Sonny, I Watched the Vault Bein' Built!

UniversalWolf said:Avatar could have everything you just mentioned liking and still suck.Yamu said:I'm sorry, but I've tried, I really have, and I just can't be as jaded and cynical about this film as I apparently should be. I like fantasy. I like epic visuals. I like futuristic miltech, I like worlds-collide settings, and I can't understand how anything that brings all these things together could be so widely met with such tepid regard.
To be good it needs great writing, great acting, great directing, great music, great editing, and a story that involves the viewer on both an intellectual and an emotional level. If it looks spectacular too, that's icing on the cake; but the icing is not the cake itself.
I hope Avatar is as good as you want it to be, but if it doesn't have the things I just mentioned it will be a lump of crap clothed in a bright, shiny, 200-million-dollar cellophane candy wrapper.
^ what this guys said.
I also like everything you mentioned, Yamu. but there's nothing stopping this film from being utter total crap. I can already tell that it's gonna be really cheesy and shock full of clichés.