I have come to really like the game. For me its mix of Deus Ex-Hitman-VM:Bloodlines-KoTOR2. Bits from everything, the real game stopper was the hacking mini game, but Im quick learner and I have it under control. Compared to NWN2 release I have to say the graphics and lack of game stopping bugs, make it one of their best releases. The dialog and characters are interesting and yes one can play this game more times then ME1-2. Another nice thing is how easy the save games can be hex edited unlike some other games. On my part i hope there will be mods coming, besides texture replacement ones.
Oh yes special mention goes to Darcy, the pictures Moscow flat that he sends are hilarious.
Part of me is sad that Alien RPG was canceled, because if the made this nice jewel, how would have that turned out?