Actual, turn-based strategy X-Com sequel in the works

yes and thats not what I am talking about because Jagged Alliance did it (I think) the same way. Time passed in the game-map in real time if you didnt used the pause-function. It works.

Though what I mean is the combat like Fallout tactics for example which tried to get a combination of real time and turn based. While it was a nice try ... it failed in my eyes.
Sabirah said:
I've never played X-Com (and don't really plan to) but I'm glad they are going to make both the old fans happy and the new people.
Right...Easy for you to be naively optimistic then.

Some new details and screens:

It will be "streamlined", which I can only assume means simplified for consoles.

The screenshots don't look too good. Xenonauts looks much better. A perfect example of how 2D graphics and be superior to full 3D.
Surf Solar said:
A dumbed down, worse lookin POS than the original. Why is everyone getting exited over it?

I'm excited about the fact that they're making a turn-based game in this day and age. if this does well, we might be seeing more of that.

I'm also excited because I've been pretty disappointed with all the different spiritual successors to the original games so far, and this looks a lot more promising than any of those did.

I don't think it will be dumbed down. it will most likely be a bit easier than the original games, which I see no problem with as those could be ridiculously hard. but they may very well throw in a really high level of difficulty in there for the die-hards. besides, the "difficulty" in those games is mainly the random unpredicable AI that makes it nearly impossible to make tactical decisions and forces you to rely on saving/loading and cheap tactics like blowing everything up in your path just in case there's an alien nearby.

I don't care if it's not an exact replica of the old games. if I want to play them, I play them. they're perfect for what they are. I wouldn't want to play them with polished graphics even, it'd take away from the nostalgia. this is a new game, with new features, that has the potential to be great because it draws heavily from other great games.
Surf Solar said:
A dumbed down, worse lookin POS than the original. Why is everyone getting exited over it?
I'm not even going to start on the graphics whore sentiments you've expressed. So instead, I'll counter your "Consoles=Retardation" viewpoint. There seems to be two things people are bitching about, judging from what I've seen on Codex and 4chan; Unlimited ammo and only one base. For unlimited ammo, you do have to reload and reloading takes up an entire turn for whomever is reloading. Besides, laser weapons had infinite ammo AND no reloads in the original but I don't recall people saying that UFO Defense was for console babies. The one base only thing doesn't really bug me at all because most players I've seen just use extra bases for more radar coverage of the planet or storage.
Sounds too good to be true. They'll fuck it up somehow, somewhere. They always do with X-Com games.
Some of the info is reassuring, some is very worrying. No action points. WTF, how is that going to work? One base? LOL. Also, there will apparently be no soldier stats, only "perks" gained by leveling :(
fedaykin said:
Some of the info is reassuring, some is very worrying. No action points. WTF, how is that going to work? One base? LOL. Also, there will apparently be no soldier stats, only "perks" gained by leveling :(

from what I understand they'll use a D&D-like system where you have half actions and full actions. like, you can move as a half action, then move again or fire, or reload, or take cover etc. and you can take aimed shots as a full action, and probably use special skills depending on class.

sounds alright to me. never really cared much for the time units in the old games, as they barely affected anything but how far you could move if you didn't do anything else. as most other actions cost a percentage of your total TU, they didn't make that much of a difference if I remember correctly.
Sabirah said:
I've never played X-Com (and don't really plan to) but I'm glad they are going to make both the old fans happy and the new people.

Same here. If it's going to be isometric and turn based, I'll be glad to try it.
Anybody who posts "I never played X-com" should be required by law to buy it and play it.

I'm excited about this because a) Firaxis makes awesome games and b) X-Com should always and forever be a turn based isometric style game (except for the globe bits).

It looks like they are setting it in the 1950s 2k gameworld though which is troubling. The original X-com was set in 1999, not some Bioshock wannabe game world.
X-Com was one of my favorite games for a long while. Good childhood memories.

As long as the reboot doesn't suck I'll be happy. I realize that's pretty subjective, but I'm a subjective kind of guy.

As far as the setting goes, they could set it in a time-warped bronze-age Iceland for all I care, as long as the mechanics are solid.
rcorporon said:
It looks like they are setting it in the 1950s 2k gameworld though which is troubling. The original X-com was set in 1999, not some Bioshock wannabe game world.
I think it's been said that it won't be set in that world. I'll be set in the 1980s-90s, I guess. The stuff in the screens doesn't look very 1950s.
the X-Com FPS is set in the 50's when the alien invasion is only just beginning, while this X-Com is set on a later date when the invasion is in full force. wether it's modern day or futuristic remains to be seen I guess. it'll also be interesting to see if they use the same type of aliens as in the FPS, or at least try to connect them in any way other than timeline.
fedaykin said:
I think it's been said that it won't be set in that world. I'll be set in the 1980s-90s, I guess. The stuff in the screens doesn't look very 1950s.

The one screenshot I saw looked like the humans were wearing blue suits leading me to think it was set in the 50s.
rcorporon said:
The one screenshot I saw looked like the humans were wearing blue suits leading me to think it was set in the 50s.

Those are a new enemy type called "The Thin Men".

Basically, they're creepy alien simulacrums that the aliens made to try and infiltrate human society.

From the sound of it, they're designed to be the tactical link between Sectoids and Mutons, they're very mobile, carry guns and are capable of vomiting acid.

I'm hoping that they'll have Chryssalids, just not as crazy horrifying as I recall them being. Don't want half my team ending up as zombies.

They look amazing, I think.


It certainly doesn't look like X-COM. Not that the graphics or the art are "bad", it just doesn't have that unique X-COM atmosphere at all.

In fact I never would have guessed this was called X-COM if I saw these pictures out of context.
That's because the older design wasn't AWESOME! enough. They nailed the style on the new one allright - it looks the same as every Sci-Fi related game that is coming out lately. Progress!