It actually took me far longer than most of you. I hadn't even played the original Fallouts until about a year before Fallout 4's announcement. So at the time I only really remembered how much fun I had playing Fallouts (by that time I hadn't played Fallout 3 recent enough to actually compare it to new vegas or the first 2). By the time Fallout 4 came out I was too poor to actually get it, and am still too poor to get it. But I did look up reviews and sales so that I can have a sense of pride in how well it was doing. Then I found this site which basically changed my whole perspective. I had only visited this site before to grab Fallout FIXT and the Fallout 2 restoration project but then I actually read the forums. It opened my eyes to things I would have never noticed before, the inconsistencies in lore being one of the main things for me. Then I looked at Fallout 4 with much less optimism, and much more criticism. I now use the common opinion that it is not a good fallout, but may be a good game. I have no idea, all I know is that it has quite a few things that make me angry.
There is often more than one way to judge something, and that is one of the discussions I had with a friend of mine who only started playing Fallout from 3, and has to this day never touched 1 and 2
Fallout 3 was a totally decent "adventure shooter with RPG elements", it had cool aesthetics, and if we pretend FO1 and 2 never existed, it had a pretty cool lore. In itself it was not a bad game.
Fallout 4 is the same, in itself it lets you shoot monsters with cool guns, there's green giants who hate you, and junk-armor gangsters who hate everybody, and it is from that point of view mooost normal consumers judge Fallout 3 and 4 - the games were fun to play, had cool guns, and enemies were fun to shoot dead with the guns.
The problem is of course what you have seen on this forum, that these games *carry a legacy*, they are
supposed to
belong to a specific series of games, that were NOT like these games are now

How would people react if Sims 5 turned into a shooter? Or even better, if the next Fallout turned into a top-down role play game, like 1 and 2 were, how would todays fans react? They have allready expressed displeasure with the original games, there's plenty of such comments on the internet, "looks boring" "temple of trials is too difficult!!!"
Anyway, since I allready imagined FO3 would suck before it was out, I was absolutely sure FO4 would suck, and I know for an absolute fact FO5, 6 and 7 will suck. All of them. Hard.