Artificial nucleotide base pair created


First time out of the vault
Two artificial DNA "letters" that are accurately and efficiently replicated
by a natural enzyme have been created by US researchers. Adding the two
artificial building blocks to the four that naturally comprise DNA could allow
wildly different kinds of genetic engineering, they say.

Eventually, the researchers say, they may be able to add them into the genetic
code of living organisms.

Two months old, but still interesting. This discovery has a lot of potential to be used, or abused. What do you think?
Not totally new organisms, but mutated monsters that pulsate and breathe. Evolution has spent hundreds of thousands of years perfecting the genome of the animals that dwell upon the Earth. If people being to mess with it now, they're going to unwind millions of years worth of work. They can't be so bold. They don't know what sort of horrors they are going to unleash upon the world.
So if there are four original base pairs and weve created two new ones imagine the possibilities assuming these new base pairs function in DNA.

If I were them I'd start out by taking a few simple and well-understood organism and start tinkering. Probably with E-coli bacteria, mice, or fruit flies.

The Vault Dweller
That's what they are going to do, don't they? Nobody is stupid enough to start using unsure methods to create new organisms.

Evolution's also a notoriously fickle system, one day you're on top of the food chain, next some bipedal mammals that are 1/10th your height are taking over your throne because of a damn pair of thumbs.

And a meteor...

I honestly welcome this technology as long as structured laws are put into place about creation and/or modification (the whole thou shalt do no harm type of stuff and the like) Sure there will be those that break the rules, but we get doctors who do the same already even though it's an age-old profession (medicine man is almost as old a job as prostitution!).

There's no two ways about it, it has its potential negative effects and potentially bad uses, however so do drugs, and we get people using those on both ends of the spectrum.

Bring on that third arm that everyone seems to need when they're trying to do something complicated!
Let's take a glimpse into the future and see what wonders this can bring about:


"We've found the cure for AIDS, it's called FEV." :lol:
DarkLegacy said:
Let's take a glimpse into the future and see what wonders this can bring about:


"We've found the cure for AIDS, it's called FEV." :lol:

So the government conspiracy to prevent breeding and population growth secedes anyways. :roll:
Can you cite your source, janjetina?

And from my perspective I'm not sure the usefulness of an additional pair of bases. Fact is that the current base pair system is already more than enough to encode the 20 amino acids used in all proteins. A far better and more useful application would be assigning currently degenerate codons to new amino acids, thereby expanding the range of possible protein patterns.

And changing the codon identities instead of adding bases would be easier to put it together into a coherent system, since you wouldn't need to alter nearly as many of the myriad of parameters used in the central dogma of molecular biology. Granted, new amino acids would require new synthesis pathways, a complicated task in its own right, but that's as much simpler biochemistry as anything.
Not totally new organisms, but mutated monsters that pulsate and breathe. Evolution has spent hundreds of thousands of years perfecting the genome of the animals that dwell upon the Earth. If people being to mess with it now, they're going to unwind millions of years worth of work. They can't be so bold. They don't know what sort of horrors they are going to unleash upon the world.

Perfecting? You mean the mutated monsters that pulsate and breathe upon the Earth at this moment?

Nature gave human beings frail bodies that require constant maintenance, are vulnerable to all sorts of external attacks, and take a quarter century to mature before they immediately begin falling apart - and the best part of the joke is that nature gave us consciousness so we can percieve the swift ebbing of our existence; if nature is perfect we may as well all off ourselves right now and save the trouble. Nature doesn't care one bit about humans or any of the organisms it creates.

There's no logical reason we can't alter things to make our lives better, and this type of science is a step in that direction.
A book of Interest

You should all read The Gap Saga by Stephen R. Donaldson. It has a very interesting take on what could happen to a race of organisms when they begin tampering with themselves. That said, I'm all for the expansion of scientific knowledge. It is probably cliche to say by now but "with great knowledge comes great responsibility". Humans have been foolish with their use of Nuclear fusion, but we haven't manage to blow ourselves up, yet. I think human fear helps to though, we should never breed that out of ourselves, its illogical at times but also useful for survival.
Well, if it wasn't for genetical engineering, I'd be dead for about 10 years, so I guess I have nothing against using it to obtain medicine and food. But experimenting with more sophisticated organisms isn't what I want to see.
Mord_Sith said:
Evolution's also a notoriously fickle system, one day you're on top of the food chain, next some bipedal mammals that are 1/10th your height are taking over your throne because of a damn pair of thumbs.

And a meteor...

Best. Post. Ever.
Dark Legacy said:
They can't be so bold. They don't know what sort of horrors they are going to unleash upon the world.

They don't know what sort of Sorrows they are going to unleash upon the world.

