As far as I'm concerned,Fallout 3 never happened. *spoilers*

I played FO3 for 10-15 minutes, then stopped. Great game. :clap: [/sarcasm]

Goris_The_Deathclaw98 said:
When the good Fallouts 1/2 were Isometric it was more dificult and frightening because you could not see too far, but in the game engine for Oblivion you can see much too far so it is easy! the physics are so enrealistic that they should have used animation deaths like in good Fallouts.

Most definitely. I did not however find it FO2 "frightening" in that regard, rather I would need to time and plan my movements to avoid any nasty surprises :mrgreen:. The atmosphere and general setting of the game, while humorous in some aspects, is definitely a dark and frightening experience (at least to me anyways). That's what surprised me the most being that it is Isometric and apparently that's not "immersive."
Re: As far as I'm concerned,Fallout 3 never happened. *spoil

Ba5 said:
I just finished this game. Holy shit. And I promptly registered and am a NMA supporter.

"Hello stranger who I just met 4 seconds ago, our town is build around a live nuclear bomb, would you mind disarming it?"
*fiddles with bomb, while 2436 bystanders, that probably know as ell of the bomb being a live one, say nothing*

I like the fact that you can disarm the "nucular" bomb with 25 science skill.. The people of Megaton apparently didn't see the huge lever on the side of the bomb saying "Disarm" and "Boom!"

This is all very entertaining to read. But to come to some kind of final conclusion, isn't it best to see this game simply as another addition to the Fallout series, not necessarily its successor. Just like Fallout Tactics and Brotherhood of Shit. Lets work some cool mods out together or something.

This whole discussion should rather go in this direction:

Fallout Fan: "I like Bananas."
Bethesda Fan: "I like Apples."
F.F: "Eeeewww."
B.F: "And I like Bananas too. They taste as good as Apples."
F.F: "God, you're stupid. Don't you see? It's all a scam to get your money. Look at those huge worms in your Apple."
B.F: "There are some brown parts on your Banana, dude."
F.F: "You're right. C'mon, lets smack that UT n00b over there and then we buy some nice fruits from his money."
Goris_The_Deathclaw98 said:
I agree with Eynixon. the gaming engine for Oblivion that is used in Oblivion 2: 2277, aka Fallout 3. When the good Fallouts 1/2 were Isometric it was more dificult and frightening because you could not see too far, but in the game engine for Oblivion you can see much too far so it is easy! the physics are so enrealistic that they should have used animation deaths like in good Fallouts.

Try playing with low graphic settings. You won't be able to see enemies that are shooting you from 15 feet away, and it will take ages to figure out who's attacking you. Really frightening...

Well, not so much, more like annoying.
TorontRayne said:
Ausdoerrt said:
^ Nah, that is silly. Loving FOO just because of killable kids makes you no better than the console kids who love it for the Fatman.

I agree. I like choice as much as the next guy,but I am not going to say " I like this game because I can kill kids Lolz OMG!!!111"

I think he may be saying that the kids are so annoying in F3 that making them killable in F3 adds makes the game 10\10. Not that killing all kids are fun.

Typhoon said:
This is all very entertaining to read. But to come to some kind of final conclusion, isn't it best to see this game simply as another addition to the Fallout series, not necessarily its successor. Just like Fallout Tactics and Brotherhood of Shit. Lets work some cool mods out together or something.

This whole discussion should rather go in this direction:

Fallout Fan: "I like Bananas."
Bethesda Fan: "I like Apples."
F.F: "Eeeewww."
B.F: "And I like Bananas too. They taste as good as Apples."
F.F: "God, you're stupid. Don't you see? It's all a scam to get your money. Look at those huge worms in your Apple."
B.F: "There are some brown parts on your Banana, dude."
F.F: "You're right. C'mon, lets smack that UT n00b over there and then we buy some nice fruits from his money."

Hahaha. This is a beautiful sediment you're making but at the same time, I don't want to reward absurd and sub par video game making. This really is Generic Post-Apoc Game 3 more then Fallout 3. Its not even really the content inside, it's how it's presented. I'm sure vampires can work in post-apoc and i'm also sure Beth fucked it all up.

CaptainNemo said:
Frisca said:
Sure it's not going to work. Renaming might have worked long ago before any copy was shipped. It's more of a "let's see how many people agree" and PERHAPS FO4 will be more Fallout.

24 anonymous Internet people will not sway Bethesda. As for Fallout 4? I eagerly await it. Bethesda did a damn fine job, and I can't wait to see what they do next.

