Adapting Van Buren (Workshop - Complete on Page 30)

But it just doesn't make sense that it would be called Ouroborous at all prior to Hecate's return. If anything it would be more reasonable pre-War since people would have easy knowledge of Greek myth, but even then it feels a little bit too coincidental. It's not like there's anything riding on it being called Ouroboros prior to Hecate. You could even save yourself the trouble of coming up with an old name by saying Hecate banned the old name of the village. Maybe she did the same for all of the settlements in her land.

It makes sense because pre war they already had similar beliefs to the Ouroborous Tribe - "Ouroborous" would have been a name given not that long after the war when they took on darker and more cynical views of cyclical life. The mythology was already set in place for her to basically tweak to her usage - again the point.
It makes sense because pre war they already had similar beliefs to the Ouroborous Tribe - "Ouroborous" would have been a name given not that long after the war when they took on darker and more cynical views of cyclical life. The mythology was already set in place for her to basically tweak to her usage - again the point.
I think it makes sense and I like that it was a cult pre-War with these views... but people, even if it was not long after the war, coming up with a name like 'Ouroboros,' a name from Greek mythology, and then have Hecate stumble across a trove of Classical mythology. It's just way too coincidental for that to be the case.

The only way that concept doesn't feel silly to me is if the Cult/intentional community was actually some kind of Poseidon front operation for some inscrutable reason, like maybe it was just a marketing gimmick for some stupid product or something. Now of course this does continue the rather silly trend that "Only Poseidon was capable of using Greek names" but it just feels better to me than an arbitrary decision by random people that happens to conform so well to their future submission to a Greco-Roman cult.

Look at it this way, it would be as though someone wrote a Van Buren adaptation like this and said "Oh yeah after the war the survivors renamed the Grand Canyon 'The Pit of Hades' before Caesar came.
I think it makes sense and I like that it was a cult pre-War with these views... but people, even if it was not long after the war, coming up with a name like 'Ouroboros,' a name from Greek mythology, and then have Hecate stumble across a trove of Classical mythology. It's just way too coincidental for that to be the case.

The only way that concept doesn't feel silly to me is if the Cult/intentional community was actually some kind of Poseidon front operation for some inscrutable reason, like maybe it was just a marketing gimmick for some stupid product or something. Now of course this does continue the rather silly trend that "Only Poseidon was capable of using Greek names" but it just feels better to me than an arbitrary decision by random people that happens to conform so well to their future submission to a Greco-Roman cult.

Look at it this way, it would be as though someone wrote a Van Buren adaptation like this and said "Oh yeah after the war the survivors renamed the Grand Canyon 'The Pit of Hades' before Caesar came.

True enough, I guess they could have been called The Cyclers or something and then as you say Hecate gives it the new name - in truth matters little as a nudge in the detail. Fair point.

Any other musings or thoughts on it?
True enough, I guess they could have been called The Cyclers or something and then as you say Hecate gives it the new name - in truth matters little as a nudge in the detail. Fair point.
Yeah lol, it's not a hill I needed to die on as much as I did, but I'm glad I did.

Maybe just call it 'The Circle,' little bit of poetry it rhymes with Circle Junction. plus it sounds like Circe which is basically the same thing as Hecate.
The Return to Van Buren - Finale

OST Atmosphere:

The end is here, the climax of the Van Buren plot. So, let's recap so far:

COLOSSUS, the Van Buren Prison Complex AI, has fragmented into a split personality derived from its former role as automated Prosecution and Defense: Uncle Sam and Red Menace. Uncle Sam is a draconian madman and Red Menace's only purpose is subverting him - which happens to coincide with player interest as Uncle Sam has rounded up Wastelanders and imprisoned them in the complex. Among them, mistakingly assigning a small number of Prisoners as "Prisoner 13" a pre-war high priority terrorist bound with biometrically sealed Prison-Boys, of which the Prisoner 13s are too.

