficult for Bethesda to think that far.

And please show me a screenshot of Fallout where the repetitiveness is so obvious. I don't think you can. I never felt it while playing the game (except for the human models, but I'm sure we'll see the same in Fallout 3 too, just with different ugly faces). In Fallout 3 you have it right there in your face in a single screenshot.
Hmm... this is something that nobody's mentioned yet that I thought was weird:

Isn't it sort of strange, and sort of illogical, that the character meets Mr. Burke in the Megaton bar, and that he's talking about "removing the blight" of the town IN the bar? Seems a bit... I dunno, it just doesn't seem to add up. As in "it's not believable."

I couldn't get past the first two videos, and not because of Todd's voice (scary thing: I've almost gotten USED to his narration.)

All the pointless cursing, the obviously scripted RAI events (I really doubt they'll be better in the released version, and they were awfully annoying as is) and, the kicker, those few seconds of the pulled-back camera before the character goes into that covered bridge thing which shows that Bethseda COULD have done a game that was more like Fallout than Fallout 3.... yea, I just couldn't do it.

Anyone have screen captures of the Radscorpion?

Oh, another thing: apparently the Enclave's role has radically changed. Which is okay, really, because in FO 2 they were sorta silly, but still: "Enclave Radio's coming through clear"? Huh? So: Different BoS, different Enclave now, hrm? Odd.
oihrebwe said:
I just saw the new trailer for farcry 2 and it's amazing how terrible the FO3 animations are in comparison

compare the AK reloading animation at 0:52 here

with this at 0:30

setting aside the fact that the farcry AK is mirror-imaged, you can see that farcry's animators know how an AK magazine is rocked into place whereas the FO3 one just sort of slides in. that's just a specific example that not everyone would pick up on but it's pretty mind blowing how much better the animations are in general

Other than the bolt should be on the right side, (which is the same retarded shit that CS did) this is what immersion is. Are you taking notes bethesda? They actually did a better first person interpretation of fallout than you did.
Brother None said:
Anani Masu said:
Some people in real life speak in a monotone voice?

M'kay, two points:

1. Voice acting is not a reflecton of how people speak in real life, it's a reflection of what carries over well in a game. You're not supposed to be imitating real-life voices. Imagine Todd Howard being one of the voices in the game.

2. I've never heard anyone protest "passionately" their debarment from a gate in such a monotone voice. The sentences indicate "I'm angry/excited!" the tone indicates "I'm a corpse"

It's appropriate where it's appropriate. Y'know, Ellen Muth in Dead Like Me. That's appropriate monotone.

I got a strong impression that the ghoul was drunk.

Otherwise, the eccentric tenpenny tower folks are totally out of place, I'll gladly waste 'em.
Anani Masu said:
Morbus said:
Fusion != fission. Fusion makes energy, fission makes heat.
Energy? Uhh what form do you think the energy release from fusion takes cause...
I always assumed the fusion power sources in Fallout to be cold fusion simply because of the heat involved in hot fusion, but in a science! setting I can see it going either way I guess. For those of you who don't know what I'm talking about.

Per said:
Morbus said:
A power fist is not a pneumatic weapon, it's an electric weapon the electrocutes enemies... Shows how well they know the game...

It wasn't pneumatic? There may have been some technobabble that didn't make sense as AM said but at any rate it wasn't electricity-based.
It was electric and used servos. Not saying that it looked like it did anything (especially not the mark 1), just saying that's how it worked. That said, I don't think that the new model would be done pneumatically but hydraulically (substitute not being able to use it in fast succession for large weight). Still, I think that power fists are traditionally electrically powered in scifi.

As for the video, most things have already been said.

The encounter with Mr. Burke was entirely different that I had envisioned it, it was just so... undramatic. Also his voice didn't fit his appearance or character at all. His speaking animations were the worst and most pronounced, so bad that I instantly thought of Disneyland animatronics, not the new stuff but like Pirates of the Caribbean or Abraham Lincoln.

The robot (Protectron?), while very 50's scifi, I'm unsure about in Fallout. It looks like something in more of a Flash Gordon or Lost In Space setting than Fallout to me.
1. Perhaps it's just me, however I find it odd if not disturbing to be listening to music like Ella Fitzgerald while getting into firefights with people. But then again could just be me.

