Anyone have idea why New Vegas is already under $20.00?

I'm not sure why people are hung up on realism in a video game that is inherently unrealistic. It was never a requirement for me that I know where everyone gets their food and income from. Likewise, I don't question why people are able to write and communicate coherently in a world where no apparent system of education exists. Why some places have absolutely no toilets or outhouses (or how ones that do have functional plumbing). How the NCR is able to sustain it's population with a corn field the size of my backyard. How the Follower's fund their humanitarian efforts. How you carry 30 thousand+ bottle caps or how everyone is evidently sterile because there are only 5 or 6 children in the game (who sustain themselves by eating the same giant rat daily).

People are nitpicking. Tenpenny tower is what it is, I don't believe that each resident needs an account detailing how they came into money and how the financial structure of Tenpenny tower works. I read such posts in the voice of "comic book guy" and it's oddly fitting.
The NCR uses the sharecroppers to feed their soldiers, most of the settlements are out of food, the Followers are prtected by the Gun Runners but hthey struggle to give services, they live off trading but also off chaity, if you go to freeside you will see a bunch of starving people, also there is no evidence any character knows hwo to write, and the ones that know its ebcause they are either from NCR settlements or from the Folowers, there are more kids in Bitter Springs and they probably didn't have them i nthe game on the account that they didn't serve any purpouse, they are nto sterile probably the infant mortality rate is too high. And the bottlecaps thign is just gameplay mechanics. The gae itself explains this.

The Tenpenny tower makes no sense.

And its nto about realism, its about credibility.
I don't get hung up on realism, I get hung up on things never being explained and/or not making any damn sense. And I'm not talking about mysterious people and their mysterious motivations, I'm talking about laziness and no body taking the time to write 1 paragraph on why about something.

Looking at you Talon Company.

As for the NCR Farm and the cornfield. At least it is there.
"My idea is explore more of the world and more of the ethics of a post-nuclear world, not to make a better plasma gun."

-Tim Cain

Lrn2Consistency Bethesda, c'mon.
Let's talk about immersion. Immersion, to me, is getting sucked into something. Absolutely sucked into it. It's that "I'll just play one more turn" for a couple of hours. When you play for several hours without realising it. When it's suddenly two AM and you're really hungry and you started playing at five pm. That's immersion. Immersion can cover up 'unrealistic' elements, especially when such elements are just abstractions for the sake of the game (carrying 40,000 bottle caps, not carrying around a giant bag of guns, clothes, armor, food, stimpacks (hell food/stimpacks/HP/etc are all unrealistic). What is really 'unrealistic' is when you find those things that end up breaking your immersion. That snap you out of that game induced trance and make you go "wait a minute..." and then you think about why that thing bothers you and you stop playing the way you were and instead focus on how it's so goddamned weird that two hundred years later people are still scavenging two hundred year frozen TV dinners. That they don't grow a single goddamned crop. That despite it being two hundred years since the bombs fell, all the water is goddamned irradiated that merely standing in it for too long will give you enough radiation to flat out murder you. Never mind the radiation just chilling out in the air that will flat out murder you. It takes a lot of radiation to do that. Or when there is apparently a resort 'home' for the rich of the wasteland, when there is pretty much nobody else being rich or even worrying about money and there they are just somehow having a stockpile of food (despite no traders coming round and having no farms, while also being able to drag massive piece of a freeway to form a wall and have a stockpile of guns and ammo, large enough to trade with random dudes who come in. It causes such a convolutes your cognition so much that it just completely ruins the experience.

It makes so little goddamned sense its just goddamned retarded and ruins all your enjoyment and nags at you like a headache. Although in this case it's a migrane and all you can do is take some drugs and go lie down in a dark, cool room and not think about it while some nice, quiet jazz plays.
Okay... to address the initial point, my guess is that New Vegas has experienced a price drop because it is for Fallout fans, not for new players. Thus, it simply does not appeal as much to people who don't already know about Fallout.

Seriously, I can still remember my first impression of Fallout 3 as someone who had no prior knowledge of the series. Do you know what it was? "Oh, it's a game about Space Marines shooting zombies and mutants in DC, and there's an RPG element."

I wonder, then, what the equivalent view of New Vegas is...

Furthermore, there's no console gap. With Fallout 3, you couldn't easily go and find the previous games to try first, but with New Vegas it's probably sat on the shelf right next to FO3. As such, why wouldn't you buy FO3 instead? If you don't like the first one (which is better value on account of the 'free' DLC the GOTY edition comes with) odds are you won't like the second, so you won't buy it.

Others, noticing the increasingly common trend of GOTY editions (particularly on Consoles; I've seen LBP, FO3 and Borderlands all with GOTY editions, and I'm sure there's more out there), other buyers are probably waiting for that instead of getting the 'vanilla' version of the game.

So yeah, I think it's a combination of those factors that has led to the price drop.
Okay... to address the initial point, my guess is that New Vegas has experienced a price drop because it is for Fallout fans, not for new players. Thus, it simply does not appeal as much to people who don't already know about Fallout.

I'd agree somehow with you if FO3 didn't exist.
I'd wager it's because of fatigue with a first-person RPG using the Gamebryo engine rather than the fact that Obsidian has a reputation for broken games or that New Vegas was much more challenging.