After escaping the malfunctioning complex with the assistance of Red Menace - the Prisoners flee into the Wasteland.

After several adventures or weeks of time, the Prisoners will come to learn directly or indirectly through Red Menace that Uncle Sam is sending infrequent waves of retrieval robots - tracking them through their unremovable Prison-Boys. These waves won't stop, and worse, a gigantic pre-war war machine named ARGOS is being constructed - due for full completion, upgrade and deployment in 10 to 12 months. When ARGOS is free, destruction will reign - with the 13s as it's primary targets.

To resolve this they must bring back enough of an arbitrary number of Prison Boys to the COLOSSUS Core to resolve the malfunction, effectively trick the system, and reset it. The problem is, they need 11 (two of the 13s died in the prison and theirs were already logged) - and the party will only be four. So to find the other seven Prisoner 13s, Red Menace links their Prison Boys to a mapping and tracking network similarly used by Uncle Sam - the problem being that the locations are broad, and don't all log in at once (whilst not railroading, I will try to balance the open world choice with them not immediately running to regions that will flatten them). They also learn that to return to Van Buren, they need a Department of Defense Override Protocol Holotape.

The Prisoner 13s are:
  • Teethbearer: Alpha of the Hangdogs tribe in Denver
  • Xian: A Shi Scientist at Boulder Dome in Colorado
  • White-Liner: A road warrior for the 80s tribe in southern Utah
  • Alexandra: Former Desert Ranger turned Legion Slave Runner. Found at Grand Canyon.
  • Mable: An adventure seeking Prospector, enslaved at Rebirth in New Mexico
  • Pierre: A Scribe for the Brotherhood of Steel, located in New Mexico.
  • Gaia: A Daughter of Hecate, located in eastern Arizona.
With all of the Prison-Boys are collected or otherwise located as well as the DoD tape, Red Menace will communicate a final message: the time has come. Uncle Sam has not only repaired and restored Van Buren but has installed upgrades from the manufacturing technology in place there, it will not be an easy fight. Red Menace is losing the internal logical battle, and may soon be turned or consumed. It's time to rally the troops. He will give instructions on what is needed to defeat Uncle Sam at Van Buren.

So let's look at the list of potential allies that the players can rally to assist in small bands for the siege of Van Buren. Some will or may conflict, and as this entirely dependent on player actions, their mileage may vary:

  • "Diamond Dogs" a pack of the Hangdogs best warriors
  • Road Band - a gang of 80s Road Warriors equipped with stolen NCR and Desert Ranger gear
  • The Arizona Desert Rangers Team Sierra
  • A Legionary Assassin squad (requires Idolized status with Caesar)
  • A Sidewinder Squad (Required Idolized with Hecate)
  • The Circle of Steel, a Paladin assault team
  • Sgt. Granite's Squad (requires getting their Vertibird working again)
  • Dome Authority squad (required New Plague to be resolved)
Xian will suggest Boulder Dome as a rally point (if she is alive and conditions allow for it) but players can pick anywhere.


The Siege:

Van Buren is a vast megadungeon inspired by the likes of Black Mesa Research Facility. It will attempt to test each of the Players skills, even Pilot (through regaining control and redirecting a rogue Complex Metro that Uncle Sam will attempt to redirect and crash) and in classic AI fashion, Uncle Sam will constantly speak with the players throughout. Battle rooms defended by CODE equipped Eyebots and Sentry Bots, Mission Impossible style traps and Resident Evil style puzzles all await. I won't do the designing until the campaign is in progress so here's the footnote version.

There are several main objectives that must be completed, they're the following.

  • Reach the Southern Entrance and get past the Laser Cannon defense system to use the DoD Override tape and open it up
  • Restore Red Menace to partial functionality in a sub-control room, may require a Speech Boy to convince his muddled mind
  • Bring the facilities generators to the verge of critical condition (the shutdown of COLOSSUS will initiate full meltdown)
  • Defeat ARGOS
  • Reach the COLLOSUS control center and disable him
  • Escape before the facility reaches total meltdown and detonates in a radioactive explosion.
ARGOS is a titanic multi-legged art-deco mech, powerful before the war it has now experienced AI designed upgrades.

