AI Generated Images for people that cannot do art

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@Crni Vuk

You talking to me or the guy you already ignored? Probably because you always have a giant stick up your ass about things you are obsessed with and cannot read between the lines. Maybe it is a German to English translation error. Or you are autistic. Losing respect for me because of what having a sense of humor (this is me get over that already) about things that are out of our control and literally will not ever matter in my life? Sure. That is me. You only care because you went to school for art and are not making money with it. This personally affects you more than it will ever impact anybody I know or will ever know. It's a non issue.


AI is going to do more than get rid of your stupid art crap. It's going to totally change the world so being afraid of it is gay so stop being fucking gay and saying "don't make me lose respect for you since you have a sense of humor and I don't like it" whatever dude.


Because no this is not some serious thing you guys are talking about. I advise you to go have your serious AI debate in another thread but fuck you already have all over the place. This is your pet issue like climate change so NOBODY CAN JOKE LEST THEY TEMPT THE WRATH OF IGNORE. Do it Crni. Do it and watch most of the forum posts disappear before your very eyes.



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You talking to me or the guy you already ignored?

It's cringingly funny when, blockers,ignorers threaten or declare what they have done. Harking back to those poker sites some when getting moody would declare " I HAVE DELETED YOU " (from friends list). I think they picked this up from Fakebook, as making a cyber friend then fucking them off one way or another was the zeitgeist.

You are trying to turn Spider-Man into Captain Planet. I can't be that color even if I want to be. I love you but realize I say what I say because I have no filter and a low score in Personality, not because I am trying to rape slaves.
Kevin Spacey only likes little boys. Tony Stark is a real (fake real) American man that likes beer, rock, fast cars, and pussy.

Note: No actual pics of getting laid in this pic. I should have typed nude art with it.
No problem good result. Maybe craiyon fucks faces up on purpose. Otherwise the pics you may ask for could be re written, if you catch my drift.
No business exists to pay workers; it exists to sell a product, procedure, or service. If an AI can truly do the job with less hassle, and greater accuracy, then that's best for the business. The business is the people who pay the bills to run it.

Some reasons that AIs might not fit the business are if being AI is a problem for the customer. My guess is that most people would not accept an industrial robot pedicurist, or an entirely AI surgical auto-doc.

Reason that AI might be a good fit for the business, such as a 'Rumba style' robot auto-nailer for securing trim on baseboards and window sills; just let it follow the walls on each floor, nailing down trim/molding with finishing nails—if it can do that, it could save a carpenter the time of doing it themselves, or subcontracting for it.

If a machine takes your job, you either find a new job, or a good reason for clients to hire you instead of a cheap machine.

It has always been like this; there used to be people who hand carried clay pots of urine away from the village. Water wheels and wind mills did away with certain jobs... because they were preferred by the ones who had to pay others for doing the task for them.

There might be litigation in future about AI artwork, and possibly authorship (of stories)... It is a common feature to ask an AI to draw in the style of a given artist, and that requires an analysis of the artist's work. So even if the AI does not copy the work directly, it replicates the style and tendencies found in their body of work; that's their art.

*Try it on Craiyon: In the style of Bernie Wrightston will produce many pleated surfaces. In the style of Larry Elmore will add people to almost any subject image. In the style of H.R. Giger WILL generate generic biomechanical imagery that is a very very close style to his own.
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In this case you included the instructions to add people, and pleated surfaces, and Biomechanical art (so they would be included anyway). Use just their names added to the prompt.

In the style of Les Edwards is a good choice too.
It's how I roll. I roll dirty. Crni knows all about that. *slaps crni on the bare ass*
Speaking of AI —and Fallout, has some potential for making talking heads:


*Not usable out of the box, but usable in Photoshop, to create the frames.
No business exists to pay workers; it exists to sell a product, procedure, or service. If an AI can truly do the job with less hassle, and greater accuracy, then that's best for the business. The business is the people who pay the bills to run it.
Microeconomics =/= Macroeconomics.

Microeconomics is based on models of consumers or firms (which economists call agents) that make decisions about what to buy, sell, or produce—with the assumption that those decisions result in perfect market clearing (demand equals supply) and other ideal conditions.

