5 new gameplay videos

Cow said:
I'd replay the first game to "get my facts straight" but it doesn't like Windows XP.

NMA has some great tutorials in how to run Fallout 1 and 2 in XP, real easy to do step by step stuff (if i could do it so can anyone).

There was no loading screen when he opened the door unlike Oblivion which used them as world buffers. If anything it was for dramatic effect to show off the awesome (read: annoying) bloom effect.

I don't care about loading screens, wanna load go ahead and load the area, i care about closed doors being the one and only transition to another area. Why not a opening only with light coming through?
One more thing I noticed: when he used Mentats, the radiation level raised. Does anything you take, affect your radiation level? That's stupid
Lexx said:
Also... has someone mirrors from the HD videos? I tried to download them, but it wasn't really possible. I could only download approx 20mb and then the download stopped.

So, nobody has mirrors? I tried the Fileshack mirrors, but my player says, the files are corrupt. So I spended lots of time for nothing.
NMA has some great tutorials in how to run Fallout 1 and 2 in XP, real easy to do step by step stuff (if i could do it so can anyone).

Thanks, I'll check them out. Fo1 worked on my old computer with Win XP but it hates this new one.

I don't care about loading screens, wanna load go ahead and load the area, i care about closed doors being the one and only transition to another area. Why not a opening only with light coming through?

I think it's stupid too but when I play this game at PAX tomorrow I'll try my hardest to find a cave and ease your fears (or I'll ask one of the guys at the booth). It'd be all sorts of retarded to enter a radscorpion cave blocked off a wooden door.

One more thing I noticed: when he used Mentats, the radiation level raised. Does anything you take, affect your radiation level? That's stupid

Aren't mentats pre-war? Food would be irradiated if it was left lying around.
So pointing out that two games are science-fiction is an overused argument?

Wait, wood lasting over 200 years is science-fiction now? What is it, super duper wood?

You know what science fiction is? Let's say: Plasma rifles. You know what stupid is? Wood lasting over 200 years.

I remember I explained that so someone before. He understood. Do you?
13pm said:
One more thing I noticed: when he used Mentats, the radiation level raised. Does anything you take, affect your radiation level? That's stupid

I don't know how long radiation sticks to something, but i remember the cars and most things made of metal in Stalker giving you some rads if you came too close (then again stalker had some weird shit like the anomalies :) )

I really have no idea how a drug, even if it was made before the war, could give you rads. Some things in Fallout 3 i cannot even stretch my imagination to justify.
SuAside said:
from glow-in-the-dark ghoul to tree-in-the-head ghoul, there are all kinds. i think there can be a monotone-voice-ghoul too. ;)

what's your point?

That monotone voice acting sounds like crap.

SuAside said:
only thing that's going to keep people from getting in after decades of potential attempts is guns. lots of guns.

i don't care what kind of steel grated concrete they used for the walls, but in decades time, motivated people can easily get through.

One-track mind, eh, SuA?

How exactly would people blast their way through several feet of steel after the wall? Vault 15 was just blown open with dynamite, but that just goes to show the construction wasn't very good.

Though obviously the problem here is not the people of Megaton, a bunch of hicks that never managed to disarm a bomb lying there for 200 YEARS, the problem is the Enclave/BoS, and the question of what's stopping them from entering the vault regardless of heavy doors or defensive mechanisms.

Cow said:
EDIT: Oh, and to everyone who questions the cursing... did you guys like not play Fallout 2? Fallout 1 was pretty good but Fallout 2 was like written by a half competent team and the other half by a group of middle schoolers. There was even a "quest" where you get raped by a mutant and he leaves the ball gag. What?

Blabla Fallout 2 does not serve as an excuse for Fallout 3 just because Fallout 2 did something wrong doesn't mean we can't criticize Fallout 3 for doing it yadayada

syllogz said:
It's not retro-50's, fo sho, but 50's had several faces, not just comics and the American Dream fulfilled.

I've had it with this argument. I hereby officially dub it "the Chuck Cuevas argument".

When we put Chuck's back against the wall regarding thong-wearing gun-toting babes in Fallout: BoS, his response was that it was inspired by lingerie calenders from the 50s. Y'see, they had thongs in the 50s so it's fine to have BoS paladins run around in thongs.



Retro-50s does not work that way!

Thanks you Morbo.

IanLacy said:
I may be expressing a level of ignorance that I'm well unaware of here, but wasn't the car in FO2 powered by micro fusion cells? I can understand getting radiation from blowing up a car with that in it.

The car in Fallout 2 has an electrical engine that is fueled by micro fusion cells OR small energy packs. You use said cells to charge the engine and then toss them aside again.

Same as with the energy weapons, basically.

Cow said:
Haha, you're absolutely right. There wasn't a door on the shack.

Don't be flippant. While phrasing it unfortunately insultingly, his claim that your statement was not very informed was correct. Mostly in that Fallout 1 is not 200 years after the war.

Cow said:
So pointing out that two games are science-fiction is an overused argument?


Fiction does not mean lack of inner consistency.

Cow said:
There was no loading screen when he opened the door unlike Oblivion which used them as world buffers. If anything it was for dramatic effect to show off the awesome (read: annoying) bloom effect.

The exiting from that door is indeed without a loading screen and done as such for dramatic effect (and it works well), but please note that they (clumsily) removed all the loading screens from the demo, such as when he enters Tenpenny Towers. Fallout 3 is verily full of 'em.
13pm said:
One more thing I noticed: when he used Mentats, the radiation level raised. Does anything you take, affect your radiation level? That's stupid

He´s standing next to the nuke. I suppose thats where the rads are coming from. Taking the mentats at the same time is probably just a coincidence in terms of radiation.