The players and company will have to defeat it section by section: limbs, rocket launchers, laser cannons, visual control systems, Eyebot dispensers. It will be sided by repair-Eyebots and will use utilities additional to its weapons such as Riot Gas, EMP AoE attacks and CODE Bots. Think of a fight somewhere between a DnD Dragon and a Metal Gear Solid boss fight.

Depending on how long the players waited and how strong their company is, this fight may range from difficult to nigh impossible.

Once enough of ARGOS is destroyed it will expose it's overheating core - which will allow the players to deliver a killing blow.

Upon approaching the COLOSSUS Core, the party will encounter the cryogenic storage. Where each one, including the Prisoner 13 that's caused them so much trouble, are skeletal remains. Terminals adjacent to them list their history and crimes.

COLOSSUS Core itself is a spherical, chrome Art-Deco room (angel columns and all) usually kept cryogenically cold (but raised by the restored Red Menace.). A huge column sits at the center with a large screen, the AI himself. The walls are slots upon slots of specialized holotapes, and in true HAL-9000 fashion many must be slowly one by one removed to kill Uncle Sam. Uncle Sam will beg and reason with the player - he knows secrets that nobody else knows, the potential here is vast, he knows he's broken and just using the DoD Holotape will fix him and reset him, ready for servitude once more, he can restore America (Sgt. Granite if present will chuckle "too late for that my friend."). This is where Idella of the CoS will make her ultimatum. If the players refuse and defeat her, they will eventually disable Uncle Sam who resorts in his final moment to COLLOSUS - warning the players facility destruction is imminent and the best course of action is escaping via the vehicle bay. The Prison-Boy seals will unlock and drop to the floor.

As the players and co reach the vehicle bay, they will find a stock of several chrome art deco retrofuturist Prison Buses "VAN BUREN PRISONER TRANSPORT" inscribed on the side. As the players take the wheel, they'll find the keys on the dash and the tunnel to the surface opening up, as our outro song plays and brings the campaign to an end...


From here I will narrate on the outcomes of player choices regarding specific characters and the major locations - there are too many possible outcomes and rogue combinations to list, so I will list some potential "extreme" and broad ending types.
  • "The Prison": If the players listen to Uncle Sam's begging and use the DoD Holotape but kill Idella in an attempt to control the facility themselves, they will face the most difficult Computer Science check of the campaign. Success means they have total control over the facility and will narrate themselves what they choose to do. failure means Uncle Sam resumes control - this time completely - and drops the temperature of the core to cryogenic levels, killing the players. Van Buren Prison becomes a nightmare tomb of the East, and the Rockies become a no-man's land where nobody ever enters and returns.

  • "The Age of Steel": The Brotherhood take the facility and restore it to working condition - COLOSSUS their slave. With Van Buren and Boulder Dome, they shape a mighty empire enforced by CODE Eyebots, Paladins with new and state of the art weaponry accompanied by fleets of robots. Nobody can stop them. A steel curtain forms across the East, blocking Caesar and allowing a veil of retreat for the losing Western Chapters.

  • "New World Hope": New Canaan stronger than ever, Boulder Dome prospering, Brixley's Brotherhood forming a tribal confederation, Caesar dead and a trade route established all the way from New Canaan to Nexus, the backbone of a new nation begins to form. Where the tribal meets the technological, at first chafing, but then in synchronization.

  • "Chaos Reigns": New Plague devastates Boulder, Denver and most of New Mexico. Under Hecate, Arizona regresses into a tribalistic dark age of sorcery and mysticism, as what was once the Legion breaks into petty bands of warring factions. New Canaan, a shadow of its former self, disperses and the Mormons head west - to find new home in NCR.

