This ghoul has seen it all

Oh noes somebody mocks aother person on the interbuts! YOU GOTTA DO SOMETHNG! the interwebz decency is at risk!
Walpknut said:Someone really got defensive... Hey, lets send him and email, I am sure he will give a fuck.
And again with the immershuns crap. Backstory is not a definitive indicator of good characterization, Fallout 3 doesnt eve ncreate a blank slate character, it creates a all powerful force that can do anythign in the wasteland without actual concecuences. And even tought I liek the tutorial growing up in the Vault, there nto much you can do in that part to actualy affect yoru character, for example if you get into the fight with Butch and accidentaly kill him your character would start the thrid act in a Vault prison and it igves you certain boosts and penalties, or if he accepts the teachers offer to change his tests and then he rats him out he would start the game with the Overseer's favor. etc. New Vegas doen't give oyu a tutorial on how you grew up period, but it lets you select traits that lets you stablish yoru character as a person with different weakneses and strenghts, handicaps and etc. Thats still a little clunky but its a much better implementation of game mechanics.
Blatherscythe said:not even the first games had this type of cause and effect stuff in it.
So you guys go around hating this game because of what you didn't get rather than what you did get?
And for fuck sake it IMMERSION! And learn to fucking spell.
Walpknut said:And maybe you don't get that when I write "Immershuns" is a dleiberate misspelling of the word, makign fun of people that use that word to describe things that are not immersive for very shallow reasons, like having a fist person POV.
Walpknut said:And again with the immershuns crap. Backstory is not a definitive indicator of good characterization
Walpknut said:Fallout 3 doesnt eve ncreate a blank slate character, it creates a all powerful force that can do anythign in the wasteland without actual concecuences.
Walpknut said:And even tought I liek the tutorial growing up in the Vault, there nto much you can do in that part to actualy affect yoru character, for example if you get into the fight with Butch and accidentaly kill him your character would start the thrid act in a Vault prison and it igves you certain boosts and penalties, or if he accepts the teachers offer to change his tests and then he rats him out he would start the game with the Overseer's favor. etc. New Vegas doen't give oyu a tutorial on how you grew up period, but it lets you select traits that lets you stablish yoru character as a person with different weakneses and strenghts, handicaps and etc. Thats still a little clunky but its a much better implementation of game mechanics.
korindabar said:Walpknut said:And even tought I liek the tutorial growing up in the Vault, there nto much you can do in that part to actualy affect yoru character, for example if you get into the fight with Butch and accidentaly kill him your character would start the thrid act in a Vault prison and it igves you certain boosts and penalties, or if he accepts the teachers offer to change his tests and then he rats him out he would start the game with the Overseer's favor. etc. New Vegas doen't give oyu a tutorial on how you grew up period, but it lets you select traits that lets you stablish yoru character as a person with different weakneses and strenghts, handicaps and etc. Thats still a little clunky but its a much better implementation of game mechanics.
That quickly falls into the hole of, "Well, why can't I do X, Y, Z?". Options are always good but there are also realistic limitations (plot wise and design wise). And I know you're just providing an example but I some how doubt the overseer would throw you in a "vault prison". More than likely you would have been executed immediately or you would have to escape (leaving the MacGuffin of following your Dad and the main quest twisting in the wind).
Walpknut said:Another example, there is this JRPG game called Shin Megami Tensei Nocturne, it had very little budget but the story changed dependign on your actions in certain sequences, it didn't have vocie acting and the changes were pretty minor bbetween the cut scenes but it showed the changes.
Walpknut said:To get around the Plot of following your dad, it could be solved easily, you have to escape, then the shinning oportunity comes, radroaches enter the Vault and cause Chaos, as yo uare escaping you find your dads friend corpse and the message about hsi escape, altering it to reflect that he wanted to either abandon you for being such a prick, or hoping the chaos caused by hsi escape would give the oportunity to escape, the rest of the game would continue the same except for changes in dialogue and some missions being automatically failed.
Walpknut said:Well nocturne is linear in its core, it has different endings and scenes play otu diferently btu you do the same actions in the main quest, altought it is a game that makes you focus on building your character properly too.
Walpknut said:The problem with FO3 lacking chocies and concecuences is that thats what makes a fallout game a Fallout game, I can play linear games and have fun, I mean FO3 is fun the first time you play it, but after you play its predecesors and compare them FO3 is a terrible continuation, discarding a lot of the things that made playing Fallout games its own experience. Thats the problem with FO3. also the writting and the plot were very poorly done.
Walpknut said:The first act of a story is generaly the shortest one, it serves the propouse of introduce the main character and hsi motivation, the most important part of a story is the second act, and it is almost always the longest act, and New Vegas more than delviers on this one.
Fallout 3 has a loooooong first act, one woudl think such a long frist act in a open ended agem woudl give you chocies to alter it, but there it is just needlessly long, it could have skipped your birth to your teenage years easily, you wouldn't miss anything and it owuld save you like half and hour.
Walpknut said:I liek the tutorial growing up in the Vault, there nto much you can do in that part to actualy affect yoru character
Kid, I don't think you're gonna last long here...Blatherscythe said:To each his own. Though I'd probably punch you in the face if I ever met you for being such a pretentious dick.