Any excitement left for Star Wars?


For hate's sake.
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So, December 2015 is when Star Wars Episode 7 is supposed to roll out.
Directed by JJ Abrams, with many of the old actors and a plethora of new ones, supposed to be set 30 years after Return of the Jedi.
Anyone left with any excitement? Is Abrams a new hope for Star Wars or rather a phantom menace that will drown everything in shiny and lens flare?

Personally I don't care all that much anymore. The movies are what they're gonna be, although it saddens me that some 20 years of extended universe material will be degraded to little more than fan fiction, especially the Thrawn Trilogy, which pretty much single-handedly got the Star Wars EU machine rolling. There's still a big ad for the audio books for those in my town.
But whatever, the books still exist, even if they're even less official canon than before.
I also have the feeling the new movie will be set 30 years after RotJ so they have an excuse for having a ton of Jedi with super flashy lightsaber moves running around again.
We'll see. I do expect a solid action movie, though.
I still love the Star Wars franchise, however that is more because of the universe, not so much the movies, I mean the new movies and some of the cartoons have been pretty bad. The old movies simply left a very big impression.

What I dont understand though ... JJ Abrams? I mean, the guy really does not impress me much as director. The only really good movie I remember is super 8. So I am not sure if he's the right choice for Star Wars. But we will see.
I'm interested, but not excited.

Though the fact that Abrams is using primarily Practical Effects and Props rather than CGI has me feeling hopeful that at the very least it will be better than the Prequels.
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I always been a casual into the Star Wars universe, so i have low expectation.
I just hope there will some bit of fun here and there, unlike the so serious Episode 3.

Anyway, it seems hard not to have garbage when Abrhams is in charge.
To me...
Starwars: Fallout ;
Empire Strikes Back: Fallout 2 ;
Return of the Jedi: FO: Tactics ;

Phantom Menace: FO3
Attack of the Clones: FO:NV

So yeah... I expect FO4: Revenge of the Sith.

As for Abrams' Star Wars... well I have to admit there are several things on this list that I liked:

I think Super8 and Almost Human [and probably the Star Trek film ~that I didn't see] are good bets as to the quality and flavor of the next Star Wars film(s).
Hello Hasknecht,

I pretty much stopped caring for Star Wars when Lucas himself started to ret con earlier stuff and used other people's creations but changed it so to his personal liking.
While I have been fan of franchises like Star Wars and Star Trek for a long time I sometimes think on what other say, eventually you part and move on to other things.
I think Star Wars has pretty much run its course, it is already repeating itself over and over again in various media, recycling its own ideas that it feels like a tired setting.

Personally I never saw a need for more movies after RotJ as the books, comics, and video games filled that space up quite nicely (though I detest Dark Empire and that Yuuzhan Vong crap).
These new movies do not feel so much as returning to classic setting because people want to tell new stories, but rather milking out the franchise more as there are still 'gullible fools' (SWfans, don't take it personally) who still gulp up this stuff.
And of course all the spin off stuff like toys, comics, coloring books and so on.

Imagine if Jar Jar Binks had been well received, we would have been overwhelmed with crap of him, stuffed dolls, children's books, cartoons * shudder *
I'm interested, but not excited.

Though the fact that Abrams is using primarily Practical Effects and Props rather than CGI has me feeling hopeful that at the very least it will be better than the Prequels.

one would have to be pretty stupid though to NOT go this way. I mean seriously. Even non-star wars fans understood so much.

the only hope I have is that they will not fall in that trap of "lets make everyhing jedi!" which is what they basically did with Star Wars 4-6. I mean dont get me wrong! Jedi and force stuff is awesome. Absolutely. I want lightsabers! Ligthsabers killing stuff. But if you think about it the old Star Wars movies didnt even had so much use of the force or anything that had to do with Jedis. They had only Luke, Obi Wan died already very early in the movie. And Luke was not really much of a force user before the third movie. When you look at the old movies then you realize that they had a lot of very awesome characters, from the robots, to Solo, Chewbacca and Boba Fett, its interesting that Boba Fett actually is one of the characters people like the most. Even though Star Wars was not a movie with a deep or complex story, it did a lot of things right. Chosing the right scenes, not overdoing it with the effects and characters. If they can manage to get this for the new movies, then there is really a new hope.