  • "Mojave Sunrise" Ending: New Canaan is restored to good shape, and a truce between Judah and Jeremiah means New Canaan continues to be a trade hub, but with protectionist policies to protect their folk. The Desert Rangers settle in Bloomfield Space Center and along with the Mojave Rangers form a line along the Colorado. The tale of FEV finally comes full circle and New Plague is cured. Idella is killed at Van Buren as the Prison is destroyed, leaving the Brotherhood stationed at the Boulder Dome with competent but unambitious leadership, leading them to a stagnant, fortified isolation. Caesar achieves easy victory over the confused, broken tribes to Hecate following her killing, and his expansion across the Four Corners never ceases.
That's all folks. Thank you so much for the help and feedback. It's been a pleasure.
Thank you very much. I was a bit worried they were too basic and sparse myself. Too Khan/Klingon/DnD Barbarian. Any particular thoughts?

I thought they were rather well done, and still respectful to the established lore regarding them. I particularly like the idea of them being split up into three different groups, it helps it make sense that a swath of land as large and filled with riches as Denver is only occupied by one group.

Also, and sorry if I missed this, but what is Bombay Jack's whole deal? A crazed ex-prospector or Mormon?

This thought came to mind as well but I tried to handwave it away in Part 1 by the mention that there's a weird ecosystem going where the city is equally overflowing with Giant Rats and Radroaches. It's a stretch of disbelief somewhat because of course - what do the rats and roaches eat - but considering in real life rats and cockroaches just seem to survive off nothing, their mutant variations in a pulp apocalypse doesn't spark the neurons as much as the wild dog packs being there alone.

I'm sure there's plenty of preservative-packed food around as well, which is mixed with traditional "foraged" proteins and plants (or fungi) to space it out. Perhaps even more traditional non-edible items like boots are used in food as well.

As for rats and radroaches I'm sure you could explain it away by just saying they start eating each other when their own population gets too big.

Burham Springs

The pre-war lore here is probably my favorite thus far, a really cool way of introducing the Gehenna and Molochs from the design document. The whole mine sequence seems like a really good dungeon with the variety of monsters you have to deal with.

The absence of any hook or resolutions involving the Tar Walkers strikes me as conspicuous. Phil definitely wouldn't like it, and the Tar Walkers would have their reservations about working with Phil, but the Tar Walkers certainly have a strong interest in getting this thing under control.

This also stood out to me, partially because I could really see myself playing as a PC who found Phil and his crew distasteful and wouldn't care for their company at all. I think it would be cool for there to be some way to double-cross them and help the Tar Walkers, perhaps with some assistance from or at the behest of David.

All of this rules, though I would recommend possibly including some of this lore amongst NPC chatter before introducing the 80's as a faction just in case the party decides they don't want to be friendly or diplomatic with them.

time was a flat circle

Hell yeah brother.

Someone has been poisoned at the Pleasure Temple - no simple overdose. Untangle the web of soap opera tribe drama and uncover the killer.

Gotta throw a murder mystery in there, as a DM I've always found these to be fun ways to explore a lot of the kind of big themes that underpin various societies the party find's themselves in. All the quests for this location are pretty good, as well a good mix of combat-oriented stuff and more creative skill oriented stuff.

Also I imagined Gaia as the weird blonde girl from Mad Max: Fury Road, not sure why.

As the players and co reach the vehicle bay, they will find a stock of several chrome art deco retrofuturist Prison Buses "VAN BUREN PRISONER TRANSPORT" inscribed on the side. As the players take the wheel, they'll find the keys on the dash and the tunnel to the surface opening up, as our outro song plays and brings the campaign to an end...

A thrilling conclusion, gave of big Tomb of Annihilation vibes. When I started playing the song and reading the epilogue I was apparently smiling really wide because my girlfriend asked me what I was looking at.

I assume that you are operating under the assumption that the canon ending is The Mojave Sunrise one?
I thought they were rather well done, and still respectful to the established lore regarding them. I particularly like the idea of them being split up into three different groups, it helps it make sense that a swath of land as large and filled with riches as Denver is only occupied by one group.

