Anyone have idea why New Vegas is already under $20.00?

brfritos said:
I understand what you mean, it lacks grandiosity, doesn't? I mean, it's a battle wich will decide the future of NV between two armies or you using this two armies for your own purposes and THAT was the best Obsidian could do it?
I don't buy all the Gamebryo excuses, it could be a lot better.

Weeeeell...maybe, but I wouldn't be so sure. I mean, the gamebryo as far as I know can have only, like, 30 active NPCs in a cell and in that battle you can have the Great Khans, the Enclave remnants and the Securitrons helping you. That reduces greatly the number of soldiers of the two main factions that can appear in it to...what? Ten per side?
SOmething curious, remember when the wave of securitrons that appears behind YesMan whent the General interrupts? if you order YesMan to destroy de NCR and you use the oportunity to go walk near the Securitrons o nthe background, they are all floating in mid air so they look liek they are all over the roda from far away and they are not even NPCs but just objects.
It's absolute nonsense to say the New Vegas story isn't clearly better by the way. I love the western theme and it's there for a reason. History repeating itself. The New Californian Republic, like the United States expanded into the untamed west. This was America's 'Manifest Destiny' to expand into the unknown lands of the continent. The NCR is now overstretched and perhaps nearing its peak. We all know what happens after a peak, there is an inevitability, you peak and you roll back. That's the way life is. So the NCR is fragile in one sense but on the precipice of greatness. You can make the difference, 'for the Republic!'

You can of course attempt to claim the land for yourself, or be king maker and help Mr. House, or you can fight the pseudo Roman empire, again history repeating itself. Kinda the point of Fallout, War never changes. I liked the competing empires plot far more than the Transformers fight the knights of the Realm for some flimsy reason story.

In New Vegas mankind is picking itself up from the ashes. America is now just a microcosm overrun with a number of fledgling competing tribes. It's a proper war in New Vegas too, fought for land and resources. That's why I cared more. New Vegas just highlights the cycle of war and conflict mankind is instinctively locked in. Fighting over the ruins of a city from the old world. Man never changes, War never changes.

As the Judge says in Cormac Mccarthy's Blood Meridian:

And the answer, said the judge. If God meant to interfere in the degeneracy of mankind would he not have done so by now? Wolves cull themselves, man. What other creature could? And is the race of man not more predacious yet? The way of the world is to bloom and to flower and die but in the affairs of men there is no waning and the noon of his expression signals the onset of night. His spirit is exhausted at the peak of its achievement. His meridian is at once his darkening and the evening of his day. He loves games? Let him play for stakes. This you see here, these ruins wondered at by tribes of savages, do you not think that this will be again? Aye. And again. With other people, with other sons.
It's absolute nonsense to say the New Vegas story isn't clearly better by the way.
And the countless fallout 3 fans are just full of shit. The one thing I agree with the people of this forum on is that these are two different games for two different types of people.

I love the western theme
A matter of taste, personally I found it kind of annoying. I hate how they ditched the Road Warrior, and the Escape from LA/New York theme they had in fallout 3.

The charcter seemed better. I liked Sarah Lyons, amata, Colonel Autumn, Eden, Moriarty, Ashur, the girl you find in point lookout. In NV I found a lot of the character just plain annoying, Benny being the best example. Its like most of the characters and factions were more trying too be parodies and anachronisms, than actual characters and factions in the own right.
Yep, the countleess fans of FO3 are full of shit if they have such shallow oservations, lacking any kind of actual insight and information about the lore, and that aren't even bound by logic.
You describe characters that didn't eve nhave any characterization to them, Sarah Lyons? she is just the generic "GURL POWAH" girl that is not given a personality beyond that, Colonel Autumm had potential but he is just a shallow villian wantign to kill you just because, Moriarty is the only one with soemthing resemblign a perosnality, and Ashur is so obviously shallow in his greyness that you have to wonder why did they even bothered with it.
Using the word annoyign is not an actual criticism.
Sarah Lyons?
I know but their is something so lovable about a girl who likes to pretend she can take care of herself but is so femininely naive.

Colonel Autumm had potential but he is just a shallow villian wantign to kill you just because
Don't even get me started with broken steel. they just could not leave it with ending they had, they had too push it and they it suck bad.