And the potential is definitely there. The fanbase is very vocal, it should not be to hard to understand what they want (as far as the basics goes). The universe is very well explained and expanded. There is a lot that you can chose. I even support the idea to set the new movies in the future, like 30 or 40 years from now, this gives the oportunity to get some of the old crew in the movie showing them in a realitsic way, giving them some arch, I would love to see Han Solo in the role of a father for example. A child from Luke could fuillfill the role Luke had in the first movies, beeing a character that is growing with his tasks. Though they should really avoid to show a "child" again. The protagonist should be a female and rebelious character in my opinion. Kinda like what Han Solo was in the first movies, just as Jedi! I think I would love to see that.
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That video was stupid as hell ^.

I didn't mind the prequels as much as the hard core Star Wars fans flipped out over them. I think they are trying to take it in a new direction, instead of doing the same thing after four-five decades. I'm not saying it wouldn't be disappointing for the movie to be focused completely on special effects and action rather than story, but I think they are trying to find a way to mix it in equally to appease both original Star Wars fans and newcomers to the trilogy/people who don't consider themselves fans but still don't mind watching the movies every now and again.

Feel the power of awesome flashing ballz!
Anyway, I'm glad that LucasArts game publishing subsidiary dug their own grave with this Kinect supporting abomination.
My excitement level was brought from 'nothing' to 'getting somewhere' with the knowledge that JJ Abrams chose for real sets, real costumes, and less cgi. Everything depends on the script however.
The fundamental problem is the different circumstances that exist now. The original movies are so good because they were the vision of one crazy dude who had to beg, borrow, and steal every cent of investment he could get in order to make his film the way he wanted even though it was against the wishes of many of the studio heads. Now Star Wars is a brand owned by the one of the most evil, soulless entities in the world, a.k.a. Disney, and J.J.Abrahms will be forced to do what Disney tells him to do whether he wants to or not. They'll fill the script with Disney bromides, ramp up the hype machine, start giving away Star Wars plastic cups at Taco Bell for two months before the release, and hordes of people will line up to lap up whatever they're fed because it has the golden name Star Wars attached to it. That's how you make a billion dollar product, not a great movie.
Were I still into Star Wars, I might've been looking forward to it to some degree. The script is one thing, but the action could be entertaining. At this point I'm not even paying attention to what's going on. Might watch it 5 years from its theatrical release like I did with the 2009 Star Trek reboot.

Maybe it'll surprise.
The fundamental problem is the different circumstances that exist now. The original movies are so good because they were the vision of one crazy dude who had to beg, borrow, and steal every cent of investment he could get in order to make his film the way he wanted even though it was against the wishes of many of the studio heads. Now Star Wars is a brand owned by the one of the most evil, soulless entities in the world, a.k.a. Disney, and J.J.Abrahms will be forced to do what Disney tells him to do whether he wants to or not. They'll fill the script with Disney bromides, ramp up the hype machine, start giving away Star Wars plastic cups at Taco Bell for two months before the release, and hordes of people will line up to lap up whatever they're fed because it has the golden name Star Wars attached to it. That's how you make a billion dollar product, not a great movie.

If you're talking about George, then I have the feeling that a lot of people had some say in Star Wars back then. I mean we have seen with the new movies what happens if he makes them the way he wants it. Lukas did a lot for Star Wars, it was his babby. But he was not even directing all of the old movies, he was not responsible for all of the sets and art directions. Like I said, they had a lot of people working on the project, and I am pretty sure they hit back at Lukas if they dissagreed with him, if only for the fact that he was not as famous like today.
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Isn't there a "expanded universe" book where they clone the Emperor and uncover a super duper weapon that is stronger than the Death Star? that just sounds like one of those shows that runs into seasonal rot and just starts recycling it's own plots...