Baldurs Gate 3


Stormtrooper oTO
Anyone play it? How is it? I picked it up on EA but you can only play to level 4 so I never really played more than an hour and so far it seems fine. But I understand there is a lot more content availble that I haven't really checked out. It doesn't feel at all like the old Baldurs Gate which is given that it is 3D and turn based, but even the setting and the mood feels very different from the original games.
Ain't done yet.
This is the same reason I'm not interested in checking the game out yet. Maybe once it's finished, but more probably only after they release all the DLC's and are selling the whole thing really cheap (and if I have the money for it).
I think scripting, writing, and animating all those romances and sex scenes are slowing their dev time down. It is like an actual AAA company developing at the pace of a porn game dev like Yanderedev. But luckily my backlog and procrastination will keep me busy for ten years at least.
Not trying to be negative I just really think this game benefits from the total package not a piecemeal thing. I learned with all the other RPG's. Now if you are implying you want someone to play with I might arrange something.
Not trying to be negative I just really think this game benefits from the total package not a piecemeal thing. I learned with all the other RPG's. Now if you are implying you want someone to play with I might arrange something.
I want to know if the EA has anything of value to explore, since I do own it. And a max level of 4 seems a bit disappointing for the amount of content they say is in it.

But overall I just want to hear what people (that have actually tried it) think.
But overall I just want to hear what people (that have actually tried it) think.
I don't think there will be many (or any) people around here who played it.
There are not many fantasy RPG players around here. Or players at all for that matter. :rofl:
I'll say that it's pretty funny that it's going for turn based gameplay when some people find that gameplay "dated" and "not commercially viable", specially because the first two games are RTWP and those games sold a lot.
There are not many fantasy RPG players around here.
That is just plain wrong.
I'll say that it's pretty funny that it's going for turn based gameplay when some people find that gameplay "dated" and "not commercially viable", specially because the first two games are RTWP and those games sold a lot.
RTwP have done good in modern games too, Pillars of Eternity, Pathfinder etc. Even though they later added turn based modes.
It looks decent from what I've seen, but there're so many RPGs that are already finished (plus the price tag) that I haven't bought it yet.

Larian games have been very hit (Divine Divinity, Original Sin, everything but combat in Divinity II) or miss (Beyond Divinity and combat in Divinity II) for me.
I'll say that it's pretty funny that it's going for turn based gameplay when some people find that gameplay "dated" and "not commercially viable", specially because the first two games are RTWP and those games sold a lot.
Every time I see a game with RTWP I always see people bitching about it not being turn-based, I mean Pathfinder and Pillars of Eternity 2 added turn-based as well so I think RTWP isn't hip these days.
That is just plain wrong.
Well, good luck finding anyone here that plays or played Baldur's Gate 3.

This thread already has posts from around 75-85% of the active posters on NMA and none of them played BG3. I would suggest asking over at the Codex if you haven't yet, but there are not many around there I would trust on the matter of cRPGs.
I was intending to get Baldur's Gate 3, some time ago. I have read articles and viewed YT vids. At present I have too many other games to finish, rather than paying for an expensive partly finished game.
I haven't played BG3 yet, but from what I've seen so far from gameplay videos it seems to be heavily on the "Larian" side of games (Think Divine Divinity 2 here) but with DnD mechanics.

Honestly, I am not sure what to make out of it yet. It's obviously not a finished game. And it will still need some time before it's cooked. I've seem some mixed opinions about the whole thing from good experiences to people that think the game will not be a "Baldurs Gate" experience. - And I can see where they are coming from because again this does feel more like a "Larian" game than well the (old) "Bioware" Baldurs Gate. But I guess it would be a bit foolish to expect a "Baldurs Gate 2" with just prettier colours here though.

However some people also mention that Larian is kinda not doing such a stellar job in actually making the DnD PnP rules work on the PC so far.

What I actually don't get is how the game is still in "early access" for like ... 2 years now? I mean is that actually normal these days?
Nobody should get BG 3 until it is actually complete. Why would you buy a half complete RPG in the first place? Oh boy this RPg is missing half the classes but you can run around the opening area! Not talking about this game with that comment but it is the feel I get anytime now after being burned by playing unfinished rpg's.