2. Not fully aware of how the power fist works but if it can punch that hard to remove someone's head from the body, why even bother to lock pick a door when you could just smash it the hell open?

3. "Perks are very powerful and very special abilities... that you get every level" BAH!.

4. God I hate so many of the sounds, CHA CHING, CHOO CHOO!

5. Someone pointed it out but if your hand is crippled how the fuck are you holding the gun let alone using it?

6. Has been said but I agree, how the hell are you able to tinker with the nuke in Megaton in broad daylight and no one bats an eyelash?

7. Personal 2 coppers about the voice acting: poor. Played Morrowind and Oblivion and I recognize so many of the voice actors although I don't know them by name, but yeah, Lucian Lachance especially from Oblivion as Mr. Burke, ugh.

8. I'm originally from Idaho and have never been to the D.C. area, but are there really that many rocks, boulders and so forth?

9. Radscorpion was one of the few things I enjoyed from the videos.

10. Another thing pointed out earlier in the thread: How do you 'lose karma' shouldn't you gain bad karma?

My enthusiasm is dropping faster than the barometric pressure before a typhoon that hits this island.
My opinion of the vids:

- I like that dust that wind is blowing around.
- The music that plays after leaving the Vault (Main title theme of the game, if I'm right) is nice. It maybe doesn't not fit in Fallout's ambient-music, but works for me anyway.
-Wasteland-music is ok IMO.
- Levelup-music is stupid. Too "hoorraaay"-esque.
-Exploding cars are retarded.
-Ticking geiger counter adds nice touch
-Door opening thingie in Megaton is original

- Music of Megaton is great
- Voice-actor of Simms is mediocre; that "fucking psycho wastelanders sounds just horrible monotonic.
- Megaton looks nice
- Random chatters of NPC seems to be better than in Oblivion
- Actor of Nathan is better, but I hate how he just starts to chit-chat about Enclave, without introducing himself or anything. So horrible Oblivious.
- Hearing Maybe felt really good, and I like the overall athmosphere of the bar.
- Lucy West looks and sounds nice, but those random "lazy" eyes of Oblivion make return. Dammit.
- Burke is simply horrible. That same overacting voice-actor from Oblivion makes return and he is so horrible that it makes me puke. With right actor Burke could be interesting character. I think i know what Beth tried to achieve with those hand animations, but they failed miserably
- I like that sound that you get when you accept the Sons of Atom quest

- I personally love the 50's dowoop-music, but I'm not sure if it fits in the Wasteland. I mean, in bar etc. it's nice to hear radio, but in wastes you would like to hear music that present the hopelessness. So I dig the music, but it doesn't necessarily fit everywhere. (funny fact: Sax solo in Butcher Pete reminds me of Ravels Bolero)
- Action looks mediocre, although I should see more to make better judgment
- For christ sake, crabpeople. And you can steal their eggs... Oh my god. And by the look how many eggs there were, it seems that mirelurks are planning to take over the world.
- The whole consept of using explosive nuclear cars strategically in combat made me just laugh, too stupid.
- Radscorpion is nice
- Gotta love the character they are playing with, dude looks like Santa's elf or something

- Sneaking... well cant say anything yet, but to me it looks just like in oblivion
- I hope that they were playing with tweaked character, cause claws mirelurks made more damage than riflebullet from 2 feets away...
-Flying heads are always jolly
- Protectron seems cool, I like the way it walks, although it's no surprise that Bethesda can animate robots well, they have years of experience in that
- Choo-choo effect was funny IMO (steampunkish surreal humour, gotta give em praise)
- ummm... backflip?

-Tenpenny tower looks nice, but it also shouts "How the hell did this thing survive nuke!?"
- I actually kinda liked that monotonic voice of ghoul, but the hand animation looks too unnatural
- Yeah, it stupid that guard says nothing about explosion, but to be honest, thats how it is in games usually
- Tower reminds me of Bioshock; It's cool, but certainly not Falloutish
- Burke sound just too horrible to describe, I would like to hear how that guy would sound while having orgasm. "Excellent.... EXCELLENT!"
- Nuke looks and sounds awesome

That was long post. Overall, graphics look pretty nice and voiceacting and dialog seem to be better than in Oblivion. Also there are place like bar that seems to have right atmosphere. Combat looks a bit slow, but I can't say anything before trying how the controls work or seeing some more.
golfmade said:
1. Perhaps it's just me, however I find it odd if not disturbing to be listening to music like Ella Fitzgerald while getting into firefights with people. But then again could just be me.