Ravager said:
experimenting with more sophisticated organisms isn't what I want to see.

Don't worry, you don't have to.
Murdoch said:
And from my perspective I'm not sure the usefulness of an additional pair of bases. Fact is that the current base pair system is already more than enough to encode the 20 amino acids used in all proteins.
It's all about the energy efficiency, after all we work on about 50-60% efficiency, unlike our cars and other machines that are about 10% at tops. :(
The meteor thing also comes to this too, now that we have secured our basic day to day survival, somethings in the nature need to change to further continue the development, even if it kills 99% of the living beings... just like it did when the high concentration of oxygen was deadly. The revolution killed just the 99.9% of the life on Earth, at the time... And the others were already adjusted... so it would be good to prepare.

:roll: Now the food chain thing, there is no such a thing, as it's actually all a cycle, that could begin with the sun, but it doesn't end anywhere, as the resources are always recycled... worm food, that's you and some water and minerals etc. around your dead body is the substance of worms, and thus become part of him, a bird eats it and thus you become a part of the bird, though not a big part, and not for long as it's eaten by a human... now that's a short tail of food, and a good one, cause it doesn't contain any plants, by why it's so good, because they are just eating YOU. :twisted:
Mord_Sith said:
(medicine man is almost as old a job as prostitution!)
I always wonder which cretin was the first to state that prostitution is the oldest job in the world. Where is the proof of that? Anyone dug up any fossil remains of whores recently?
To me, it seems to be the same kind of wisdom as 'when a woman has her periods, she can't make mayonnaise' or 'if you put a spoon in the opening of a bottle of champagne, the champagne will not lose its bubbles'.

As for scientists tinkering with the compounds of life: it's their friggin' job so leave them be. I get cramps in my shitter whenever I hear some retard say that scientists shouldn't mess with such divine material, that there should be rules and laws and morals to experiment with (human) life. Those are usually the same retards that see no problem whatsoever in driving their SUV to the bakery just around the corner, polluting the entire goddamn planet, and basically messing around with life on a much larger scale. They're the ones that are fascinated with guns and bullets, the ones that vote for mad politicians who have no problem experimenting with human dignity and self-esteem.

One of the reasons why the "greatest" things since bread came sliced are cellphones, mp3 players and ridiculously "fast" computers is because - since WW2 - scientists do not have 'carte blanche' anymore. Just imagine how much progress we could have made if there wasn't something like 'ethics' to hold us back. When scientists dream about sending a manned mission to Mars, there are a billion organizations ready to tell them something along the lines of 'that's crazy, what about this and that, we can't risk the lives of three, four, five astronauts for something as crazy as that. WTF? There are 7 billion fucktards on this planet and some reatrds say we can't wager the lives of three, four, five of them to actually make some progress? It's the same thing with war these days, isn't it? They send thousands and thousands of soldiers to the battlefield and when a couple of them die, it's like: "WTF? That isn't supposed to happen! How can we let that happen? It's so inhumane! We have to boycot that war. We have to stop this madness." And so on. While, to my limited knowledge, that is exactly what happens in a war: people get killed. Always has been the case and always will. <rant>


Aw gawd... I need to stay away from these sad fora. They make me feel like this world is primarily inhabited by morons. Which is probably the case, but still. It ain't healthy. I can't even bother to explain in detail because I always know some wisecrack will eventually pop up (usually in the shape of some artistic Polack or school-going Dutchie or acne-infested Yank) who will start quoting his schoolbooks or some book by a modern philosopher or another pseudo-intellectual and it's just so tiring, it's just so pointless to even try and defend yourself, it's a pack of wolves who still suck their momma's nipples, but you can't win, it's the whole Charlie Brown versus Lucy and her friends tragedy I know from my favourite Peanuts comics, you just sigh, you just whisper "good grief" and you hope the cramps will stop as soon as possible, you just...


alec said:
As for scientists tinkering with the compounds of life: it's their friggin' job so leave them be.

Hell, selection of crops and animals is tinkering with life. Cows are man-made creatures, they're unnatural abominations, with no purpose in life but to produce milk.

So why whine about some splicing?

alec said:
Just imagine how much progress we could have made if there wasn't something like 'ethics' to hold us back. When scientists dream about sending a manned mission to Mars, there are a billion organizations ready to tell them something along the lines of 'that's crazy, what about this and that, we can't risk the lives of three, four, five astronauts for something as crazy as that.


Actually I'm pretty sure we don't have a manned mission to Mars because with our current technology as it is we can't afford it. Besides, what's the advantage of sending a manned mission over a space probe? Nada.

PS: "school-going"? Pretty sure most of our resident Dutchies are older than that.