On a sidenote, it seems I´m very much alone in liking the choo-choo sound. Oh well...
Crikey, I think I actually want to play this now.

Good thing with the sounds and music is that they are easy to change in the engine they are using (I change my Oblivion music all the time) so it shouldn't be too hard to get rid of that cha-ching sound and change the gun sounds.
Dosen't require a CS either :P

I think the Rail Road Gun (nice pun on rail gun) makes that weird choo sound because the gun itself is scavenged from train parts, so some of it may be a whistle or hydraulics.

The sheriff reminds me of a 12 year old internet gamer, always trying to crowbar in expletives when there isn't any point. Wonder if you can off him and make the Protectron the sheriff instead, it has more charisma. Shame about using the voice actors from Oblivion, though I didn't mind the ghouls too much but I think that's due to the Morrowind nostalgia I got from his voice. :P

"I love the Power Fist, it's so bad"

This might sound weird but I always thought a fair amount of cars were still running on fossil fuels, as America was the only country with any oil left, and they were making the transition to fusion at the time of the war. There were a lot of derelict oil tanker looking trucks in Fallout 1 and 2.
Anyway dosen't matter, the exploding cars thing is stupid. Someone on the Beth forums gave a pretty good explanation of how they wouldn't explode anyway.
Again in regards to the foul language-- you answered it yourself

Brother None said:
the people of Megaton, a bunch of hicks

Trust me, I know plenty of educated hicks that have had no where near as hard a life as these people and they cuss plenty.

It is completely fitting that people who had to endure the life they obviously would, would be vulgar.

They wouldn't have our social niceties.
I remember I explained that so someone before. He understood. Do you?

You explained what? The science behind the degradation of a door? Seriously? Please explain it to me because I'm eager to learn from a certified scientist how a wooden door would completely rot to dust and the hinges rust off in a dry, arid location with close to zero rainfall.

I can't believe we're having this conversation.

I don't know how long radiation sticks to something

Half-life depends on dozens of factors but it's decades. Fo3 is 200 years after the war. The area should be "relatively" safe unless there's a leaking reactor or something.

Blabla Fallout 2 does not serve as an excuse for Fallout 3 just because Fallout 2 did something wrong doesn't mean we can't criticize Fallout 3 for doing it yadayada

What? We're all adults here. There was nothing wrong with the language in Fallout 2 and I don't find profanity in this game a negative aspect either. I don't expect the unwashed masses of the ruined future to be educated in subtle niceties.

While phrasing it unfortunately insultingly, his claim that your statement was not very informed was correct.

I said there was a shack over Vault 15 to which he replied "You don't know what you're talking about."

There is a shack built over Vault 15 but clearly I don't know what I'm talking about!
Yeah i didn't mind the cursing either.

I did like the power fist though even though the original was not supposed to work like that, i never knew how the original worked to tell you the truth.
Texas Renegade said:
It is completely fitting that people who had to endure the life they obviously would, would be vulgar.

Really? Are they in Fallout 1? Junktown? The Hub? Shady Sands? L.A. Boneyard?

Torrents of swear words?


Because it's was simply never appropriate to the setting. Me calling the inhabitants of Megaton hicks does not make it any more appropriate.
Just watched the rest of it in HD. Remarkably bad-looking game. Horrible blur effect, absent shadows, lackluster animations... The quality of the textures in particular is absolutely abysmal.

On the other hand... Horrid dialogs. Slapstick humor. Over-the-top violence. Lotsa, lotsa blood... Those, my friends, are the key elements of the contemporary blockbuster.

It wasn't in the originals because they really didn't allow that level of vulgarity in games at that time.

It was more then appropriate to the setting, they just didn't want to hassle with the sensors on it.

I don't feel it is necessary, but it is entirely acceptable and appropriate.

"it being or not being in Fallout 1 excuse is unacceptable"

They are simply making a more realistic game.

Personally I would think the survivors of what they have survived would have no qualms about cursing.
Cow said:
You explained what? The science behind the degradation of a door? Seriously? Please explain it to me because I'm eager to learn from a certified scientist how a wooden door would completely rot to dust and the hinges rust off in a dry, arid location with close to zero rainfall.

I can't believe we're having this conversation.

Jeez, Cow, do I really have to spell it out for you?

I have absolutely no idea if a plank of wood left on the ground would still be there after 200 years, no matter what the weather conditions are. Although I highly doubt it will be good building material by that time.

Because we're talking about houses built of wood here, with holes from explosions (that would've probably set them afire anyway) still standing proud and tall like the day they were build. Do you really fail to see what's wrong here?

It wasn't in the originals because they really didn't allow that level of vulgarity in games at that time.


I'll rip your head off and shit down your neck!

Think about that. And also think that the original Fallouts had killable children.
Texas Renegade said:
It wasn't in the originals because they really didn't allow that level of vulgarity in games at that time.

Eh? Censorship was pretty much the same. Less strict, if anything, as there was less attention turned to games.

Where are you getting this from? Sources? Links? References that they just didn't want to bother with censors? Proof?

FeelTheRads and Cow: can you guys adjust the tone of your discussion to something less snide and more polite before you turn to flames?
For the most part I have to say I liked what I saw. I literally laughed when he put on the powerfist and knocked that first guy's head off.
Bugger, if I hadn't lent my Fallout 2 strategy guide to someone I could find the quote where one of the designers says something along of the lines of "all the swearing in Fallout 2 made it unrealistic".