Ashur is so obviously shallow in his greyness
Really? I thought he was a great character, compelling, yet obviously flawed.

Moriarty is the only one
Moriarty was a great character, its ashamed they did'nt expand on him.
Stanislao Moulinsky said:
brfritos said:
I understand what you mean, it lacks grandiosity, doesn't? I mean, it's a battle wich will decide the future of NV between two armies or you using this two armies for your own purposes and THAT was the best Obsidian could do it?
I don't buy all the Gamebryo excuses, it could be a lot better.

Weeeeell...maybe, but I wouldn't be so sure. I mean, the gamebryo as far as I know can have only, like, 30 active NPCs in a cell and in that battle you can have the Great Khans, the Enclave remnants and the Securitrons helping you. That reduces greatly the number of soldiers of the two main factions that can appear in it to...what? Ten per side?

Then make different! Look at what happens when you side with the NCR and are inside the Dam trying to revert the turbines.
You have always three NCR soldiers with you, your companions if you took someone and 7/8 legionnaires/centurions coming to you.
At the opposite side you have fighting between NCR and Legion and altough I never stopped to see what was happens in detail, usually is 3 or 4 soldiers against 4 or 5 legionnaries (had to fight for my own life afterall).

As soon you kill the 7/8 legionnaires, another batch is dispatched against you.
It really works and you have the feeling that the legion is invading the Dam by force and huge numbers are swarming the place.

Every tool has his limitations, it's the developer who needs to learn and know how to deal with it.
George Lucas did this with the first batch of Star Wars movies. ;)

[ ]'s
The damn battle was awesome i'll give you that. But its still absurd how few legionaries their were. Thier were more supermutants and Enclave troopers in fallout 1 and 2 than legionaries in vegas!. Thats pretty incosistant when the Unity and Enclave are elite and the NCR and legion more cannon fodder armies. Makes you would how either of them lost.
brfritos said:
Actually yes, the symbolic purposes would be mesurable. Look what Al Qaeda did when they hitted the Pentagon? The Pentagon is one of the core US armed forces administrative centers, but they have others, so destoying it would not render the country army inoperable. But look the psychological effect on the population and their leaders.
The bomb raids on Berlin in 1943/1945 from the military point of destroying the enemy infra-structure and blowing the war effort of Nazi Germany was a complete and utterly failure.
But in the long term was a sucess, since the nazis had to divert resources from other locations, lost time reinforcing the city defenses and losted a lot of specialized workers.

That's what I was saying, I couldn't think of any other real reason for them to bomb D.C.
As soon you kill the 7/8 legionnaires, another batch is dispatched against you.

The same thing happens on the outside, but instead of 7/8 legionnaires it's 5/6 but outside there are more possible companions so they had to scale back a bit the numbers. It's a limitation of the engine: either you could recruit allies (an option needed to allow non-violent runs) or the final battle had to be only between the NCR and the Legion.
Stanislao Moulinsky said:
Quagmire69 said:
Cause Fallout 3 is better.

If with "better" you mean "made to appeal to the lowest common denonimator" I agree. And probably that's why it already dropped, it's less appealing to the masses. Add the aging graphics and the fact that for a lot of persons NV is just a big expansion and...well...

If by "made to appeal the lowest common denonimator" you mean "meant to attract new fans to the franchise after Interplay fucked it over with 2 shitty knock-offs" I agree. Fallout 3 was designed to get new fans and catch them somewhat up to speed because most computers won't run the originals anymore and the box set is a buggy piece of crap (trust me I bought it). It breathed new life into the dying horse Interplay made and made many improvements to it.

For one, your skill as a player determined how the fights went, not dictated by electronic dice. Two, it made exploration of a radioactive wasteland much more engaging and immersive than the isometric viewpoint Fallout 1 and 2 could. You can't damn the game by saying it was a lazy cash in, Bethesda tried to get as much of the lore and backstory in as well as make their own, it's shortcomings were because it was a much more massive game than the first two. And on the subject of graphics, just shut up, Fallout 1 and 2 are still good games and they don't rely on graphics, and even if graphics was a judge of a good game Fallout 3 could run on the engine Quake 2 used and still have better graphics than the first two games.

