Bad things of fo1,2?

Oh god, so many of these options are so tempting, but one thing is giggling for 5 minutes over a useless character, another is to try to complete the game with it :D
My Int1 character got as far as to NCR before I lost interest, and by then he had barely completed a quest...
Wt Bad about Fallout 1 & 2

1: Graphics
(I'm not saying it is the most important aspect but who doesn't want better graph?)

2: NPCs dont have voice except few talking heads
(Make me feel less realistic since most characters can only 'type in' what they say)

3: Companions always shoot you when you are standing on his firing line
(I don't dare to give Marcus a minigun, otherwise I will be the first one to die, like if my companions have no intelligence at all, non realistic)

4: Can't rotate camera
(which makes certain things difficult to see from your view even it is just in front of your character)

5: Map is too hugely covered
(how come you can walk across California in 2 weeks under a post nuclear circumstance?)

6: Not enough details for each location
(there were like, what? 30 people in entire LA/Boneyard? and most of them are non interactive at all)

7: both Fallout 1 and 2 are too linear
(How many people successfully sided with Master or Enclave? sorry to say this, but honestly, 1 & 2 are as linear as Fallout 3

8: No radios
dogy_kane said:
Wt Bad about Fallout 1 & 2

1: Graphics
(I'm not saying it is the most important aspect but who doesn't want better graph?)
Do you even know when these games were released? Pre-rendered graphics at sub-HD resolution were standard in the late 1990s, especially in RPGs. How can you judge an old game by current standards? That's ridiculous.
dogy_kane said:
2: NPCs dont have voice except few talking heads
(Make me feel less realistic since most characters can only 'type in' what they say)

So? Do you avoid reading books because they make you feel "less realistic"?
dogy_kane said:
3: Companions always shoot you when you are standing on his firing line
(I don't dare to give Marcus a minigun, otherwise I will be the first one to die, like if my companions have no intelligence at all, non realistic)

Wild guess, but can't you try.....NOT standing in someone's line of fire?

dogy_kane said:
4: Can't rotate camera
(which makes certain things difficult to see from your view even it is just in front of your character)

Again, you're trying to judge an old game by current standards. Static cameras were a standard thing back then.
dogy_kane said:
5: Map is too hugely covered
(how come you can walk across California in 2 weeks under a post nuclear circumstance?)

How do you know that you can't?
dogy_kane said:
6: Not enough details for each location
(there were like, what? 30 people in entire LA/Boneyard? and most of them are non interactive at all)

That wasn't the entire LA area. You only get to visit a few chosen locations, not the entire city.
dogy_kane said:
7: both Fallout 1 and 2 are too linear
(How many people successfully sided with Master or Enclave? sorry to say this, but honestly, 1 & 2 are as linear as Fallout 3

I don't think linear means what you think it means.
dogy_kane said:
8: No radios
??? That's too retarded to even address.
I believe that Einstein said something like: "Two things are limitless. One is the universe, the other human stupidity. And I'm not so sure about the universe."

In this case, dogy_kane, you compared a game, that came out DECADES ago, to the latest generation games which not always are better just because they are made later. Graphics may be "enhanced", but check out the screenies Continuum posted and say again which game got better graphics.
(Hint: the one with proper shadowing)
Fallout 1's standards are all much, much higher than Fallout 3's standards except in the categories of "Awesome shit" and "kick ass setpieces."
Nah. Fallout always had mediocre graphics. Not the worst in the world, but definitive not the best of that time.
dogy_kane said:
Wt Bad about Fallout 1 & 2

1: Graphics
(I'm not saying it is the most important aspect but who doesn't want better graph?)

2: NPCs dont have voice except few talking heads
(Make me feel less realistic since most characters can only 'type in' what they say)

3: Companions always shoot you when you are standing on his firing line
(I don't dare to give Marcus a minigun, otherwise I will be the first one to die, like if my companions have no intelligence at all, non realistic)

4: Can't rotate camera
(which makes certain things difficult to see from your view even it is just in front of your character)

5: Map is too hugely covered
(how come you can walk across California in 2 weeks under a post nuclear circumstance?)

6: Not enough details for each location
(there were like, what? 30 people in entire LA/Boneyard? and most of them are non interactive at all)

7: both Fallout 1 and 2 are too linear
(How many people successfully sided with Master or Enclave? sorry to say this, but honestly, 1 & 2 are as linear as Fallout 3

8: No radios

eh... what a ridiculous

2. better than using same actor for many npcs like fo3 or oblivion.
3. because there's no magic bullet to avoid you.
5. better than fast travel of fo3 or NV which spent few hour to across wasteland. but NPC says "It take some day to across"
6.I don't think there's enough detail in fo3. in fo 1,2, NV there's lots of description about how they living(food, shelter, trade, problem) but in fo3 there's little description about food and other things.
7. fo1 and 2 is linear? there's lots of different choices in fo1,2 which makes different ending.
Izual said:
What? Fallout 1/2 are beautiful games, even by nowadays' standards.

It still grossly disappoitns me that 'retro' means NES/SNES and not Infinity Engine or the Fallout Engine or anything of the sort. Nope.
Izual said:
What? Fallout 1/2 are beautiful games, even by nowadays' standards.

I would gladly pay full price for a nother game that looks the same as gorgeous Fallout set pieces today. Looks much more coherent than many of the AAA crap games coming out today.
Continuum said:
fedaykin said:
How can you judge an old game by current standards? That's ridiculous.
Visual standards of original Fallout are pretty high, I think...





Keep in mind that i haven't played the first one in a long time.. But the first picture is a.. picture while the F3 is an ingame SS with low quality? :evil:

Edit: I don't know why you guys think F1 and F2 where great looking in graphics? I thought they where meh when i started when it came to quality. Sure the graphic engine fit the game but i would never say that they where awesome looking besides that :P
Comparing graphic is meaningless since both fo1,2 and 3's graphic is bad compare with new games. but does it a big problem? fo1,2 have enough graphic to enjoy.
But we're not talking about new games were talking about a very specific set of games. Comparing graphics can be compartively meaningless due to the amount of time between games, different camera perspectives, 2D vs. 3D can be all used as arguments to dissuade a comparison of graphics but "there are other better looking games" isn't.
Oppen said:
My point of view on this debate is that the focus switched from the original one: it was bad things about Fallout 1 and 2, not things that are better on Fallout 1 and 2 than in Fallout 3 and NV or viceversa.
That's what I want to discuss about. I want to discuss about the point that should fix or need to change for good.

Rotate camera is good point to discuss since fo1,2's view is quite inconvinience. but graphic is bad point to dicuss because graphic is always improves. nobody won't produce sequel of fallout which has worse or same graphic of 1,2 either fps or isometric.