50 Greatest Characters of all time

Not that I'm an "Xbawks tard", but Gordon Freeman at #1? Even the Vault-Boy has more character than he does...
admittedly its a "blank character" but The Avatar should have gotten a nod somewhere imo

and that list is far too "consolish" imo. consoles do not have a lifetime measured in years without many sequels.
coliphorbs said:
Not that I'm an "Xbawks tard", but Gordon Freeman at #1? Even the Vault-Boy has more character than he does...

Actually there's not even a slightest bit of difference between Gordon Freeman and your everyday Call Of Duty playable character; both are mute superhumans who practically can win any war by them selves, while their enemies spawn in never-ending wawes and the only thing their friendlys can do is dying.
Gordon Freeman as a memorable character always strikes me as odd. He's just a blank slate for the player to project his own character on, and he's only memorable because of what happens to and around him (and what the interwebs has created around his persona), not because of his personality or actions.
"Should the Nameless One be higher or lower on this list?"
"86%- Lower
"14%- Higher"

I fucking hate it when people confuse iconic with good. Excuse me while I go to 4chan to let off some steam because of this.
The fact that the Nameless One was even one there (let alone that high) made me happy.

As for Freeman, he is badass.

Being "badass" has nothing to do with "remarkable". Also, I see nothing "badass" about G.F.
I would've rather Nemesis than Mr X, they say he's worse on there, but I call BS on that. At least X gave up for long periods of time, Nemesis would just harass the shit out of you at times.
Crowbars ain't cool, Half-Life 2 is overrated trash, and Gordon Freeman is about as badass as a brick wall.
They can go fuck themselves with how they organized the list, displaying one at a time for a top 50 is not reasonable.

EDIT: Also when your list is an amalgamation of well-written characters and iconic characters, it's fucked from the get go as anything worth while. One, the other, or two seperate lists and in list format, not some fucking slide show.
One, the other, or two seperate lists and in list format, not some fucking slide show.

If you have enough RAM and patience, just go Middle-Clicking on every link, wait some minutes, and then go through the tabs individually. Hopefully, they'll remain ordered. :>
generalissimofurioso said:
This is why I like these lists.

They exist solely to get people to argue about them and boost site traffic.

I'm starting to hate them, because of that.

I do believe this list bears merit though, because they went and picked a decent portion of old and/or obscure characters. Even giving them high ranks.

The Vault Dweller