Also, and sorry if I missed this, but what is Bombay Jack's whole deal? A crazed ex-prospector or Mormon?

Yeah I also wanted the Hangdogs to be of size that in 20+ years they'd be a serious force to bog the Legion down with.

Jack was a little detail of the Truecoats, basically someone who was already a bit odd, their tech guy, who they relentlessly bullied until he went postal.

The pre-war lore here is probably my favorite thus far, a really cool way of introducing the Gehenna and Molochs from the design document. The whole mine sequence seems like a really good dungeon with the variety of monsters you have to deal with.

This also stood out to me, partially because I could really see myself playing as a PC who found Phil and his crew distasteful and wouldn't care for their company at all. I think it would be cool for there to be some way to double-cross them and help the Tar Walkers, perhaps with some assistance from or at the behest of David.

Thanks I was a fan of how that clicked - and yes I'm definitely going to add the tribal route for Burham.

All of this rules, though I would recommend possibly including some of this lore amongst NPC chatter before introducing the 80's as a faction just in case the party decides they don't want to be friendly or diplomatic with them.

You'd be able to hear this from any veterans of the Road War, Deafy in New Canaan, Jeremiah Ridgon, Doc Angela, Sheriff of Jericho, Ayumi of the Rangers.

Gotta throw a murder mystery in there, as a DM I've always found these to be fun ways to explore a lot of the kind of big themes that underpin various societies the party find's themselves in. All the quests for this location are pretty good, as well a good mix of combat-oriented stuff and more creative skill oriented stuff.

Also I imagined Gaia as the weird blonde girl from Mad Max: Fury Road, not sure why.

Yep they always lead down fun tangents. "Find the spy" is also always a good hijink.

I pictured her as one of the Westboro girls from a Louis Theroux documentary myself

A thrilling conclusion, gave of big Tomb of Annihilation vibes. When I started playing the song and reading the epilogue I was apparently smiling really wide because my girlfriend asked me what I was looking at.

Glad to hear :)

I assume that you are operating under the assumption that the canon ending is The Mojave Sunrise one?

Yes. Those are the broadstrokes that lead to New Vegas as we know it
Well, there goes my daily entertainment. Great work as always, great pleasure to read.

One fun ending possibility I thought of: the peaceful resolution to Bloomfield could be talking round the rest of the Rusty Hooks, and getting them to help you trick their leader into a rocket, trapping him inside, and blasting him into space. If you do so, he will spend his last days in outerspace as he barrels out into the unknown frantically typing the same message over and over again to anyone who will listen - "H - E - L - P." If the Watchers and company have been empowered at Nexus, they take this as a sign of their impending salvation, a message from the stars.

Anyway. Here's a little sneak peek at something I've been working on for a few days. I'd hoped to get this done before you wrapped up, but it's not a big deal since you're still a long way out from actually playing out the campaign.


These are icons I wanted to do for the 13 most important locations to appear on the map, with more minor locations just getting a tick. Mostly these are just traced directly from single vault boy images, though a few are composites of several things.

The ones that remain are Twin Mothers, Moab, Denver, and Ouroboros. There might be an argument for switching out Moab with the Nursery, though maybe not since you want the location of the Nursery to be hidden until the players get a PIP-Boy from Vault 29. Let me know your thoughts on this.

Ouroboros poses a pretty major problem for me, though - obviously I'd have to do the Vault Girl for it, but there just aren't that many images of her. Ideally I'd want to do this -


But since that would be a total transformation of morphology, it would take actual talent to do, which I lack. Maybe you could ask your artist friend to reprise their Hecate thing and do a female version of this? Should be a breeze, just simple lineart.

I'm probably going to switch out Salt Lake City's for Motown. Even though SLC has a lot of content, it doesn't have a 13, it's too close to New Canaan, and I don't really like how the tracing came out (even though I do like the symbolism.) For Motown, I'll probably just use the same Vault Boy you used for the Pilot skill. The New Canaan one probably needs to be touched up as the lines came out too thick.

