First time out of the vault

I'll show you something...It's an old, quick&dirty mock up—two in fact, there is another one. Both were fun to make at the time; both pre-date the release of FO3.
The first was the preferred, the second was the prediction.
Very cool. I don't think Bethesda is into isometric games though.
I get your point, it could be in some sense a soft reboot but they even go to mention the NCR in Fallout 4. And if that NCR is acceptable due to New Vegas, well that NCR was most definitely founded upon the same story as the Fallout 1 and 2 NCR. They aren't reboots of any sort. They're a continuation but with a general disregard for continuing major stories from Fallout 1 and 2 besides the BoS, Enclave, and Vault-Tec and add on any major companies that also existed across the nation.
I am putting emphasis on soft. The whole point of a soft reboot is that it keeps stuff canon, but there's so much distance between the previous entries where completely new people have no problem jumping on board with the story. Like, there's a huge difference with someone jumping into Mass Effect 3 without playing the previous installments and jumping into Fallout 3 without playing the previous installments.
I dont want to nitpick on the definition on reboots all week, but I think its more than reasonable to say it was EFFECTIVELY one, millions of more people go into the IP called Fallout, the distance and time from the previous game as well as narrative choices, made it almost a clean slate for gamers in 2007/2008.