I'm sick of how some of you guys tear apart Fallout 3 with nit-picks and damn Bethesda for the most insignifigent mistakes in a massive sandbox game. And even put that sadly Fallout 3 is not Van Buren, the game that only had a demo and was realized in Fallout: New Vegas. It SHOULD read, sadly Bethesda has to fix mess Interplay left them and set the ground for the new games.

Oh and to the guy who says Bethesda doesen't know what an RPG is? Go play the god-damn Elder Scrolls series and think about what you typed in.
Under 20$? Where the hell do you live it's 40-50$ here. I had to buy a new copy last month because my Xbox murdered my original copy.
Quagmire69 said:
Sarah Lyons?
I know but their is something so lovable about a girl who likes to pretend she can take care of herself but is so femininely naive.

Colonel Autumm had potential but he is just a shallow villian wantign to kill you just because
Don't even get me started with broken steel. they just could not leave it with ending they had, they had too push it and they it suck bad.

Ashur is so obviously shallow in his greyness
Really? I thought he was a great character, compelling, yet obviously flawed.

Moriarty is the only one
Moriarty was a great character, its ashamed they did'nt expand on him.

Sarah Lyons is only weak in-game due to game mechanics. She reached the rank of Sentinal which is no easy feat. Where do you get this "femininely naive" crap?

Broken Steel was made because fans wanted to continue after the main-quest and people said the ending sucked. Bethesda tried to rectify this and now you guys are complaining about it.

Alright I'll agree with you there. Ashur has good goals and is sincere but has terrible means to achieve them.

Moriarty was a greedy, enslaving, controlling and corrupt pig. He has no personality other than being that slimey bastard you want to kill. Again you guys confuse flaws=good character, really, emotions and backstory=good character. Moriarty has no other emotion but greed and lust with little to no backstory.
Man, three posts? learn to use the edit button.

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You say That Fallout 3 was a much more masive game than the first two? It doesn't even have half the story or the choices and endings for everything, Fallout New Vegas is much more massive than FO3 and even it doesn't have as much content as the first two mostly ebcause of time and engine limitations. FO3 didn't rely much on the player's skill after the first third of the game, after that you could just one shot kill everyone with any of the overpowered weapons, you didn't even had to aim most of the time.

A character can have absolutely no backstory and still be a good character, its more a thign of characterization than some flimsy tragic tale of traumatizing childhood, thast the kind of shit Shone Jump mangas rely on. telling you the sad sad tale on how emo villian became ibolz, the characters of Dead Money are given simple yet very effective backstories, they are very well characterized, specially Dean, that they are unlikable doesn't mean they are bad characters, is that what you judge charaters on? on how nice they are to the player? thats completely idiotic.
The Ghost people as underdeveloped as they are are given more explanation than the endless Raiders from FO3, who don't seem to have any sustainable lifestyle and yet they have more peopel in their ranks than non hostile NPCs there are in the game. The Fiends on NV have relations with the Khans with whom they trade their raiding fruits for drugs and food. FO3 didn't have small flaws and thign unexplained, It didn't have any explanation on anything, and everything in the maop seemed to belogn to a different unvierse altogether, no community had any form of agriculture or any kind of product they could trade to the caravaners.
outofthegamer said:
UnidentifiedFlyingTard said:
You say Fallout 3's plot is better because its more personal, but I fucking hate the dad, he is dumb as hell, he is over complicating how to purify water, not to mention he thinks he can just leave the Vault without anything going wrong? he is a fucking idiot, I have no reason to care that he leaves.
But he's your Dad! And he's voiced by Liam Neeson, you can't help but feel some kind of natural desire to find him... and kick his ass for being dumb!

He has the voice of Liam Neeson. Your aurgument is invalid.
Walpknut said:
Man, three posts? learn to use the edit button.

Edit: Like this

You say That Fallout 3 was a much more masive game than the first two? It doesn't even have half the story or the choices and endings for everything, Fallout New Vegas is much more massive than FO3 and even it doesn't have as much content as the first two mostly ebcause of time and engine limitations. FO3 didn't rely much on the player's skill after the first third of the game, after that you could just one shot kill everyone with any of the overpowered weapons, you didn't even had to aim most of the time.

