I'm pretty chill.
It's unavoidable, I have no power over it and I don't know if I would change it had I the power to, anyway.
Technology will always improve and this will change society and human life. Usually for the better. Look at modern medicine, it improved the lives of humans, yes, we still have doctors and all of that stuff, but now we can just go to a store and buy a lot of different types of medicine without the use of a doctor. Probably ended the career of old herbalists and stuff like that.
And here's a thing, automated art can be bad for professionals, and it's sad this will happen, but it will make art more accessible. For anyone that ever made art and felt that nice fuzzy feeling of accomplishment and pride for doing something that was good, imagine all the people that can achieve this same feeling when they use AI and machines to create something they think it's good. There are more people in this world that can't do any art at all, and would never get to experience these feelings because they would never be able to create anything like that by themselves.
Yes, the effort put into it is on a totally different level, but the feeling and happiness are exactly the same.
I have a friend that was so proud that he managed to use photoshop's "content-aware fill" to fix an image. He was really happy and proud of what he achieved by himself (even though it was just pressing a button). I was surprised by this because I have been using this and other photoshop things for many years and it's really easy for me and nothing special. But for him, being able to achieve this by himself made him so happy. I imagine that people that could never draw or paint will feel this same thing even if they use automated means.
It's like in the old days, wanted to write a book available for anyone to read? Too bad, you can't, only important people could read and write and only monks could copy books. But these days, any idiot can write and publish a book and be read by almost anyone. Yes, poor monks stopped copying books, but it's now accessible to most people in the world to be able to do it.
Technology will always make things more accessible, and usually, that is a good thing. I will sound cruel, but this has always happened and society will just have to adapt like it always did.
It's sad that most art will be made by machines, but it will also make it more accessible to everyone. And in the middle of this "everyone" will always be the shining gems that will be the masters of the craft.
It might seem like I contradict myself with my posts, but that is because this situation is both good and joyful in some ways but also sad and painful in others. Am I happy more people will be able to "create" art and feel happy about it? Yes, I am. Am I happy this might lead to professional artists losing their income? No, I'm not.
But it's the way of advancement since humans first appear. And nothing will stop it, and it will be beneficial for the vast majority of people.
Man, I should stop posting walls of text when I am too tired.