You lived near immigrants! Your statistical evidence is overwhelming!Shoveler said:EDIT: BTW I didn't even mention the illegal alien situation, I can tell you from living years in a southern state that it absolutely has a tremendous impact.
I love it when Americans pretend that Europe has no immigration. Please come over here and tell Wilders that, so we can get rid of that idiot, okay?TheWesDude said:3) universal healthcare would also cover illegal aliens under all proposals for it in the US. there are a LOT of illegal aliens. it is a huge problem. much larger than most europeans realize. and you are just now getting a taste for it since EU forced open immigration on each country. it has caused a LOT of problems. just ask norway.
Also, I keep hearing that immigrants getting healthcare will cost everyone a lot more money.
Okay. So, if you know that, you wouldn't mind telling me how much more money this will cost. Or why this can't be counteracted with a simple system where people check to see if they have insurance bevore providing non-emergency care. 'Cause they're already getting emergency care anyway, right?