A character can have absolutely no backstory and still be a good character, its more a thign of characterization than some flimsy tragic tale of traumatizing childhood, thast the kind of shit Shone Jump mangas rely on. telling you the sad sad tale on how emo villian became ibolz, the characters of Dead Money are given simple yet very effective backstories, they are very well characterized, specially Dean, that they are unlikable doesn't mean they are bad characters, is that what you judge charaters on? on how nice they are to the player? thats completely idiotic.
The Ghost people as underdeveloped as they are are given more explanation than the endless Raiders from FO3, who don't seem to have any sustainable lifestyle and yet they have more peopel in their ranks than non hostile NPCs there are in the game. The Fiends on NV have relations with the Khans with whom they trade their raiding fruits for drugs and food. FO3 didn't have small flaws and thign unexplained, It didn't have any explanation on anything, and everything in the maop seemed to belogn to a different unvierse altogether, no community had any form of agriculture or any kind of product they could trade to the caravaners.

Megaton had fresh water and was a trading hub, it lived by selling water and buying the things they needed. Andale survived on the poor sons of bitches that wandered inside the town. Little Lamplight had scavangers look for food and had cave fungus to live off of. Republic of Dave and the town on a highway whos name escapes me had brahmin to live off of. Canterbury Commons was, like Megaton, a trade hub and organized the caravans. Rivet City could live off of scavanged food due to their close proximity to DC and all the treasures within and again it's a trade hub.

Tenpenny Tower was full of rich residents able to pay for their needs. Big-Town is a shithole and as expected lives of of scavanged food and whatever else they can scrape together. I'm not sure how the town with the Nuka-cola addict survives but then again it's only two people and I saw a brahmin or two there. Greyditch was destroyed so we have no idea how it survives and the Brotherhood probably trades to get most of it's necessities. The Outcasts spent a lot of time scavanging, so they pick up food on the way presumably.

The endless raider squads are gameplay mechanics, there aren't that many raiders in the game, the Wanderer killed them all once and the rest is not canon. That's like saying there's an endless supply of raiders in Fallout 1/2 they're random encounters and if I farmed them enough I could eventually say there were more raiders than friendly NPCs in Fallout 1/2. They live for the here and now, they either kill caravaners for their needs, hunt or become cannibals. They have no morals and will do whatever it takes to survive.

And no I do not judge characters based on how they treat the player. It's how they interact with the player, Dean has very little reason to be so hostile, why the hell does he care about the treasure when he has an explosive collar around his neck? The dumb bastard needs to get his priorities straight. He could have been a decent character judging by the backstory found in the logs but he is just executed so poorly that he comes off as an egotistical twit with no sense of reality. Dog/God was a pain in the ass, but well written, the merging of the two is one of the best parts of Dead Money. But other than that he was a submissive idiot or a condescending jackass. Christine was a member of the Brotherhood and has been hunting Elijha for a long time and as such has a hard time letting go, but can be convinced to do so. Elijha is basicly a moustache twirling villain, his only goal is genocide and conquering, a shoe in for a superhero comic.

And Fallout 3 was a much bigger undertaking than Fallout 1/2 combined. You don't just travel on a map, you actually have to get there first and explore the world. There were hundreds of locations, many of which with an interesting backstory and explorable dungeon. The game was spread thin due to the massive scale they chose for it. Bethesda tried to encompass all the history of the previous games into it and felt shallow because of it.

Now to conclude my post I shall do the same thing you guys do on a constant basis to Fallout 3, pick apart every flaw. Why is it in Klamath if you refuse to give money to the town drunk your reputation goes down? Does a drunk have that much sway over peoples opinion? And why does Whiskey Bob have his still outside of town, wouldn't it make sense to have in inside the town? Why does barely anyone draw attention to the crashed vertibird? How did Smiley get that far into the caves full of acidic go only to hurt his leg from a bite? In the Den why is there a casino in a city full of poor addicts? I get why the slavers are there, easy slaves and it's a lawless town. But no one has that much disposable income. In New Reno why is it that the only mob violence perpetrated there is done by the player? Wouldn't 4 rival families in a mob war attack each other often in a lawless town? Why does Redding have a mine full of god-damn Aliens referances? I could go on, point is you guys just went into Fallout 3 looking for something to hate. Good news! You found it!
Fresh Water in Megaton? all the water in that place was irradiated. I wouldn't buy water from a palce with an atom bomb in the middle.
Tenpenny Tower was full of rich peopel that coudl pay their needs, RICH FROM WHAT? What was even there for them to become rich? why are they rich? did they find a ship full of nuka colas or something? The Republic of Dave should be filled with nothing but inbred retards, its been 200 years with these people fucking each other, How does Canterbury even organzies tradin caravans? they have nothing there either, they don't have a blacksmith or gun maker, they don't have farms and they don't seem to have reliable water sources.