I like it. Then again I loved listening to I Just Died In Your Arms Tonight while slaughtering people in Vice City from my car.

6. Has been said but I agree, how the hell are you able to tinker with the nuke in Megaton in broad daylight and no one bats an eyelash?

People propably think you're disarming it, no big deal.

10. Another thing pointed out earlier in the thread: How do you 'lose karma' shouldn't you gain bad karma?

No, that's the way it works. >0 karma is good, <0 karma is bad, that's the way it worked in every Fallout.
Mikael Grizzly said:
golfmade said:
1. Perhaps it's just me, however I find it odd if not disturbing to be listening to music like Ella Fitzgerald while getting into firefights with people. But then again could just be me.

I like it. Then again I loved listening to I Just Died In Your Arms Tonight while slaughtering people in Vice City from my car.

ahahaha that made me lulz! by far the weirdest media combination ><
SuAside said:
several feet of steel? did i miss something, because no vault (or well, bunker irl) was ever built that way, my dear BN. not cost effective. :)
sure, concrete, steel grids and sometimes a layer of lead. but that's easy enough.

But Vault 101 isn't constructed only to keep radiation out and its people in, it is built for permanent isolation. It's quite possible that it was built not with the normal bunker intention, but with the intention of a safe.

Morbus said:
I don't know the details, but I do know that chernobyl didn't explode because of not nuclear fusion.

Fusion hasn't been made into an exploitable source of energy in our world. Stars are natural globes of fusion, and we use fusion in fusion bombs. Our reactors are all fission, tho'

This is different in Fallout.

It's pretty difficult to treat fusion/fission technology properly in a game with a PhD. I once knew a lot more about the two reactions that I do now (I've really lagged on my hobbyist knowledge of science since I started going to university).

But still, the problem with Fallout 3's approach to nuclear technology is more related to how it treats the setting than how it treats reality.

Per said:
I still don't understand achievements if some of them are actually unavoidable.

Some achievements just work that way. You get achievements for leaving the puzzle-rooms and finishing the game in Portal.

Jesterka said:
Man, this is a fucking lame argument.

Just install the fo2mapper and open any original map and you'll see the same situation, if not even poorer.

Again, it's unimportant above all. Now, lets focus on real problems. Like that "overexcited" atomic cars (yey).

Fallout 2 is a 2D isometric game. It's supposed to recycle assets because that's how 2D engines work. There are very few 2D games that don't, even including PS:T's "painted backgrounds".

Modern 3D first-person means you shouldn't be dealing with identical/recycled environmentals. There are some dev houses lazy enough to do it, but we should really be able to expect to see none of it.

Grizzly said:
People propably think you're disarming it, no big deal.

Uh, no.

It's a live nuclear bomb. In a dog-eat-dog world, why are they allowed people near it?

What would have made sense is if - after you talked to Burke - you needed to talk to the sheriff/major to get permission to go near the bomb.
I would rather have had a cordon around the bomb that you either,

A. Had to fight through (should be extremely hard)
B. Bribe the Guards at the cordon
C. Kill the Sheriff and be able to pass through (You become the new sheriff if you kill him correct? At least that was my understanding from a few comments made here)
D. Persuade the sheriff into letting you go near the bomb in an attempt to disarm it. Showing explosives knowledge or somthing.
E. Insert other ways to do it here

The fact that you can just walk up and do it with minimal effort just irks me.
I agree with some of Brother None's points. Downloaded the HD videos, as the other ones are too low res.

Well, I'm quite impressed. I love the protectron, looks very retro-futuristic. And that explosion, niiice. Anyway, I liked the 5 clips quite a lot, good way to start the day. Rock on October 28th.

EDIT: Agreed with the bomb thing. It would have been better if you sneaked/talked to the sheriff to go near the bomb unless maybe if you're an inhabitant of the place.
Tornadium said:
I would rather have had a cordon around the bomb that you either,

A. Had to fight through (should be extremely hard)
B. Bribe the Guards at the cordon
C. Kill the Sheriff and be able to pass through (You become the new sheriff if you kill him correct? At least that was my understanding from a few comments made here)
D. Persuade the sheriff into letting you go near the bomb in an attempt to disarm it. Showing explosives knowledge or somthing.
E. Insert other ways to do it here

The fact that you can just walk up and do it with minimal effort just irks me.

It would also been interesting if you could actually join the cult and by doing that, get permission to go near it/touch it.

But did the citizens actually know that the bomb was still working? Also, if there are like 10-20 cult of atom members worshipping the bomb every day, it would make sense that people would let anybody go near the bomb. Though even the most stupid one would be a little suspicious if someone would put a another bomb in it.
Morbus said:
Anani Masu said:
Morbus said:
Fusion != fission. Fusion makes energy, fission makes heat.
Energy? Uhh what form do you think the energy release from fusion takes cause...
I don't know the details, but I do know that chernobyl didn't explode because of not nuclear fusion.

It exploded because of a chain of stupid mistakes made by the unexperienced nightshift staff during the experiment. All the control rods (A control rod is a rod made of chemical elements capable of absorbing many neutrons without fissioning themselves. They are used in nuclear reactors to control the rate of fission of uranium and plutonium.) were removed, thus fission could not be controled in a case of rapid buildup. However the explosions were not nuclear (a reactor can only meldown, nuclear explosion is not possible), it was caused by the rapid increase in steam pressure.

Now, while i think that cars in Fallout are powered by cold fusion, even if they were powered by normal fusion reactors, an explosion would just not be possible, in fact you can see here - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vDAZsPkTkMM that fusion reactors are much safer than fission (which also cannot explode in a nuclear manner). Bullets will not cause a 200 year old nuclear powerplant to explode, that is only possible with magic.

These nuclear exploding cars are absolutely idiotic in any way possible. I think only bethesda can think of something that gives stupid, a whole new meaning....
AskWazzup said:
These nuclear exploding cars are absolutely idiotic in any way possible. I think only bethesda can think of something that gives stupid, a whole new meaning....
It has been brought up before, but the miniature mushroom cloud is also pretty ridiculous.
I just woke up with a terrible hangover and for a bright start of a new day (or at least of what's remained of it) I get these five videos. Sigh.

There's plenty of pretty awesome stuff in them and almost the same amount of things that make me wanna stab people in the face with rusty screwdrivers.

1. Overall feeling and looks of the world.
2. Powerfist! I absolutely love it.
3. Retro music.
4. Robots.
5. Some of the weapons, items and enemies (yup, I like craaaaaaab people, craaaaaaab people:).
6. A lot of customisation for your character. I also liked the fact that you can wear a lot of stuf you find and join things which completely don't look good together. It's part of the postapocalyptic 'everything is scarce' theme, which I also like (and which is completely wasted when the character just finds weapons and clothes on dead bodies, most of which should be looted by the killers or scavengers long ago).

1. PC seems to be just finding a lot of weapons and items just lying around. It always seemed harder in first two Fallouts (or at least you had to spend some time prying into people's bookshelves).
2. Combat sucks. On RPG level, on FPS level, basically every aspect of it is flawed. For a game element which pops up quite often it should've been better.
3. No targeting with melee weapons in VATS. What's the point of using it while using melee or throwing grenades?
4. The 'blow up megaton' quest seemed too simple. I really hope Todd skipped some of the prequisites or you just cannot easily get mentats that early. Why would Mr Burke tell that he wants to blow up the town to a random outworlder on a first meeting without testing him or at least chatting for a bit? Being an evil schemer he should be more suspicious. I really hope that something was skipped for the demo.
5. Watching a nuclear explosion being just couple kilometers away is rather bad for your health.
6. Swearing and dialogue (Burke, the Sheriff).
7. Death/hit animations similar for most of the weapon types. Pistols shouldn't make people backflip. They will get very boring fast. Especially with the abuse of VATS, which seems to be a bit overpowered - hopefully just for the demo. Even faster with the Bloody Mess Perk.

It probably will be a decent game, but seems very far from what I'd expect from a Fallout sequel. I'm still very far away from buiyg it.