Sub-Human said:Indeed. The only change I see is in the title. You still use scopes to engage the enemy at 50 meters.
Hehe, always made me think of this scene from Hot Shots part Deux.
Sub-Human said:Indeed. The only change I see is in the title. You still use scopes to engage the enemy at 50 meters.
AskWazzup said:TheGM said:You do know you are talking about single player in Battlefield right? Campaign is nothing more then the green leafy bits they put next to your fine steak that serve no purpose.
That's why i wasn't even talking about the mechanics of gameplay. Now then, i haven't seen much of it, but from what i've seen i don't see anything different. Enlighten me, how exactly is the multyplayer worth it? People played CS for a decade without needing a new game, so how is this improved upon that formula. Why should anyone who played the previous battlefields and call of duties buy this for multyplayer?
For a moment I thought that was BF4. Then I saw the face of Charly Sheen and knew it was an movie!Mettle said:Sub-Human said:Indeed. The only change I see is in the title. You still use scopes to engage the enemy at 50 meters.
Hehe, always made me think of this scene from Hot Shots part Deux.
TheGM said:Better if they didn't spend crap on single player but whatevers. Some Wig at dice probably wants to flex his writing muscle by inserting some contrived story in the game that only shares the settings of multi-player.....then so be it. still ain't gonna play it, and it's existence means nothing sense it has no factor in if I would purchase it or not.
Mettle said:sea said:notsureifserious.jpg
Very much not serious.
Since Battlefield 1942;
11 Years, 25 Battlefield games, expansions and variations out of 31 games and expansions.
They were quite adamant in defending themselves from the accusations with being a "Battlefield factory" a while ago.
Crni Vuk said:killing arabs doesnt get old does it?AskWazzup said:I think it's shit. I also think that most games that have a number that's bigger than 2 beside them are shit, especially if it's a "blockbuster" FPS . I mean how many times can one replay the same "Die Hard" scenario with the same gameplay mechanics (regenerating health - bane of all games).![]()
sea said:Here's the YouTube comment I left on the video:
Oh wait, it was deleted by the channel owner. Funny how that works.
What you're seeing here is the product of 500 developers working 80-hour work week death marches for months at a time, and hundreds of millions of dollars being sunk into advertising and art assets, so you can have the exact same fucking game as you've been playing the last ten goddamn years, but with slightly prettier graphics.
Surf Solar said:It's a trailer for the singleplayer campaign.
In a game that is supposed to be played in multiplayer.
So who the hell cares for the campaign?
If they manage to make the MP as fun as BF3 is to me, then I have no doubts I'll buy the game.
@comscar - who is this mean looking woman in your avatar? Looks like she is directly staring in our souls![]()
comscar said:jesus christ, rihanna? really?
well, i'm only getting it because my buddies all wanna play it together on PC. i didn't enjoy BF2 when it came out a while ago, but everything is fun with friends.
tried to buy BF3 premium edition, and ended up purchasing the wrong pack. still haven't gotten approved for a refund, and the sale's over.
gotta love that origin.
AskWazzup said:I think it's shit. I also think that most games that have a number that's bigger than 2 beside them are shit, especially if it's a "blockbuster" FPS . I mean how many times can one replay the same "Die Hard" scenario with the same gameplay mechanics (regenerating health - bane of all games).
Makta said:Because BF3 was so bad right?
Makta said:Most people actually want a SP part.
Addint content is bad! Let's just release a game and not do anything related to the game untill it's time for a new one!
I miss the days of ww1-2 gamesEvery new FPS feels like it left me in Iraq or something.
If it wassn't for origin i would still play BF3.. I didn't like it at all :s
Sub-Human said:Well, it's more disrespectful to the WW2 Ally veterans than to me. In many games, killing is not directed at any real-life group of people or person, but rather they are all fictional - there's the exception of Battlefield and Modern Warfare, which I also do not understand.
You have countless possibilities of an enemy (aliens, terrorists, Americans), yet none of these are used. Why?