Dean is greedy, he is a prick, thats hsi character, he knows he can kill you and get away with it because he has seen it happen a bunch of times, he si just too weak to get it done faster. You say DOG/GOD was well written... but annoying, thats a criticism? And yes ELijah was isnane, everyone pretty much says so in the game, he has lost hsi midn and jus clinges to an old treasure he can't get.

The Casino on the Den is not even that properous, SLavers go play in it, addicts spend their money there and also accumulate debts that they don't pay. Smiey used rubber boots? you can use them too..... The Families of New Reno seem to mostly care about getting bigger so they can take over the other families when the player helps them, they are in a ablance of pwer. The Wanamingos are mutants that live in the mines liek the Deathclaws and Molerats, they are animals, the question should be why are there wanamingos in the Tanker in san francisco?
Walpknut said:
Fresh Water in Megaton? all the water in that place was irradiated. I wouldn't buy water from a palce with an atom bomb in the middle.
Tenpenny Tower was full of rich peopel that coudl pay their needs, RICH FROM WHAT? What was even there for them to become rich? why are they rich? did they find a ship full of nuka colas or something? The Republic of Dave should be filled with nothing but inbred retards, its been 200 years with these people fucking each other, How does Canterbury even organzies tradin caravans? they have nothing there either, they don't have a blacksmith or gun maker, they don't have farms and they don't seem to have reliable water sources.

Dean is greedy, he is a prick, thats hsi character, he knows he can kill you and get away with it because he has seen it happen a bunch of times, he si just too weak to get it done faster. You say DOG/GOD was well written... but annoying, thats a criticism? And yes ELijah was isnane, everyone pretty much says so in the game, he has lost hsi midn and jus clinges to an old treasure he can't get.

The Casino on the Den is not even that properous, SLavers go play in it, addicts spend their money there and also accumulate debts that they don't pay. Smiey used rubber boots? you can use them too..... The Families of New Reno seem to mostly care about getting bigger so they can take over the other families when the player helps them, they are in a ablance of pwer. The Wanamingos are mutants that live in the mines liek the Deathclaws and Molerats, they are animals, the question should be why are there wanamingos in the Tanker in san francisco?

There is a water purifyier in Megaton, it's just on it's last legs because the bomb is making it harder for it and the lack of parts doesn't help either. I don't know how the people in Tenpenny tower got rich, probably from trading, slaving, killing etc. The Republic of Dave is not full of retards because they sometimes take on new members, like Dave's second wife. What the hell made the Wanamingos, is it FEV or never explained? And good question why are there walking movie referances in that tanker? I'll believe you about the families and that does make sense. Canterbury is like Primm it organizes a buisiness and that's is life line, we don't see Nash directing couriers but we know he does it. Why did Smiley go into the caves after he discovered so many geckos in the first place, should he not have comeback with help?

And also if a character has one or two personality traits he is a shitty character. Dean is greedy, that's pretty much it. Elijha is an asshole, that's it.
Megaton sustained itself by buying ALL of its food, growing NONE of its own!? Well I guess the guys from Megaton are pretty bloody stupid. As there are no farms in Fallout 3 God knows where the food is coming from eh? Probably the local supermarket because nobody bothered to loot it. Fallout 3 isn't hard to pick apart, comparing the oversights and plot holes to the first two games is a losing battle. As I said, I had fun playing it but there was no attention to detail.

Canterbury commons a trading hub!? What are they trading? Again not growing any food. A trading hub where about four people live. Gimme a break, don't claim substance where there is none. Losing battle.