Speaking of map icons, the map is basically done. All that remains are effects and icons and things like that. Here's how it's looking now -


I'm curious, do you prefer this vector style or the pseudo-shadowed topography I showed earlier? Let me know. Also I cxould change up the color scheme if you wanted (either to Fallout 3 green or that cool blue color in Fo3 in NV) but the NV style color seemed appropriate.

And I just want a few clarifications on the major locations of the map, will probably ask about minor locations when I'm finalizing it. Where exactly are Fort Hope, the Nursery, and Ouroboros? Nursery may not be relevant, but still.

I'm sure there's plenty of preservative-packed food around as well, which is mixed with traditional "foraged" proteins and plants (or fungi) to space it out. Perhaps even more traditional non-edible items like boots are used in food as well.

As for rats and radroaches I'm sure you could explain it away by just saying they start eating each other when their own population gets too big.
Well let's be real here, these are basically indistinguishable from some of the Fo3 apologia. If anything, the ecology of DC is more reasonable.

This also stood out to me, partially because I could really see myself playing as a PC who found Phil and his crew distasteful and wouldn't care for their company at all. I think it would be cool for there to be some way to double-cross them and help the Tar Walkers, perhaps with some assistance from or at the behest of David.
Yeah. I almost brought it up when I suggested the Tar Walkers, but I almost feel as though there should be a straight up "Help the Tar Walkers, fuck the Prospectors" type path, with the Tar Walker champion being the middle ground/ideal solution.

All of this rules, though I would recommend possibly including some of this lore amongst NPC chatter before introducing the 80's as a faction just in case the party decides they don't want to be friendly or diplomatic with them.
Good point

I pictured her as one of the Westboro girls from a Louis Theroux documentary myself
Well as I recall the one woman was blonde, though overall she was just one of those bony hawkish varicose types that seem to be so common among high powered conservative women.
Well, there goes my daily entertainment. Great work as always, great pleasure to read.

Thank you! And your detailed feedback was certainly a motivation to keep going, and of course the wonderful Sheol. Also if I could give you a thousand rad awards for the map and faction icon work I would, I'm truly grateful.

One fun ending possibility I thought of: the peaceful resolution to Bloomfield could be talking round the rest of the Rusty Hooks, and getting them to help you trick their leader into a rocket, trapping him inside, and blasting him into space. If you do so, he will spend his last days in outerspace as he barrels out into the unknown frantically typing the same message over and over again to anyone who will listen - "H - E - L - P." If the Watchers and company have been empowered at Nexus, they take this as a sign of their impending salvation, a message from the stars.

I had an idea about doing a rocket engine test to roast enemies but I think a full launch for a disused station inhabited by tribals is a bit much. Funny shit though.

The ones that remain are Twin Mothers, Moab, Denver, and Ouroboros. There might be an argument for switching out Moab with the Nursery, though maybe not since you want the location of the Nursery to be hidden until the players get a PIP-Boy from Vault 29. Let me know your thoughts on this.

Nursery I think should remain without an icon.

you could ask your artist friend to reprise their Hecate thing and do a female version of this? Should be a breeze, just simple lineart.

He's on it. I will get back to you with it.

I'm probably going to switch out Salt Lake City's for Motown. Even though SLC has a lot of content, it doesn't have a 13, it's too close to New Canaan, and I don't really like how the tracing came out (even though I do like the symbolism.)

You could always use the NV "Ruins" icon for SLC, and the same for ABQ

For Motown, I'll probably just use the same Vault Boy you used for the Pilot skill. The New Canaan one probably needs to be touched up as the lines came out too thick.

Alternatively you could use the icon for Roadsign Armor in the Armor section as that was specced up with the 80s in mind

I'm curious, do you prefer this vector style or the pseudo-shadowed topography I showed earlier? Let me know. Also I cxould change up the color scheme if you wanted (either to Fallout 3 green or that cool blue color in Fo3 in NV) but the NV style color seemed appropriate.