At least when I'm done masturbating I have 60 dollars left over.


now I can't go back and edit it.

I meant sentiment in case some of you aren't following.

So much for the serious tone of that post.
the original post: entertaining, sadly it is true.

Btw, I see you forgot to mention Oasis. I fear you ll have an unpleasant surprise waiting there. But it might be entertaining for us if you gave your review on that (it s got something to do with a tree) :wink:
CaptainNemo said:
Replay value is vast. Male or female? Stealth or Tank? Good or Evil?


female/male .. no discernible difference, same game (different perk names) hell even most of the dialogue stays exactly the same.

Stealth/Tank yeah sure... you go right ahead and stealth those super mutie's to death... and gain no XP in the process.. this game rewards 1 style of play. Run n Gun.. Stealth is only an option to allow those Uber 'stealth crits' quite frankly these two things are pretty much the same thing.

Good/Evil.. don't even TRY to say there is a difference here.

Good char, wanders the wastes, blows crap up completes obligatory missions.

Bad char, wanders the wastes, blows crap up completes obligatory missions.

(karma affects practically nothing important, the resources available to either good/bad are just as easy to acquire from either side, and there are no 'real' benefits or drawbacks playing from either side. If you can prove this wrong in fact, then my copy of FO3 is clearly broken.)

REALLY, really nooooo difference, the game is so once sided its in danger of proving quantum physicist's wrong and falling over.

and I'll add my own anecdote;

Radio message: "ooh noes, help us, vault 101 need you"
*I wander back to V101*
Me "hello, Lucy, Iiihhhm Hooome.. Wait.. wat?"
*some guards give me hassle = dead guards*
*proceed to Vault overseer*
Me "what's all this then?"
Overseer "raawwwr blaah once sided dialogue!"
*dead overseer*
Amata "help me obi wan kenobi your my only hope"
IRL me: .. hmmm I killed him already, I'll wait for the dialogue to catch up..
Amata "ooh yay! you saved us"
Me "yeah sorry grovel grovel only way etc blah"
Amata "now go away, you smell"

IRL me: *sigh*
Esc... quit... exit to windows.
The game can be fun. But the dialogue were so poor of quality that its hard to really enjoy the game as RPG. Well thats how it feelt for me at least
Re: As far as I'm concerned,Fallout 3 never happened. *spoil

I think I had a more natural reaction to the vampires.

I assumed the vampire clan in the tunnels were enemies. I proceeded to take out each one of them from the shadows of the tunnel, rigging explosives and traps to protect myself.

I get negative karma for that, for some reason.

I then raided their little vampire-weapon-shop, and got boat loads of negative karma for that.

Then once I finally arrived at the kid, whom I assumed was a hostage, he freaked out that I had killed "his buddies". Then once discovering he ATE HIS PARENTS, I killed him too - to put him out of his misery.

Then proceeded to lie to his sister about his fate.

I think I had a Neutral Good (D&D) reaction to that quest arc, yet after it was all over I had lost around 700 karma (and was now evil).
Re: As far as I'm concerned,Fallout 3 never happened. *spoil

Dubby said:
I think I had a more natural reaction to the vampires.

I assumed the vampire clan in the tunnels were enemies. I proceeded to take out each one of them from the shadows of the tunnel, rigging explosives and traps to protect myself.

I get negative karma for that, for some reason.

I then raided their little vampire-weapon-shop, and got boat loads of negative karma for that.

Then once I finally arrived at the kid, whom I assumed was a hostage, he freaked out that I had killed "his buddies". Then once discovering he ATE HIS PARENTS, I killed him too - to put him out of his misery.

Then proceeded to lie to his sister about his fate.

I think I had a Neutral Good (D&D) reaction to that quest arc, yet after it was all over I had lost around 700 karma (and was now evil).

Using the Cannibal perk gets you -karma and attacking "Cannibals" also gets you -karma. Yea ok Beth! Stay outta my morality!
cratchety ol joe said:
CaptainNemo said:
Replay value is vast. Male or female? Stealth or Tank? Good or Evil?


female/male .. no discernible difference, same game (different perk names) hell even most of the dialogue stays exactly the same.

I know you can seduce Burke into letting the town go if you're a woman.

Stealth/Tank yeah sure... you go right ahead and stealth those super mutie's to death... and gain no XP in the process.. this game rewards 1 style of play. Run n Gun.. Stealth is only an option to allow those Uber 'stealth crits' quite frankly these two things are pretty much the same thing.

