Anyone here into Pro Wrestling?

I used to laugh at it and mock it, like a good euro-snob, but then they aired it here, after midnight, on some cheap-ass air-nothing-but-crap filler-channel :V and to be completely frank, I was quite hooked by it.

I mean, the "stories" suck, the "fakeness" is SOOOOO ooobvious, nobody above the age of 8 can possibly believe any of it is real, seriously

but it's still impressive - as a feat, the way they throw each others around like that! People who try that in their back yard, famously die from it! I regard it as a theatrical stunt-show, where trained stunt-men show off a bunch of awesome hollywoody fighting - with a "story" (you know, the same extent that porn has stories)
Man, I used to love the fakeness cause it was hillarious.

I mean Vince McMahone kissing Rakishis qss.

Yes I am a fan of the old school stuff like Undertaker (pre-biker form), Kain (mask form), Mick Foley AKA Mankind, Diesal, Razor Ramone,Da Rock, Stone Cold and Nation Of Domination.

New stuff naw, something is missing.
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Man, I used to love the fakeness cause it was hillarious.

I mean Vince McMahone kissing Rakishis qss.

Yes I am a fan of the old school stuff like Undertaker (pre-biker form), Kain (mask form), Mick Foley AKA Mankind, Diesal, Razor Ramone,Da Rock, Stone Cold and Nation Of Domination.

New stuff naw, something is missing.

Yeah seems like most people remember wrestling purely around the Attitide Era. I think that something that's missing is the fact that WWE is now a PG show, not a TV-14 like the attitide era...
I once saw a GIF of a dude with a Snake Sock Puppet on his hand, and he acted like the Snake was trying to attack him while 2 other Wrestlers played flutes to try and control the "Snake" and then a Small Person attacks one of the wrestlers. Is that what Wrestling is? because I could get behind that...


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Aaaaaaaaaahh, this is the thread I've been waiting for.

I love pro wrestling. I think it's one of the most enjoyable forms of entertainment out there. It combines incredible feats of athleticism, awesome storytelling and tension, and great action full of technical complexities. Wrestling allows you to get invested in the performers and characters to a way a lot of fiction is unable to. And the in-ring work carries the same excitement as any sport, but with many spots we can marvel at because we realize those are things we can't do, but in the hands of those nearly superhuman men and women, they become real.

My avatar and username, as you may have noticed, are a reference to Stone Cold Steve Austin, one of the all time greats in terms of building character, cutting promos, and putting on impressive matches. He's not my favorite, though - the best pro wrestler of all time, to me, is Kurt Angle - legit Olympic Gold medalist, not only was he routinely carrying incredible matches with his fast-paced, mat based wrestling style, he also outclassed most of his opponents on the mic, managing to be both funny and a serious threat to any wrestler. Kurt had classic matches with Shawn Michaels, Eddie Guerrero, Brock Lesnar and even Shane McMahon.

People who have no idea what pro wrestling is often give it shit "because it's fake", which is just about one of the stupidest criticisms you can make to anything. Of course it's fictional, but so is Game of Thrones, Breaking Bad, Lord of the Rings and yet you can still be emotionally invested in their stories, and wrestling also carries a wide variety of entertainment styles and action that can be easily enjoyed by anyone especially as you learn the technical work that goes behind it all. With books, movies, television etc., you are complicit in the theatricality of it and willingly suspend belief to enjoy it - it's the exact same for wrestling. Pointing out the absurdity of low-level independent wrestling promotions or posting videos of botched spots as a way to mock the genre is a gross misunderstanding of just how physically taxing this profession is and how much training and skill it requires. And that is why pro wrestling is something that continues to entice millions of people today.
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Well said, but you have to agree that when ever someone tells you "pro wrestling" is real - like REAL fighting, you have to kinda roll your eyes. At least a bit.
People who have no idea what pro wrestling is often give it shit "because it's fake", which is just about one of the stupidest criticisms you can make to anything. Of course it's fictional, but so is Game of Thrones, Breaking Bad, Lord of the Rings and yet you can still be emotionally invested in their stories

Heh, just today I made a similar comparison on Youtube, watching a clip where some obnoxious reporter "accused" a wrestler of his "fakeness", which is quite unfair, given those exact reasons - their feats are real, the acting - is real! :D It's just as fake as any Schwarzenegger movie, but nobody gets in his face, accusing him of "fakeness"

I think there's a bit of cultural clash in particular, because a lot of us (Europeans mainly) have not seen it.

One of the first thing Americans told me about pro-wrestling was that they did not go around believing it to be real, which is what many mock and laugh at - the notion that it's defended as actual fighting.

One can even extend this to actual olympic martial arts. How real is their fighting, really? They follow rules, there's no "below the belt" - they don't even hate each others, but hug it out after a fight, "That's the fakest shit I've ever seen! Where's the blood!?"
No. Used to watch some UFC though, and some of that has quite a bit of show elements in it as well. Don't think the matches are fixed though, although how would I know for sure. Their fighters are constantly getting caught using steroids.


want to see blood, plenty of that in UFC and other MMA organisation fights.
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No. Used to watch some UFC though, and some of that has quite a bit of show elements in it as well. Don't think the matches are fixed though, although how would I know for sure. Their fighters are constantly getting caught using steroids.


want to see blood, plenty of that in UFC and other MMA organisation fights.

I was only making an example :D
Plenty of actual, real life-and-death fights on the internet, and they are just ugly and horrifying to watch...

So, I prefer a bit of nice fakeness, and rules to follow :D
Even MMA don't allow fights to the death, or hospitalization
I'm all for a resurrection of Pankration.
One rule: Don't kill your opponent.