Looks great, but I think I prefer the original style. However, and if this is a big ask I totally understand, would you be able to do the map based on @hexer 's wonderful Yesterday map which he kindly provided when I asked a few months ago.


We can discuss colourings/alterations etc if you'd like.

And I just want a few clarifications on the major locations of the map, will probably ask about minor locations when I'm finalizing it. Where exactly are Fort Hope, the Nursery, and Ouroboros? Nursery may not be relevant, but still.

Nursery is directly north of Mesa Verde/Vault 29, but I think it's best we leave the location vague. Ouroboros should be at the most southeast edge of Arizona on the map, and Fort Hope should basically be at an equidistant interval between the two if not slightly nudged to the west.

Thank you for helping bring my ideas and Van Buren to life! I would help with the Hecate icon as I designed several custom pip boys for my PnP book but having just moved back stateside I don't have a PC yet - just on mobile alone.
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I had an idea about doing a rocket engine test to roast enemies but I think a full launch for a disused station inhabited by tribals is a bit much. Funny shit though.
You need to learn to live a little

He's on it. I will get back to you with it.

You could always use the NV "Ruins" icon for SLC, and the same for ABQ
I was just planning on doing circles like in 1/2, but this might be a good idea.

Alternatively you could use the icon for Roadsign Armor in the Armor section as that was specced up with the 80s in mind
Did you make that? I had assumed it was just the icon for the Marked Men armor.

In any case that may be the best move. I wanted to do the car one since at the moment the Nexus one is kind of the 'odd man out,' so it would be good to have one that wasn't just the Vault Boy standing. Which reminds me, I need to add a steam whistle to Grand Junction (and possibly make the Vault Boy's outfit more tribal.

Looks great, but I think I prefer the original style. However, and if this is a big ask I totally understand, would you be able to do the map based on @hexer 's wonderful Yesterday map which he kindly provided when I asked a few months ago.


We can discuss colourings/alterations etc if you'd like.
As in, make this map into a photorealistic satellite map? At this point, probably no, nevermind that it's beyond my capabilities. I have zero photoshop skill, I'm working with Inkscape which is just a vector editor with a few filter effects to make stuff look fancier than it really is. I can use some of those filter effects to sort of make it look like actual topography, but not really.

What I could try is layering the Yesterday map (or some other satellite map) under the rest of it and turn down the opacity or something. If it works well it could pull off an effect like the Fallout 3 and NV which looks like actual topography in computer monochrome... or it could not work out well and I'll just have to use filter effects and make a map that looks most aestheitcally similar to Fallout 4.

If you just want to use the Yesterday map no hard feelings, I can probably repurpose all the work I've done on this one for something or other.


  • Green_Thumb_perk.png
    114.6 KB · Views: 288
You need to learn to live a little

You might be right on that one.

I was just planning on doing circles like in 1/2, but this might be a good idea.

Either or. The bridge between classic and NV is kinda what we're going for right? Either works.

Did you make that? I had assumed it was just the icon for the Marked Men armor.

It's the Lightweight Leather Armor with Marked Men Roadsigns edited on. Same way Leather Armor is Lightweight with edited Legion football pads. Again I'd be way more helpful at this if I wasn't just limited to my phone right now.

In any case that may be the best move. I wanted to do the car one since at the moment the Nexus one is kind of the 'odd man out,' so it would be good to have one that wasn't just the Vault Boy standing. Which reminds me, I need to add a steam whistle to Grand Junction (and possibly make the Vault Boy's outfit more tribal.
I'd say tribal is the way to go. I'd personally use the Raider Sadist vault boy as base.

As in, make this map into a photorealistic satellite map? At this point, probably no, nevermind that it's beyond my capabilities. I have zero photoshop skill, I'm working with Inkscape which is just a vector editor with a few filter effects to make stuff look fancier than it really is. I can use some of those filter effects to sort of make it look like actual topography, but not really.