Because the Sneak skill was so useful in the original Fallouts.

Good/Evil.. don't even TRY to say there is a difference here.

Good char, wanders the wastes, blows crap up completes obligatory missions.

Bad char, wanders the wastes, blows crap up completes obligatory missions.

(karma affects practically nothing important, the resources available to either good/bad are just as easy to acquire from either side, and there are no 'real' benefits or drawbacks playing from either side. If you can prove this wrong in fact, then my copy of FO3 is clearly broken.)

You get different companions, Megaton's existence changes, you'll either get into Paradise Falls for free or 500 caps. You're right to an extent, though. I would've liked the Main Quest to change.

REALLY, really nooooo difference, the game is so once sided its in danger of proving quantum physicist's wrong and falling over.

and I'll add my own anecdote;

Radio message: "ooh noes, help us, vault 101 need you"
*I wander back to V101*
Me "hello, Lucy, Iiihhhm Hooome.. Wait.. wat?"
*some guards give me hassle = dead guards*
*proceed to Vault overseer*
Me "what's all this then?"
Overseer "raawwwr blaah once sided dialogue!"
*dead overseer*
Amata "help me obi wan kenobi your my only hope"
IRL me: .. hmmm I killed him already, I'll wait for the dialogue to catch up..
Amata "ooh yay! you saved us"
Me "yeah sorry grovel grovel only way etc blah"
Amata "now go away, you smell"

IRL me: *sigh*
Esc... quit... exit to windows.
CrazyLegs said:
You get different companions, Megaton's existence changes, you'll either get into Paradise Falls for free or 500 caps. You're right to an extent, though. I would've liked the Main Quest to change.

1, 2, 3, 4.

FOUR instances.

In the *entire* game.
Typhoon said:
Fallout Fan: "I like Bananas."
Bethesda Fan: "I like Apples."
F.F: "Eeeewww."
B.F: "And I like Bananas too. They taste as good as Apples."
F.F: "God, you're stupid. Don't you see? It's all a scam to get your money. Look at those huge worms in your Apple."
B.F: "There are some brown parts on your Banana, dude."
F.F: "You're right. C'mon, lets smack that UT n00b over there and then we buy some nice fruits from his money."

I like bananas and apples (I enjoyed Morrowind and Daggerfall), but I still think Fallout 3 sucked.
Mikael Grizzly said:
CrazyLegs said:
You get different companions, Megaton's existence changes, you'll either get into Paradise Falls for free or 500 caps. You're right to an extent, though. I would've liked the Main Quest to change.

1, 2, 3, 4.

FOUR instances.

In the *entire* game.
I would not even count that effect in Paradise Falls even really a "change" when it comes to karma since you can get inside anyway with enough money. But I guess everyone would see that differently.
Mikael Grizzly said:
CrazyLegs said:
You get different companions, Megaton's existence changes, you'll either get into Paradise Falls for free or 500 caps. You're right to an extent, though. I would've liked the Main Quest to change.

1, 2, 3, 4.

FOUR instances.

In the *entire* game.
I'm not entirely sure that's all, though. Also, how were the original Fallouts affected by Karma?
CrazyLegs said:
Mikael Grizzly said:
CrazyLegs said:
Also, how were the original Fallouts affected by Karma?

You couldn't get some NPCs with subzero karma, others would abandon you, and everyone would raise a fuss.

However, karma is easy to get and hard to lose. I just assassinated some harmless old guy and still have 640....

As a side note, thanks for the funny anecdotes. I wonder if someone will ever port Fallout or Fallout 2 to the Fallout 3 engine?

Also, I hear a lot of the original Fallout guys are working on Fallout the MMORPG. Keep yer fingers crossed....
spasticteapot said:
Also, I hear a lot of the original Fallout guys are working on Fallout the MMORPG. Keep yer fingers crossed....

From my understanding, Interplay has hired at least Chris Taylor back.

But... something about standing around waiting for a group of Raiders to respawn so you can complete a quest just seems to kill the idea for me.
Critter said:
From my understanding, Interplay has hired at least Chris Taylor back.

But... something about standing around waiting for a group of Raiders to respawn so you can complete a quest just seems to kill the idea for me.
I agree on that.
It would feel weird to wait for "Son of Darion",humanoid elite lvl 30 mob to spawn. So i could get the metal armour head piece with perception +1. :shock: