OakTable said:
You sort of danced around that issue merrily by ignoring my counterpoint to your argument (that you preach healthcare as a right but ignore free speech as a right even though universal healthcare is also "legislation") and instead stating that America's constitution is outdated and should be rewritten even though it is perfectly fine and has worked for 240 years.
I've never denied that free speech is a right. I contest the notion that free speech is some kind of God-give inalienable right that overrides the rights of everyone else. It's a right like any other.
The only inalienable right is human dignity.
Professor Danger! said:
1.) Okay. So are you angry at people when they eat shit like chicken, steak, or food that comes from animals that humans kill?
If I say no, then you'll call me a hypocrite and use that to deem all my points invalid.
However, the problem with your reasoning is that you're equating killing animals for nourishment with making animals kill and mail each other for nothing more than idle enjoyment. Which is pretty fucked up.
Ask again, this time taking this problem into account.
2.) So are you an anarchist? You sound like you're pretty against all laws then. Or is it just American law?
Now you're trying to paint me as an obsessed anti-American. Really, basing your argumentation on ad hominems is a weak method of discussing.
I'm not an anarchist. I believe in fair, well written laws governing a well regulated country with citizens enjoying their liberties, willing to take full responsiblity for both their actions
and their words.
A country with an enlightened, tolerant populace.
Socially, I'd like to see a society that isn't obsessed with anthropocentrism, but rather, recognizes itself as a part of nature and doesn't deny other animals the right to live and exist, taking only what is necessary. Yes, it's a dream, but it's something I believe in.
Now that we have the question of my political and sociological beliefs out of the way, I'm against
bad laws and creating unhealthy cults of something that is meant to serve the people, not have people serve it..
Also, Good job comparing American citizens to Islamic fundamentalists. Because people following basic laws (which i'm sure aren't even the most original laws, so get rid of them everywhere, right? Or is it just America again?) is the same as people who use violence and fear to promote their religion.
Good job at not understanding the point.
The point is, America, over the last two centuries, has created an unhealthy cult of the Constitution, much like what fundamentalists have done to the Qu'ran. Instead of being reviewed and revised periodically (or reinterpreted, in case of Qu'ran), the document is an antiquated relic running the most powerful country in the world.
You replace parts in a car - why do you insist on keeping antiquated parts in an infinitely more complex machine, the state?