Adapting Van Buren (Workshop - Complete on Page 30)

Trying to figure out what the best way for me to compile all of this would be, as this is pages of discussion with lots of retroactive changes. I'd like all of it to be easily accessible in one place.

Would a PDF be a good idea? I don't know.
You dicussed te concept earlier and I thought it seemed pretty cool. I don't see why not
You dicussed te concept earlier and I thought it seemed pretty cool. I don't see why not

I'm building a new PC asap so I will see what I can do. Will add extra tidbits too like Bloomfield.

Will probably seperate chapters into the four states. Chapter 1 Colorado, Chapter 2 Utah, Chapter 3 Arizona and Chapter 4 New Mexico.

Design it and style it up with vault boy icons like I did my rulebook to make it a nicer read
Just finished doing an icon for Twin Mothers... and realized that it too should probably not have a map icon, based on the wording of your post.


plus heres the updated Grand Junction icon
Just finished doing an icon for Twin Mothers... and realized that it too should probably not have a map icon, based on the wording of your post.

View attachment 19936

plus heres the updated Grand Junction icon
View attachment 19937

Excellent work on both accounts again! Captured the spirit of both. Thank you.

I'm actually not sure what to do vis a vis map icons. Because theoretically the players want to start with a blank map and uncover as they go. If we worked out a way to handle that we could have ones for the Twin Mothers and Nursery
I'm actually not sure what to do vis a vis map icons. Because theoretically the players want to start with a blank map and uncover as they go. If we worked out a way to handle that we could have ones for the Twin Mothers and Nursery
Well what kind of software are you using? Or are you doing it in person?
Well what kind of software are you using? Or are you doing it in person?

In my prior campaign I used a drawn map that the players scribbled on but I think I might go digital this time. How, I'm not sure. I use a laptop as a DM screen so maybe I could use that. I never DM online, in person only.
In my prior campaign I used a drawn map that the players scribbled on but I think I might go digital this time. How, I'm not sure. I use a laptop as a DM screen so maybe I could use that. I never DM online, in person only.
Well I don't know about DM programs, but I'm pretty sure they have some way of letting you reveal things. At the most juryrigged you could just use an inkscape or photoshop file and hide the icons as layers.
Well I don't know about DM programs, but I'm pretty sure they have some way of letting you reveal things. At the most juryrigged you could just use an inkscape or photoshop file and hide the icons as layers.

That's probably what I'll do. Use your icons and grid and just have seperate layers for literally each potential discovery and then reveal it.
Part of my reasoning for apprehension about the Nursery/Twin Mothers icon is that I kind of wanted to kepp it to 13, considering the significance of that number and to prevent bloat. But maybe I should just break with that and do more, no t sure.
Eh fuck it, here's an extra lore post because I'm including Flagstaff anyway, why not.


Pre-War History
Prior to the Great War, the outskirts of Flagstaff was home to the construction of a Vault - Vault 24.

Vault 24's experiment was that it would be installed with a small-scale, simple older model ZAX AI called "Chessmaster" - effectively at random but consistent periods the Chessmaster would call a chess tournament from amongst it's population. Victory would mean resumption of the status quo, failure would mean some kind of punishment. Reduction in entertainment tapes, sealing the recreation room. These punishments were intended to scale in severity in order to effect cultivate a population of grandmasters. The logic being that it would breed/instill a "strategic mindset" in the population, whilst doing so through an enjoyable game.

There was a design oversight however - Vault-Tec had simply instilled the simple directive of scaling punishments. It did not think it would lead to ZAX breaching basic ethics protocols and putting the lives of the population of the Vault at danger, simply due to a lack of established cap in the scaling punishment.

And so, after a final string of failures over the years, The Chessmaster's final tournament came: failure meant deployment of automated security to execute half the population, and a sealing of major sections of the Vault. The Dwellers lost the tournament, but they had prepared beforehand (The Chessmaster was a rather simple AI and unconcerned with the Dwellers making obvious preparation) and organized a rushed exodus from the vault as turrets and service bots turned on them. Fleeing out, the Vault door sealed behind them. A handful didn't make it out before the Chessmaster sealed the door.

So, they emerged into the ruins of Flagstaff in the late 22nd Century.


OST Atmosphere:

Flagstaff was hit with a single warhead, obliterating the center of the city and leaving behind a blast crater. Otherwise, it's faired alright. Picked over by wanderers, wildlife and the creeping comeback of nature.

