I totally get, its boring as shit to you if you're not impressed with the novelty of having the hits being re-created in 3-d after 10 or so years. But, the new fans from 3 onwards ate that stuff up.
That's not it at all. 3D is fine—3D is easier, and [these days] comes with more potential, and better results. The issue is why make a thing that isn't the thing you claim; why call it ice-cream if it's a non-dairy product with no cream, and served warm? Who does one try to please with that, and why would the name ice-cream matter to them? ( It matters to people who expect ice-cream though.

*It occurs that some equate 3D with first person perspective, but of course that's not always the case, as there are 2D fpp games, and there are 3D side scrollers.
idk man, the way 3 resets a status quo in a brand new engine and replays thsoe hits, that sounds like soft reboot to me. curious what standard it doesnt meet.
It does not build upon the foundation, it does not improve anything; it replaces them. (Not only that... but with replacements that often use the same name, but behave nothing like what those names used to indicate.) I mean... V.A.T.S. was a map location, not a magical time-stop insta-win button—that bears no relation to the Aimed Shot in Fallout 1 or 2.
This kind of thinking (about reboots) could imply that show Fraisure was a soft-reboot of Cheers—which it's not; despite sharing characters.
Having FO3 as a numbered sequel is a bit like having Relic's
Spacemarine be an official
Dawn of War sequel, and that just doesn't fly. It's in the same world, and shares factions, but they are mechanically unrelated.
The entire Warhammer universe is used by all of the Warhammer games, but that doesn't make interchangeable sequels or soft-reboots. IMO your definition for Soft-Reboot is otherwise known as a spin-off; being precisely intended to attract new fans and the older ones to a new format, but in a familiar setting.
FO3 would have been just fine (and spared them a lot of enmity) if it had been presented as a spin-off game like FOBOS, and not been the official Fallout #3; again... what does the IP name mean to anyone who has never seen it? It only has meaning to those who know what it means—and they then changed the meaning of everything in it.
It's not even an RPG; the player controls the weapons, and there are no meaningful consequences to any action. The player can shoot BOS paladins in the face, then ask them for admittance to the Citadel. Hell... the player can shoot all the BBs at the dad's face in the Vault, and then ask him for more [and receive them] to do it all over again.