Alpha Protocol

Brayko sounds like something Hideo Kojima would put as a boss in a Metal Gear Solid game. He dual-wields golden SMGs (I saw that in a prerelease video so that might of changed), he snorts coke to resist bullets, blinds you with disco lights, and likes to stab bitches up.
Finished the game now the second time and I am tempted to try a third, but sadly, I don't have enough time.

My final thoughts: Game was not a waste of money for me. The game is rough every now and then and the technical polishing obviously could have been better. But beside this, I got a lot fun with it.

[spoiler:b9724831c2]Also, SIE is still hot. And she raped me, I feel so used now... About this has been a funny sentence in the final mission debriefing, because apparently the cameras have been on while this... :>[/spoiler:b9724831c2]
I have come to really like the game. For me its mix of Deus Ex-Hitman-VM:Bloodlines-KoTOR2. Bits from everything, the real game stopper was the hacking mini game, but Im quick learner and I have it under control. Compared to NWN2 release I have to say the graphics and lack of game stopping bugs, make it one of their best releases. The dialog and characters are interesting and yes one can play this game more times then ME1-2. Another nice thing is how easy the save games can be hex edited unlike some other games. On my part i hope there will be mods coming, besides texture replacement ones.
Oh yes special mention goes to Darcy, the pictures Moscow flat that he sends are hilarious.
Part of me is sad that Alien RPG was canceled, because if the made this nice jewel, how would have that turned out?
Lexx said:
In some cases, you will miss out cool game then.
The morale of the story: Sometimes you need to search a bit longer or deeper or whatever to find a gem. Etc. etc... :>
You're just not very good at spotting good games then. I knew from the start that I liked Bloodlines and Arcanum. In the case of Arcanum the intro alone was enough to draw me in. AP failed to evoke any such feelings.
good games are subjective, not absolute

sit a consoletard in front of fallout 1 or arcanum and they will say its a shit game.

sit a RPG lover such as people that enjoy arcanum/fallout/PST in front of FO3, and they may find some redeeming qualities, but overall will find it a shit game.

a "good" game is subjective.

it all depends on what type of audience you want.

original unreal is a FPS over 10 years old. how many copies of that game are still being sold? my guess is not as many as fallout 1/2.

FPSes and such have short lifespans. RPGs do not.
Another redeeming fact about this game is:
[spoiler:496ce79305]"Mike and Sean fuck yeah!!!"

Also, I laugh a lot at some of the dialogue between Mina and Mike in some missions, stuff's funny.[/spoiler:496ce79305]
fedaykin said:
You're just not very good at spotting good games then.

You mean, my "know the future"-skill is not very high? Guess I am not a clairvoyant then.

I've added a lot basic stuff about characters and factions into the AP wiki on wikia right now. It's all dossier info that I could rip out of the game in short time. :>
Great! Hopefully the wiki will get going more once the game is out in the US.

Also, damn, after so many attempts, now I can't get "Turn up the Radio" out of my head.
Ausir said:
Great! Hopefully the wiki will get going more once the game is out in the US.

Also, damn, after so many attempts, now I can't get "Turn up the Radio" out of my head.
How many wikis do you control?

Also, is that song in the game?
The song is played when you fight Brayko.

I replayed the last part of the game a few times again and I got a different ending all the time. So it's true. With one or two playthroughs, it's impossible to see everything in the game, even if it's just minor details.
Shit combat, shit stealth, glitchy camera and cover system... And yet I've grown to really like this game. I sat this whole day in front of it after coming home, I even forgot to eat. I didn't know I was that desperate for another game with decent writing and C&C. It maybe unfinished and massively flawed, but it's still way more charming than Mass Effect or Dragon Age. I just hope we'll see some patching done soon.
Oh, and Heck's introduction was quite funny, that crazy motherfucker..
Truth be told, I only played Bloodlines to talk to the interesting characters... And oh what a great experience it was, so I'm probably going to get this game, stand up to its flaws, and enjoy it.

Seriously, many people praise Deus Ex, and the guns felt like shit even with some skills spent on them. That didn't stop it from being one of my favourite games in my life. :)
Ausir said:
Also, damn, after so many attempts, now I can't get "Turn up the Radio" out of my head.
This so much.

Except I still haven't actually done that guy yet.

[spoiler:46e3eea395]TURN UP THE RADIO





GOTTA GIMME SOME MORE[/spoiler:46e3eea395]
Or however it goes.
By the way, I could fix my mouse problems with setting "OneFrameThreadLag=False" in the APEngine.ini file, which can be found in "C:\Users\username\Documents\Alpha Protocol\APGame\Config\". Found it in a tech thread in the Obsidian forum... should have checked it out earlier.

With this, the game runs very smooth for me now.
I didn't hear any comments regarding the music. Are there some good tunes, or just the generic epic film music?
For me, AP is actually a combination of a weak shooter with decent RPG elements and a great adventure game.

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