Anyone noticed Legion supporters usually spell Caesar wrong?

And I’ll say again, @Morgan_, all the NCR shows is that American Democratic Republics don’t last.
WTF, I missed this.
For argument sake, lets say this is true:

Better to have went higher and brighter than to have merely subsisted on misery.
A 1000 year monarchy would get absolutely dump trucked by a chad 250 year democratic republic heh
The Princess of Thots.

And they can get away with this too because they send feet pics to the Twitch staff.
What arguments do the edgelords provide then?
I can't see how anyone would look at Legion as being edgy as in "man, that Shadow The Hedgehog got attitude and don't care for the rules, man. He's so awesome and cool".
They're a bunch of gay football romans in feathercaps. Not a whole lot of edge to it. I could see some gravitating towards the Great Khans cause drugz are cool dude and fuck the man, man. But Legion? What's edgy about the Legion? Raiders are more edgy than Legion is. The Slags in FO2 were more edgy than Legion is.