At what moment did you think fallout 4 was going to disappoint you?

The most boring part of the game to be honest.

Noooo, come on, I consider it one of the big fights! You gotta go in there with nothing but overpowered weaponry though, or the fight will last for stupid ever, it's an XP mill!
Noooo, come on, I consider it one of the big fights! You gotta go in there with nothing but overpowered weaponry though, or the fight will last for stupid ever, it's an XP mill!
I prefer conversations, social interactions and combats that are both challenging, realistic, fun and low key. Yes, I'd rather fight a couple of bandits in a botched ambush then tons of power armoured Enclave.
I prefer conversations, social interactions and combats that are both challenging, realistic, fun and low key. Yes, I'd rather fight a couple of bandits in a botched ambush then tons of power armoured Enclave.

I tend to agree with you on this matter. I have to this day never taken on the Enclave at the platform, for example. But still, a couple of good, all-out showdowns can be fun, but mostly I am excited about how much of an XP boost I will have gathered by the end of it :V

When it comes to atrocities like FO3, combat has lost all meaning, it means even less than it would in a shooter, because FO3 pretends not to be a shooter, but all you fucking do is shoot, then FO4 came along, patted FO3 on the head, and made everything even more shootey
I would groan - loudly - at some of these shootouts that just went on and on, deathclaws, supermutants, oh look gunners are getting in on it, will this never fucking end!? *ratatatatatatata, tatatatatatata, tatatatatatatata, tatatatatatatatatatatata christ, is this actually supposed to entertain??? tatatatatatata...
Ugh, the emphasis on shooting in Fallout 3 and Fallout 4... it was disgraceful though to be honest, Fallout 1 and Fallout 2 weren't perfect in that regard. The thing that made them stand out was that they tried to make tons of non-combat situations, quests and activities.
Ugh, the emphasis on shooting in Fallout 3 and Fallout 4... it was disgraceful though to be honest, Fallout 1 and Fallout 2 weren't perfect in that regard. The thing that made them stand out was that they tried to make tons of non-combat situations, quests and activities.

Precisely. I'm the kind of player who will try my best to avoid random encounters. I always consider my first homicide a milestone. I always imagine combat as a "big deal" in my Fallout playthroughs.
It was my first major dissapointment with FO3 in fact, that I was forced to start killing humans right away. I'm not against shooting people (in games :V), I had to repeat this a lot to a friend, who thought I was being some kind of ultra-pacifist - but I want shooting to be kind of a big deal :D We're discharging fire-arms, we're killing people, it has to mean something!

In my role play, I always imagine how my character is forever marked by the shoot-out in the Den, for example, and increasingly so in the later bigger fights. The rumble in New Reno changes my character into a mentally broken psycho, it's a progression! It's role-play! For a daddy's-boy (litterally) to start expertly popping *security units* - and killing all of them in a jiffy, it makes NO sense to me...
My wish is a Fallout game where combat is deadly (I always get mods that make dying and killing others easy and fast, making combat dangerous), rare and appropriately traumatic. A combat between three gangsters should be pretty damn dangerous and considered a big deal.
My wish is a Fallout game where combat is deadly (I always get mods that make dying and killing others easy and fast, making combat dangerous), rare and appropriately traumatic. A combat between three gangsters should be pretty damn dangerous and considered a big deal.

Me and my gamer-nut friend agree on that, it's one of the few things game-related we do agree on. A post apocalyptic survival game, where things are truly difficult. Ammo should be hard to come by, and not just appear to be hard to come by! I never played "Last of us", but I got that exact impression there, that it was advertised as ammunition being rare, but if only you OCD it (which people will inevitably do) you would swim in ammo. In Fallout it was easy to gather so much fucking ammo, you'd basically break the game

