Assassins Creed III set in...

maximaz said:
Brother None said:
That looks fucking retarded.

It looks like someone chopped in a colonial Brit into a screenshot of an older Assassin's Creed. The "native American touches" in clothing and weaponry actually make it worse.

If he's going to hunt like a native American, then again, why doesn't he look like one? And not just talking skin color here, they were adapted in dress to their climates, and for camouflage. So...?
My guess is that you can change the color of the assassin's garb, like in the last few games. In many of those shots, the white makes some sense for winter camouflage.
Brother None said:
maximaz said:
Brother None said:
That looks fucking retarded.
If he's going to hunt like a native American, then again, why doesn't he look like one? And not just talking skin color here, they were adapted in dress to their climates, and for camouflage. So...?

Although that screen didn't jump at me as being retarded I do agree. Overall, the idea that a super secret organization would sport the same attire for centuries is pretty stupid, even if it is winter and he must wear white, why advertise with all the little touches?

They should have at least done away with the hood. The new guy is not named "eagle" anymore (thank God as that would have been even more ridiculous) so why force it. Connor has something to do with wolves so I think this would have been more appropriate:

One look at this screenshot and you can guess that the gameplay won't be much different from other AC games:


Also, I can see why they decided to go for this setting. There are lot's of conspiracy theories and such about the colonial wars and they have definitely squeezed a lot of their own shit in it, to be able to somehow connect it to the AC plot.
Those clothes stand out so much, the concept images appear comically photo shopped.

Still, on the bright side, the setting seems very interesting to me. I guess the colonial era is common in strategy games, but it'll be fun to watch the translation into a 3D stealth-action game.
Yea, setting wise, I am interested in it too. I did only play the first game and stopped after the second town, never touching it again since then. But AC3 is something I might try again.
Well this is interesting if only to see how they manage it and if they manage to not piss of either Americans or the British.
Spose they could always do an expansion that covers the war of 1812 to balance things a bit. :P
Lexx said:
Yea, setting wise, I am interested in it too. I did only play the first game and stopped after the second town, never touching it again since then. But AC3 is something I might try again.

Did you give AC2 a try? It sure is a big improvement over the first game. AC: Brotherhood and Revelations on the other hand are the very definitions of the word 'Grind'.
Am I the only one who thinks this setting is terrible for Assassin's Creed? And not because of the possible mishandling of the setting and details, the AC games were never particularly good at that anyway. More because this doesn't seem to be a setting that brings out the best of the series, to me.

What I loved about the previous games was climbing through densely populated cities, with historic landmarks. The free-running over rooftops was very well done, as was the atmosphere in those cities. The detail on monuments was stunning (if often historically inaccurate).

But colonial America had none of that. They had no historic landmarks and few buildings from that time survive today. In addition, cities were relatively sparsely populated, buildings were low-rise and built far apart. That makes for a completely different style of gameplay, one I don't think plays to the games' strengths.

Plus, now they're sure to continue to build on that fucking asstarded conspiracy backstory no one gives a shit about. I play those games because I want to play an assassin in historical settings, not fuck around in the modern day playing some dude who seems to have suffered permanent brain injuries related to his utter fucking stupidity.

Serge 13 said:
Did you give AC2 a try? It sure is a big improvement over the first game. AC: Brotherhood and Revelations on the other hand are the very definitions of the word 'Grind'.
Huh, really? I thought AC: Brotherhood was the best of the bunch, adding a lot of variety to the game. Revelations added more, but I didn't think its additions did much for the game, and something about it just felt a little off.
Sander's post

I see what you're saying regarding the climbing and the related mechanics but I think that it's time to change things way up. I would agree with you more if they didn't release five games that are pretty similar. At this point, I personally really could not care less about another Assassin's Creed unless it's a drastic departure and I can't imagine that I'm the only one.

Besides, from the screens it looks like there will be plenty of roof-top running and the in-town stealth.
Maybe this time around they will provide a storyline that is not retarded and boring to tears. For me, the first couple of hours of AC2 were good, until the game drags on through boring quests into a completely fucking horrible ending.

Storylines in Brotherhood and Revelations should be shot in the head and left in dirt.
To each his own, I guess. I liked the storylines post-AC1, particularly the subplots running through Brotherhood and Revelations.

I do echo BN's concerns about handling the setting, though.
Regarding the story, I think it was never really good but it had potential at first. The biggest selling point of the first game was the very intriguing setting and the possibility of them exploring a believable (somewhat) conspiracy theory. At least, they tried to give that impression with the claims of basing everything on real historical figures and events, and it came out at the time of the Da VInci Code craze so I think everyone was intrigued by that.

The second one had a decent enough setting but got away from reality almost completely. Then, there was revelation at the end and I have to say that I lose interest.
Trailer's up


It's got the "FUCK YEAH AMERICA" tone down pat.
Is it me or it doesn't seem like our white-clad new friend (Connor, is it?) posseses a Hidden Blade? I mean, tomahawks are cool and all but it's not an AssCreed game without the hidden blade.

And yeah, as I predicted we get both overblown patriotism and Founding Father worship. Hope they keep that stuff to the trailer.
I have tried to complete de Assassins Creed games a lot of times, but I just can't get over the SEEMINGLY needless Sci-fi setting, a setting I think actually hurts the game by having those stupid game overs because you did stuff Ezio didn't do... Correct me if you think the setting actually helps it later in the story, but I felt the game would work better if you just took control of the Assassins without the genetic memory bullshit.
Yeah, I think that's the consensus by now, that the whole modern-day story and conspiracy theory stuff is bullshit. It had some potential, maybe, from the first game, but they ruined it by shitty writing.