5 new gameplay videos

the lack of NPC emotion and facial expression just kills me. it gets me. i was so tied to NPCs emotions and facial expressions in the originals. they cant even get that right. i see a strong disconnect between the player character's responses and the NPCs responses even without the questionable voice acting. this is not shaping up well at all
shihonage said:
The world looks like a gray garbage dump, the combat looks like a chore, the blurring effect is atrocious.

A chore??

hahaha... the 234th time I spend 30 seconds to a minute to "run" away from the umteenth swarm of radscorpions.. THAT is a chore.
Come to think of it, the fedora dude in the second video (moriorty?) sounds EXACTLY like the guy who talks you through building your character in morrowind.
Although i think that fallout 3 can never reach the same height as the other previous 2 i think it will be a reasonable game, mainly because i love post-apocalyptic. The art in the movie seemed good, Megaton wasn't al that bad. The speech was not very good but only a small part of it was shown so i hope that are some better speech options. The combat pats were a bit too much, people getting shot and doing a backflip and such. Also i think Vats will get old soon.

I gess i'll have to wait and see what comes out of it in the end. I give it a 6/10.
I see the exploding cars hurt you from quite a distance.

Wood is probable petrified.

Only one Ghouls has ever been heard. Set. (Unless Harold was retconned into a Ghoul, other then that he is a mutie)

Set also threatened to eat me and do his happy tummy dance....with the help of his Zombie guards.

Some complain is doesn't feel like Fallout....and you figured this out now?
yep well these videos satisfied my curiosity, i don't need to buy this game, i'll just watch some youtube clips or whatever and RAGE and then just forget about it.

no other comment necessary.
Ranne said:
EDIT: @Cow
Recycled damage patterns. Look at the screenshot, then comment.
Man, this is a fucking lame argument.

Just install the fo2mapper and open any original map and you'll see the same situation, if not even poorer.

Again, it's unimportant above all. Now, lets focus on real problems. Like that "overexcited" atomic cars (yey).
Achivments? OMG i hate this.

Graphic, look even nice.

Speech, people talk like in middleages. And they look tenses.

From where the f*** jet came from?

Lookpicking and hacking look nice.

Enemies are stupid.
Achivments? OMG i hate this.

Only if you're playing the 360 version. At first I thought achievements gave out experience (and got pissed) but it turns out he completed the grand quest of "walk out vault."

i was so tied to NPCs emotions and facial expressions in the originals.

You mean the 5 or 6 NPC's that actually had voice acting segments?

I'm just glad the NPC's talk to each other. Heaven forbid each location has half a dozen "approachable" NPCs with 50 "commoners" that reuse the same graphic and the same pool of text strings.
Jesterka, the first Fallout is 11 years old. I don't give a damn how its graphics look like. I most certainly don't see how anyone can reasonably compare them to Fallout 3. By today's standards, however, copy-pasting identically damaged walls on every single house on the street (here's one more), having a first-person engine without any environmental shadows whatsoever and using character animations that wouldn't look out of place in the late 90s is not something one may expect from a 2008 triple-A class title. My graphical criticisms have nothing to do with the original games and everything with the inadequacy of Fallout 3's own graphical engine.
I don't mind having no shadows; Especially since gamebryo is absolute shit when it comes to drawing them.

I'd much rather have a huge draw distance with no shadows over blotchy performance raping shadows and a low draw distance.
Didn't Oblivion have shadows? I never played the game but I could have sworn the "big thing" with Oblivion, even on the 360, was it's ridiculous lighting engine with bloom and soft shadows and real time vertex *insert multiple corporate buzzwords here* lights.
Guys, its not the mentants that give radiation, its the water around the bomb! In high res vid, you can clearly see when todd steps into the water, you gain immidiately 1radiation / second or something like that. Then he turns on the pip boy and takes some mentants, turns off the pipboy and the radiation note is still there.
Your head explodes from a power glove? Fucking stupid. Actually, I think it's more accurate to say bloody mess kind of sucks. It's just same death animations for every weapon.
Cow said:
Didn't Oblivion have shadows? I never played the game but I could have sworn the "big thing" with Oblivion, even on the 360, was it's ridiculous lighting engine with bloom and soft shadows and real time vertex *insert multiple corporate buzzwords here* lights.

That's what I was referring to when I said "gamebryo (oblivion and fo3's engine) is absolute shit at drawing shadows". That "ridiculous" lightning engine is unimpressive and inefficient. The only thing it succeeded in was blinding you with an insane amount of bloom so you wouldn't notice the blotchy shadows and bland textures.
Phil the Nuka-Cola Dude said:
Come to think of it, the fedora dude in the second video (moriorty?) sounds EXACTLY like the guy who talks you through building your character in morrowind.
if you mean Mister Burke he's the voice of Lucien Lachance from Oblivion (the dark brotherhood guy). the voice was already over the top even for a super evil dark brotherhood assassin, it sounds utterly ridiculous coming from a fedora wearing corporate lackey in a cheap bar
To me, the did not hit the right atmosphere and leaves me wanting. At this point, I think it's just going to leave a bad taste and I wish they would have just created their own post nuke game. It just doesn't feel like a Fallout game to me.