But we all love that aspect of Mad Max, for example - his 2-3 shotgun shells, and they turn out to be defective at that! That's post apo!
Of course, getting insta-killed by some scumbag would frustrate you, and therefore you can't have tons of hostile encounters in a game like that. You can't provide a player with 1 functioning and 1 defective shotgun shell, and then have ghouls and giants and rhino-sized rad-spiders littering the landscapes
It would have to be a low key game, where you play with patience, where you wander long distances, and gather information, putting together a narrative, KIND OF LIKE READING A BOOK <---and there is the inherent problem, and the reason why it will never happen :D
It's a nice dream tho... :D
Mature story, tough challenging gameplay that rewards logical thinking and caution, lots of hard choices to make and harsh survival mechanics that make sense but aren't ridiculously annoying... Am I daydreaming?
Mature story, tough challenging gameplay that rewards logical thinking and caution, lots of hard choices to make and harsh survival mechanics that make sense but aren't ridiculously annoying... Am I daydreaming?

I try to dream, but I see Preston Garvey walking towards me, slowly, as if locked on, yearning to tell me something "a bit different"
I wake up screaming, sweatting, with a heavy sensation weighing on my chest

it is Preston Garvey

I try to dream, but I see Preston Garvey walking towards me, slowly, as if locked on, yearning to tell me something "a bit different"
I wake up screaming, sweatting, with a heavy sensation weighing on my chest

it is Preston Garvey

Unfortunately that is gaming nowadays. A bunch of dime-a-dozen games pretending to be different.
Unfortunately that is gaming nowadays. A bunch of dime-a-dozen games pretending to be different.

It's the problem of risk-free investment, is what it is. They want a certain return, it's all math and business, disguised as art and entertainment. That's why I like little provocations like FISTO fisting you, that shit is not exactly risk free
It should also not be some competition to provoke as much as possible, mind you, but any real artist knows that his art is not for everyone. An artist trying to make art "for everyone" is more often than not a corporate dick-sucking prostitute (something I mentioned in a Todd Howard thread)

Almost all games that are truly good, are games that know full well they are not for everyone. Take Hearts of Iron, can you imagine the yawn-fest a lot of people will experience? They know this! Yet they deliver, regardless, forfeiting tons and tons of potential audience, so that they can truly please those who DO enjoy that particular format!
Almost all games that are truly good, are games that know full well they are not for everyone. Take Hearts of Iron, can you imagine the yawn-fest a lot of people will experience? They know this! Yet they deliver, regardless, forfeiting tons and tons of potential audience, so that they can truly please those who DO enjoy that particular format!
Yeah, I really like the series even though it's not for everyone. Darkest Hour for the win!
I realized this was going to be a lazily written game the moment they killed the spouse for cheap Max Payne drama versus the thousands of potential plots a spouse could add.
I tend to agree with you on this matter. I have to this day never taken on the Enclave at the platform, for example.

I love those sections in games when you wear a disguise to get past enemies. I also tend to prefer stealth over shooting someone. Hell even in stealth games like Chaos Theory I try to get through without killing or knocking anyone out unless I really have to. Self-imposed challenges and that.
I love those sections in games when you wear a disguise to get past enemies. I also tend to prefer stealth over shooting someone. Hell even in stealth games like Chaos Theory I try to get through without killing or knocking anyone out unless I really have to. Self-imposed challenges and that.

Yeah, like in Hitman 1 and 2, once I got past the bang-bang thrill, I used to love getting "all professional", minimizing all kinds of collateral damage as much as possible
In the end, I was so frustrated with the very first mission in Hitman 1, in that a loud and messy helicopter attack in the end is scripted. It was possible however to outmaneuver it, and complete the mission without engaging it, but very tricky!
For me I noticed how the trailers for the game focused mostly on gimmicks and loose lore. Then I noticed the obscene amount of hype Bethesda started to kick up for its release. (Protip* if a game company starts to build a metric butt ton of hype before they release a game, its going to be a big fat turd.) The reason I am cautious with "hype" is because sheeple tend to read too far into the craze, and automatically assume they are being told the truth about a product.

However the reality is that every time hype is generated for a product before release, there will be an equal amount of disapointment related to the product after its release.