Macroeconomics (from the Greek prefix makro- meaning "large" + economics) is a branch of economics dealing with performance, structure, behavior, and decision-making of an economy as a whole. For example, using interest rates, taxes, and government spending to regulate an economy’s growth and stability.[1] This includes regional, national, and global economies

No business exists in a vacuum. Even Adam Smith, the father of capitalism, acknowledged that. If every business, or close to every business starts to adobt Ai where more and more human labour is pushed out of the workforce, what does that mean to an economy based on two integral parts. Consumerism and consumers generating their income trough selling their "time" as labour. Every business exists to make profit. - I never disputed that. How do they generate their profit? By selling their gods and services to someone. How is that supposed to work when the number of people with purchasing power is shrinking? Are business owners now going to sell their stuff to themself? Is their Ai going to buy it from them?

You always have this habit where you primarily focus on things from a microeconomic side (The business owner), the share holder view. While it is absolutely right to consider the individual and their position here one can not ignore the effects it has on a greater scale. Because in the end every economy is created by the sum of all the individual decisions within the market.

So it is in the self interests of business, an integral part of their very own survival, to have custumers that can pay for their gods. Ai does not consume. Ai does not buy products or needs services it doesn't pay taxes it does not form communities or creates social intercations. Always going for the "cheapest" option and short term profits, the largest, fastest and best cost cutting measure, can be a good thing in the short term. It can however ruin the whole economy if too many do it at once. And this can also hurt business. Like if a recessions hits the ecnomy. Most business then won't be able to exists to sell a product, procedure, or service anymore.

If a machine takes your job, you either find a new job, or a good reason for clients to hire you instead of a cheap machine.
Job markets are highly complex structures. They are not zero sum games. Someone who used to drive trucks for since he was in his 20s is not suddenly going to become a Data Analyst or Nuclear Physicists in his mid 50s because a robot is now driving all the trucks.

We could for example very well end up with a situation where you have a very large "useless" labour force of people that can not find jobs in their skill range anymore and a small number of jobs that require very pecuilar skill sets that the majority of peole can't do.

For example, jobs which require a high level of social interaction, in other words, dealing with people. Like education, nursing etc. That's not something everyone out there is suited for. I worked for half a year in day care, changing diabers, teaching and working with children. That's a tough job. And not everyone can do it. Even if they wanted to.

It has always been like this; there used to be people who hand carried clay pots of urine away from the village. Water wheels and wind mills did away with certain jobs... because they were preferred by the ones who had to pay others for doing the task for them.
Not necessarily. There are many different possible outcomes. All depending on how quick the technology is addobted, how regional and national economies change and how the market as a whole reacts to it. Certain regions will have an easier times to deal with it where as others might be hit way harder. Inequalty might grow and we will see more and more conetration of wealth and technolgy in the economic "hubs" where as other areas will be left even more behind.

Yes, automatitions has always been a process that happend for the last 300 years. But it wasn't always a steady progression that moved at all times at the same speed. It could very well happen that we might be living in a very different society and even a different political system in 20, 30 or 50 years from now. Just look at how much changed between 1870 and 1920 in Europe for example.

Some nations have gone from Empires, to Dictatorships and then Democracies. All due to technological and social changes. People, nations, are not "rational" constructions. They are mainly driven by irational beings and their individual decisions. Particularly when people engage in fear, extistential threats and crisis. Extremism could become more prevalent, leading to instability in the economy and politics. If for example 30 or 40% of population would lose their job and income, you could easily end up with extremist revolutions even in the US where more and more people "wish" to turn the clocks back.

Imagine a situation like the Januray 6th. But this time even more viollent and with even more people and even more political instability and division.
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I gave ALEXA permissions to use a paint package and asked her to do a couple of doodles. She asked had I said noodles, so I gave her the definition of what a doodle is. I said " Just draw something that comes to mind, don't think too hard "
" Okey dokey" she answered.


  • dirty alexa.png
    dirty alexa.png
    480.3 KB · Views: 155
this might be off topic but AI upscaling and image generation could be used to improve Fallout 1 and 2's sprites and animations. would be very cool to see! I've found this one video that has upscaled F2's intro
It's not off topic unless you suddenly start bitching for me to be serious in the shitposting thread I made. I welcome all ai discussion as long as people do not suddenly start sweating and thinking SKYNET is gonna take their pens away and tell me to BE SIRIUS like I am a shining star or something.
It's not off topic unless you suddenly start bitching for me to be serious in the shitposting thread I made. I welcome all ai discussion as long as people do not suddenly start sweating and thinking SKYNET is gonna take their pens away and tell me to BE SIRIUS like I am a shining star or something.

AI might as well be the new "immigrants are taking our jobs" but for the mental ones
That is interesting since Crni was pro immigration. WHAT DO YOU HAVE AGAINST ROBOTS YOU SON OF A BITCH?
@Crni Vuk