I more meant just some colour alterations to the Yesterday Map and some cool edges to make it Pip-Boy esque using your icons and colour scheme/overlay the grid.

If you just want to use the Yesterday map no hard feelings, I can probably repurpose all the work I've done on this one for something or other.

Nah dude I'm going to use your icons regardless. They're super. I was going to suggest using one of those OG Van Buren maps but can't find any blank ones in good quality size

Again I'd be way more helpful at this if I wasn't just limited to my phone right now.
Holy shit, you've been writing all of this on your fucking phone?

I more meant just some colour alterations to the Yesterday Map and some cool edges to make it Pip-Boy esque using your icons and colour scheme/overlay the grid.]
I can certainly pop down my icons, but doing any kind of color alterations to the Yesterday map is beyond my ability, I have no competency in Photoshop or GIMP. The extent of my cartography is topographic maps, maybe with rivers and highways thrown in, and a few shaders over top. So the best I can do you is something like this -

Which looks closest to the Fallout 4 map. There are still improvements I can do on it like filters to make it look 'grittier' and a bit less cartoonish, I could throw in a few highways to liven it up, but in the end it will end up looking closer to that than to the Yesterday map. So my suggestion is this; either I continue work on this map to fine tune it, or if you have any competency in photoshop you can wait to get a PC and just tweak the Yesterday map yourself. Just let me know now so I can stop work on my map
Holy shit, you've been writing all of this on your fucking phone?

Yep everything in this thread has been done via mobile.

an certainly pop down my icons, but doing any kind of color alterations to the Yesterday map is beyond my ability, I have no competency in Photoshop or GIMP. The extent of my cartography is topographic maps, maybe with rivers and highways thrown in, and a few shaders over top.

I more meant just overlaying the grid and the icons on the Yesterday map.

Which looks closest to the Fallout 4 map. There are still improvements I can do on it like filters to make it look 'grittier' and a bit less cartoonish, I could throw in a few highways to liven it up, but in the end it will end up looking closer to that than to the Yesterday map. So my suggestion is this; either I continue work on this map to fine tune it, or if you have any competency in photoshop you can wait to get a PC and just tweak the Yesterday map yourself. Just let me know now so I can stop work on my map

I'd say continue with the map work and fine tune it. What you've done so far is great. I would help and do my own thing

Also, as a sidenote what did you think about my question of what type of PC you would play in this campaign?
Yep everything in this thread has been done via mobile.

Absolute madman.

Also if I may ask, to those who have followed this: if you were players in my campaign, what type of PCs would you play?

That's a good question I honestly haven't really thought too much about this. I suppose I have a few ideas:

  • Small of stature and young, though he doesn't know his age definitively, and dressed in baggy prospector clothes a size too big for him.
  • Born on the NCR frontier, home and family was destroyed ~8 years ago by the Brotherhood of Steel during it's (possibly ongoing) war with the NCR, though it's possible he isn't familiar enough with the Brotherhood of Steel to know it was them.
  • Incredibly intuitive with computers since his infancy, he began participating in prospecting expeditions when he was still a small boy and as a result feels most at home in a fight when he's in a tight space with a flashlight in one hand and an energy pistol in the other.
  • Spent some time in an NCR orphanage before fleeing east, working odd jobs and relying on charity to survive. During this period he spent some time with some members of The Followers of The Apocalypse whose views impacted him deeply, he thinks quite highly of the organization as a result.

It looks like I actually don't have enough time to write more today but I will be back with 1-2 additional PCs in a few days. Sorry for my responses being so sparse, you caught me in the middle of a big move when you wrapped this up so I've been hella busy.
Trying to figure out what the best way for me to compile all of this would be, as this is pages of discussion with lots of retroactive changes. I'd like all of it to be easily accessible in one place.

Would a PDF be a good idea? I don't know.