Walpknut said:Everybody knows all German soldiers had horns and pointy tails under their uniforms and were all made in a soldier factory.
What the hell. Are you serious or is that meant as some kind of sarcasm I don't get? Day of defeat is something that I remember as this:Sub-Human said:Day of Defeat allows you to play as the Nazis. It's wrong, my relatives - as anyone else's in Russia - have sacrificed their lives and well-being for my independence. Don't think it's right to fly planes into World Trade Centers either, even in a video game.
Crni Vuk said:What the hell. Are you serious or is that meant as some kind of sarcasm I dont get? Day of defeat is something that I remember as this:Sub-Human said:Day of Defeat allows you to play as the Nazis. It's wrong, my relatives - as anyone else's in Russia - have sacrificed their lives and well-being for my independence. Don't think it's right to fly planes into World Trade Centers either, even in a video game.
a damn multiplayer game with WW2 weapons and models. Seriously. There is no place for morale in an game where youre killing virtual pixels.
because otherwise I would have to ask you, what you believe a German soldier was? Or what an taliban fighter is? A child raping and murdering monster? Or a person that actually has relatives too? Like parents, brothers, children, sisters? Its so easy to paint something as "bad" from our position and morale. Calling someone a terrorist in TV.
What about US forces killing inocent civilians from 5km distance with their attack helicopters yelling "get those motherfuckers!"? Or Germans "accidently" droping bombs on people in afghanistan which killed as well a lot of civilians? People have to try and learn actually soemthing about the nations we are in "war" with, like Iraq, Afghanistan etc. why those places are today like that, often enough its actually our fault, because our politicans (Europe, US, Russia) though it would be a good thing to get involved in the politics of those regisions, helping dictators and plot against the leaders of those nations. In many cases people which got actually elected by the population.
For example, sicide bombers in Israel. Terrorists true? Wrong. In many cases actually those people are sick. No mean really sick. Depressive, jobless, maybe they lost even family members. And then someone comes in explaining them how paradise waits for them after they kill jews. There was an report about it, people in prison in Israel which got caught. Yes sometimes the bombs are also duds. And when they talk with those people, it seems not only very few of them are actually big fanatics. They just dont have any perspective. They dont have to lose anything.
In Afghanistan a lot of the fighters are mercenaries, they have grown up in wars, against the Soviets, many of which cant even read. They never did anything else then fighting. And that is what they do now, because groups like the Taliban offered them money, they decide as well to work for many of the warlods down there, again for a living. Its one of the few things you can do in Afghanistan. A nation where 90% of the peopulation are illiterates. But yes ... they are terrorists when you ask our politians. Did anyone actually tried to find maybe solutions for those people? Maybe to offer them something "else" then wars? painting those people as enemies in an black and white situation has not helped the Soviets back then. Why should it now be different?
It should be clear that I am not asking for a game where you fly your plane in the World Trade center or that idiotic CoD "kill those civilians stuff".
No, I mean a game which is simply showing the "other side" which yo usually kill with your M4 while they yell arabian stuff at you - or some Russian stuff, how do you feel about killing Russians in CoD by the way?. Its about to explore "adult topics and themes" in an game. CoD is something I enjoyed when I was 16. We have seen those in movies for a long time now, where some stories actually are moraly "gray" or give you a view on situations from different angles, where the "good" guys are sometimes the "bad" guys in the end. Why cant games offer the same? Be a bit more complex then just "LOCK AND LOAD MARINES! TIME TO DEFEND FREDOOOOOM!"
Just saying. There really is not enough adult content in gaming today. And I am not talking about tits here.
Also funny that you mention "independence", because you know what a Soviet WW2 veteran said once?
He had the option to chose between two dictators. He chose the one that spoke his language.
That alone tells a lot. Also go and ask the Romanians, The Polish people, White Russians, Estonia and many more about the "liberation" by the Soviets. The Soviets sure have fought. Fought for their lives, tehy defended them self against the Germans which have been the agressor. But for freedom? I am not so sure about that.
Hassknecht said:not even Nazis, they just fought for their country like everyone else.