I'd like to think that an overwhelming majority of the people who came into the series with Fallout 3 who bought New Vegas decided to soldier on with it and had a good time (though likely after the first 2-3 times they tried to take on the Cazadores when they attempted the "as the crow flies" route to New Vegas) despite the challenge. Jim Rossignol from Rock Paper Shotgun once said that the average Joe gamer is willing to put up with challenging games and a remarkable amount of complexity so long as the reward is appealing and apparent enough and that mechanics are taught well.
Jasan Quinn said:
Okay... to address the initial point, my guess is that New Vegas has experienced a price drop because it is for Fallout fans, not for new players. Thus, it simply does not appeal as much to people who don't already know about Fallout.
I might be wrong with this. But has Vegas not sold more then Fallout 3 ?

By the way. I think the drop in prize can be explained quite easily. I mean damn look about the engine. It was already out of date when Fallout 3 was released regardless what those gaming mags and reviewers said but neither the textures nor the animations from F3 have been at the level of good shooters at that time. The visuals have been basically Oblivion 1.5.

So for me it is just natural that Vegas drops so fast in price.
If you thought about it enough you'd realize that the tech mr house had when he emerged from his bunker keeps it completely within reason that he could make that wall. Even if he doesn't have pre-war construction equipment that isn't mentiond (like the dragline or cranes at Sloan), he could have easily had the securitron army move rubble around the sides to make a wall.

Also, the (200 year old TV dinner) thing was part of a running myth that junk food items (twinkies, potato chips, etc) actually can last forever without being inedible (which is of course NOT TRUE).

You're actually kind of wrong about the radiation bit. Radiation from an airburst nuke (like Nagasaki and Hiroshima {currently occupied cities today}) only last a few months, then it dissapates to normal or close-to normal levels. A ground detonation however could last hundreds of years before it dissapates to a safe level.

Also, why argue over FALLOUT 3??? I thought it was mutually agreed upon it had a shitload of plotholes that dont make sens
Even then, most radiation dissipates fairly quickly. You'd have to make a bomb that intentionally sprayed long lasting ihighly radioactive isotopes, like 'balthorium-g' from Doctor Strangelove (which was a mispronunciation on the actor's part is supposed to be some isotope of cobalt, I think.
It depends on the energy of the isotopes if I am not wrong. For example caesium and iodine disappear very fast in a few days or weeks as they hae a high level of energy while plutonium can contaminate an area for more then 200 000 years. Though granted this radiation will not outright kill a human (probably depending on how much is really around). But it will get in the ground and contaminate the surrounding area which will make it extremely difficult if not outright impossible to grow and eat anything in that area. With each year the radiation will seep about 1 cm in to the ground though. So at some point it might be safe again. Maybe.
Stanislao Moulinsky said:
Quagmire69 said:
Cause Fallout 3 is better.

If with "better" you mean "made to appeal to the lowest common denonimator" I agree. And probably that's why it already dropped, it's less appealing to the masses. Add the aging graphics and the fact that for a lot of persons NV is just a big expansion and...well...

Fallout: New Vegas is using the exact same engine. Your logic is flawed.
TopUSGun said:
Stanislao Moulinsky said:
Quagmire69 said:
Cause Fallout 3 is better.

If with "better" you mean "made to appeal to the lowest common denonimator" I agree. And probably that's why it already dropped, it's less appealing to the masses. Add the aging graphics and the fact that for a lot of persons NV is just a big expansion and...well...

Fallout: New Vegas is using the exact same engine. Your logic is flawed.
How that even has to do anythign with that message?
At the end of the day regardless of how NV compares or doesnt compare to FO3 is irrelevant. The reason its freefalled in price is the markets reaction to the incredibly buggy nature of the game. even now 6+ months since release. Its not like other Bathesda games dont have their issues too but NV is on a whole other level. I love NV as much as the next guy here, according to steam i've logged 200+ hours into it, but i'd be lying if NV wasn't the most incredibly buggy game i've ever played. Honestly if i wasn't as much of a fan of the game/series as i was i wouldn't have been able to put up with it/look past those problems.
I agree, F:NV is one of the most buggy game that i even played.

I hope that when they will fix all bugs then everybody will see how good F:NV is compared to F3.
It was one of the buggiest games I've ever played before it was patched, it's not really that bad now though.
I'm a very lucky person then. I've virtually encountered 5-6 bugs in the unpatched version, and only one of them was actually problematical.
Atomkilla said:
I'm a very lucky person then. I've virtually encountered 5-6 bugs in the unpatched version, and only one of them was actually problematical.

Yeah, it seems to be some urban myth that "Obsidian=omfg bugs !!11". I had one bug in Vanilla FO:NV ( a crucial, though, couldn't solve the BoS quest peacefully). Same goes for Alpha Protocol, people often claimed "wtf it's full of bugs!" - then, when asking, they never respond or bring up some inane stuff which isn't even a bug. NV was never any more bug ridden than FO3 was. I think many people forgot aswell that FO2 was full of bugs on release aswell, why isn't anyone bitching about this? Oh right, it wasn't "Obsidian" developing the game.