America proves itself to belong to the 3rd World. Again.

Professor Danger! said:
Fail! 99,9% are proud Americans yet only half of them vote.
Also, there is a difference in being proud and being overly proud, especially if it's built on ignorance.
I think one can be a nationalist and patriot and still be critical about his gouvernement and the citizens. It helps the nation in the long run. And thats what a true patriot should seek. A fair gouvernement with inteligent citizens.
Whatever happened to all those new articles about farmers in some eastern european country mistaking their private parts for a chickens head or was that a joke? I think they were mostly posted by Ratty?

America is in the spotlight so that makes it the biggest target. Our own politicans with their hypocritical and arrogant remarks only add fuel to the fire. Also, who digs up crap about their own country anyways?? Since it seems most posters here are not american, america bashing is kinda expected.

America is a superpower. A superpower that has to compete with other superpowers. Therefore, it is only natural to want to support and believe in their own country. America is much better than the PRC and thats why my family immigrated here. Nothing wrong with appreciating that fact.
OakTable said:
Why should all countries be equal, when they clearly aren't? I should be concerned with only my country.
Exactly! It's not like there is any sort of global economy that the US has any sort of major reliance on or anything...
Professor Danger! said:
Crni Vuk said:
Tagaziel said:
Which is schizophrenic. Dog fights are illegal, but profiting off of selling videos of it is? How fucked up is that?
It is fucked up.

Kinda like prostitution is (mostly) illegal yet pornography is legal.

Prostitution =/= Acting

Pornography = Acting.

Doesn't even matter, prostitution should be legal anyway.
Now on topic, once again people are failing epically at realizing the solution to the problem. You guys see: They are selling videos of tortured animals! This is wrong! WE MUST BAN ALL VIDEOS OF CRUELTY TO ANIMALS!

Instead of:

Why are they doing this?
To make a profit.

How do we fix this?
Make a society not based on profit being God.

I'm a radical, meaning I like to attack the root of the problem.
Why are they doing this?
To make a profit.
Or for fun! We should ban that too! Cause some people might have fun at some animal's cruel experience!

The matter is really simple: if you can show and sell videos of wild animals killing each other, why not of dogs too?
guys, do you really not see the reason why we have to stop at least cruelty caused by a human ?

How would one even compare things that happen in nature with a human beeing. Dont we have a brain or something and arent we sentient beeings ? Should we not use this knowledge for something. If we have the possbility to avoid unnecessary cruelty, why not do it ?

It isnt important if people want to make profit of it or if they just enjoy it for fun. Interesting is that many who tortured animals for fun became sick serial killers. Should give one a few thoughts no ?

Animals get killed, tortured and a lot more things for food, medical experiments and such. But it doenst mean that one has to simply say its completey irelevant. THere is a difference in testing a new medication to cure cancer on pigs or to throw some 2 dogs in a cage fight just for fun.
How would one even compare things that happen in nature with a human beeing. Dont we have a brain or something and arent we sentient beeings ? Should we not use this knowledge for something. If we have the possbility to avoid unnecessary cruelty, why not do it ?

The fact that you wouldn't be able to differentiate between a book about a murder and a real murder is beyond me.
Blakut said:
Why are they doing this?
To make a profit.
Or for fun! We should ban that too! Cause some people might have fun at some animal's cruel experience!

The matter is really simple: if you can show and sell videos of wild animals killing each other, why not of dogs too?

I don't know a lot of people who kill for fun. Maybe %1 of the population. Have you ever been asked "What's the most you'll do for $1,000,000? People are asked that daily, and it's why the world is so fucked.
Blakut said:
Or for fun! We should ban that too! Cause some people might have fun at some animal's cruel experience!

The matter is really simple: if you can show and sell videos of wild animals killing each other, why not of dogs too?
In what way is animals killing each other in nature the same as two dogs killing each other in a pin that humans put them in and trained them to attack each other?
In what way is animals killing each other in nature the same as two dogs killing each other in a pin that humans put them in and trained them to attack each other?

In the way that in the end one of the animal dies. Also, we have movies that show extreme violence towards men women and children. They are not banned...
Blakut said:
In what way is animals killing each other in nature the same as two dogs killing each other in a pin that humans put them in and trained them to attack each other?

In the way that in the end one of the animal dies. Also, we have movies that show extreme violence towards men women and children. They are not banned...

They are also fake.
victor said:
There are plenty of non-fake execution and accident videos on the Internet.
None of which are for profit, the execution ones are not for entertainment, and the accident ones are self-inflicted. Also, two people who choose to fight each other is in no way the same as two animals which have been trained to attack other animals. Animals aren't as sentient as humans.
None of which are for profit, the execution ones are not for entertainment, and the accident ones are self-inflicted.

Except for when they make headlines and are on the news all day.
UncannyGarlic said:
victor said:
There are plenty of non-fake execution and accident videos on the Internet.
None of which are for profit, the execution ones are not for entertainment, and the accident ones are self-inflicted. Also, two people who choose to fight each other is in no way the same as two animals which have been trained to attack other animals. Animals aren't as sentient as humans.
Not for entertainment my ass. There are whole websites devoted to sickfucks like Rotten, Gurochan, or Ogrish.
They weren't originally produced and distributed for those reasons. Dog fighting is done entirely for entertainment, thus financial, reasons. The driving idea is the same as the idea behind banning child pornography, to prevent abuse of beings unable to make those decisions properly for themselves (granted it's an arbitrary age for pornography).