Out on the lightly wooded outskirts of Flagstaff a group of Prospectors have set up shop, calling their little outpost Pickertown (or Pickerton, depends on how you say it). When the Vault Dwellers arrived it was quite a shock, but the two began to mingle, and the vault Dwellers helped shape Pickertown into a larger, more respectable community whilst the Prospectors clued them in on the nature of the Wastes. Eventually, one former vault dweller discovered a spring water access in the outskirts on the opposite side of the city. They set up an additional outpost and kept their flow of fresh water a closely guarded secret - knowing what attention such a thing would bring. They had Brahmin, junk, crops and water. They didn't need the outside world.

Generations later and word eventually got out. A raider-tribe called the Altonians came in great numbers and took over Flagstaff, using their control over the springwater to control Pickertown. Arbitrary tithes, debts, would lead to trades of sexual favours, concubines and full on slavery for Pickertonians to be sold to places elsewhere like Phoenix. Life under them would be akin to life under a mafia. Petty beatings over disrespect and interest on debts that can't be paid.

The Altonians were chem dealers by trade, establishing a large lab and selling Chems and water to Phoenix.

For many years, the people of Pickerton lived under the parasitic cruelty of the Altonians.

And then, in late 2252, Caesar's Legion arrived.

Legion at Flagstaff in 2253
OST Atmosphere:

A Centuria of Legion under Centurion Remus of Magnum Chasma besieged the Altonians. It wasn't an exactly easy fight, but Remus was determined to conquer Flagstaff without need of reinforcement. Eventually, he did so.

In conquest he burnt their places of debauchery down, and brought their leaders to their chem lab, force feeding them their own Chems until they violently overdosed. The rest who resisted or were useless were crucified along I-40.

Since the dawn of 2253, Remus has been shaping Flagstaff into a Legion war camp. The remaining Altonians being pressed into Legion service or enslavement. They are having their prior ways beaten out of them, and Legion values instilled. The male children raised by Legionaries and the female Children raised by a handful of Magnum Chasma Priestesses. Most of the girls will become servants, a small handful Priestesses. The adolescents and useful young men are repeatedly pitted against wild animals in a repurposed Old World arena, and against eachother. Survivors have the privilege of Legion training. Others are taken on safe, well stocked scouting journeys escorted by Legionaries who feed them tales of glory, wealth and ambition. The intention to instill division and jealousy amongst the former tribesmen to ablate the remains of their kinsmanship.

Flagstaff is the first settlement of the Legion outside of Magnum Chasma - primarily due to its store of spring water. Usually conquered tribes are enslaved and brought back to the canyon.

Pickerton has been told their situation is such: they must construct a tannery and build leather armor from their Brahmin for the Legion, as well as give a portion of their farm crop in tithe. In exchange they receive the protection of the Legion and spring water. The Legion are overwhelmingly consistent, this isn't a one time haggle, this is a long-standing arrangement on fair terms.

Occasionally, additional citizens of Pickerton will be recruited to help in the construction of fortifications or in running caravans to Magnum Chasma, but they are (usually) compensated with a handful of Copperheads. Other wise, they are left to their own devices.

All of the Pickertonians prefer the Legion to the Altonians, although they miss the independence of the bygone era. However, many townsfolk have simply accepted that this is the way things are in Arizona, and they were always running on borrowed time.

There are two main hooks in Flagstaff, both initiated by Centurion Remus:

  • Retrieve more wild animals for the arena
  • Crack open Vault 24 to secure it's stock of supplies for the Legion. Players will have to play a chess game against the Chessmaster or face a combat dungeon
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Trying to figure out what the best way for me to compile all of this would be, as this is pages of discussion with lots of retroactive changes. I'd like all of it to be easily accessible in one place.

Would a PDF be a good idea? I don't know.
I'm not a part of this project and so not familiar with it like you guys are, but I would think pdf would be good as I get both magazine subscriptions through that as well as directions and new process updates at work that are basically outlines and directions via pdf. They look good when printed as opposed to a word doc.

Gizmojunk is also pretty tech savvy so he may have better idea on this.
I'm not a part of this project and so not familiar with it like you guys are, but I would think pdf would be good as I get both magazine subscriptions through that as well as directions and new process updates at work that are basically outlines and directions via pdf. They look good when printed as opposed to a word doc.

My PnP is also a pdf and the formatting I'm very pleased with. I'll likely style it in the same fashion.
A thought: the Twisted Hairs were meant to be a powerful Arizona tribe that allied with Caesar early in the Legion's history and it wasn't until they finished conquering Arizona that they were quashed. Now this could be post 2253 but their total absence is bothering me.

When I do the PDF write up I might add a subplot of them at Magnum Chasma. Or perhaps replace the Painted Rock at Monument Valley with them.
A thought: the Twisted Hairs were meant to be a powerful Arizona tribe that allied with Caesar early in the Legion's history and it wasn't until they finished conquering Arizona that they were quashed. Now this could be post 2253 but their total absence is bothering me.

When I do the PDF write up I might add a subplot of them at Magnum Chasma. Or perhaps replace the Painted Rock at Monument Valley with them.
Twisted Hairs live along the right bank of the Colorado, somewhere between Vegas and Yuma (assuming Dry Wells represents something like their epicenter). They're well outside the scope of the map as it currently stands, the closest you get to them in terms of an actual location would be Bloomfield Space Center, and depending on where exactly that is I think its probably at the extreme margins of their territory. I think keep Painted Rocks (and actually I don't think you ever said anything specific about them beyond being contested between the Legion and Hecate)
Twisted Hairs live along the right bank of the Colorado, somewhere between Vegas and Yuma (assuming Dry Wells represents something like their epicenter). They're well outside the scope of the map as it currently stands, the closest you get to them in terms of an actual location would be Bloomfield Space Center, and depending on where exactly that is I think its probably at the extreme margins of their territory. I think keep Painted Rocks (and actually I don't think you ever said anything specific about them beyond being contested between the Legion and Hecate)

Not necessarily. Ulysses says Dry Wells was the opposite of his home - it's significance was that it was where their betrayal came. A tribe like the Twisted Hairs that was so dominant and acted as scouts would likely have numerous camps, but yeah I could just write them off as living along the Colorado or south of the map's edge.
Not necessarily. Ulysses says Dry Wells was the opposite of his home - it's significance was that it was where their betrayal came. A tribe like the Twisted Hairs that was so dominant and acted as scouts would likely have numerous camps, but yeah I could just write them off as living along the Colorado or south of the map's edge.
I always read that more metaphorically - just as his Legion identity has sublated his Twisted Hairs identity, Dry Wells being the site of the destruction of his people and identity has superseded its status as the birthplace of his people and himself. But yeah, you could read into it either way.

But in any case, you do make a good point that if the Twisted Hairs allied themselves early on, they must be jumping on the bandwagon pretty soon. Maybe an outcome of taking Bloomfield for the Legion is that when the players return to Magnum Chasma, there's a party of Twisted Hair scouts approaching Caesar for an alliance since the Legion is now on the margins of their territory and they're aware of them more consciously. If you opt for the canonical outcome of the Rangers at Bloomfield, the only way the Twisted Hairs approach Caesar/the party is if the party completes every other Legion questline including the 'hidden' Flagstaff hooks, since that would elevate the Legion's profile sufficiently to make them interested even if the Legion isn't at the margins of Twisted Hairs territory.
I always read that more metaphorically - just as his Legion identity has sublated his Twisted Hairs identity, Dry Wells being the site of the destruction of his people and identity has superseded its status as the birthplace of his people and himself. But yeah, you could read into it either way.

But in any case, you do make a good point that if the Twisted Hairs allied themselves early on, they must be jumping on the bandwagon pretty soon. Maybe an outcome of taking Bloomfield for the Legion is that when the players return to Magnum Chasma, there's a party of Twisted Hair scouts approaching Caesar for an alliance since the Legion is now on the margins of their territory and they're aware of them more consciously. If you opt for the canonical outcome of the Rangers at Bloomfield, the only way the Twisted Hairs approach Caesar/the party is if the party completes every other Legion questline including the 'hidden' Flagstaff hooks, since that would elevate the Legion's profile sufficiently to make them interested even if the Legion isn't at the margins of Twisted Hairs territory.

I was thinking of cooking up a subplot hook with having a Twisted Hair caravan at the Magnum Chasma Forum - these stoic looking tribals in long leather dusters with dreadlocks (I heacanon the duster is part of his tribal regression much in the same way Ulysses has his dreadlocks) holding firearms. Then work on a subplot from there.

Your ideas good too, perhaps I'll blend the both. The Twisted Hairs occupy Bloomfield on behalf of the Legion if the player follows the pro-Legion route because the Legion doesn't have enough spare Legionaries at the moment. Not enough and too occupied with Hecate. Flagstaff being a fairly spartan operation itself.

The allyship also gives the Legion an extra dimension and more flesh to their eventual conquest IMO, since in New Vegas they're such a powerful war machine they need nothing but roll over and destroy. In 2253 they can't afford that luxury.