Bet on New Vegas

TapLup said:
Alphadrop said:
Wonder if the currency will be bottle caps or money. Spose that depends on the time it's set... well not really considering Fallout 3 :P

Casino chips might take the place of bottlecaps. Then you could have a whole economy going with different types of money(chips) from different casinos having different values depending on which area/location/casino you were visiting.

That'd be too much for the kids.

Caps is my bet.
Brother None said:
He didn't say style, he said reference to. Y'know, a nod, an easter egg.
I couldn't care either way if it does that. But some nods to Fallout 2 material would be nice, depending on what time it's set in.

I get the feeling that they really mean that New Vegas should be New Reno 2, full of casinos, gangsters, pimps and prostitutes, "because that is what Las Vegas would turn into after a nuclear war" [/moronic rambling]

I wouldn't mind a casino or something like that but please no more gangster towns.
It would be interesting if the place was divided in loads of little communities.
While I think New Reno should not be in this game a definite reference should be made to it. At least that it existed at one time (and maybe not anymore). While New Reno doesn't "fit" it is certaionly part of canon of the Fallout universe, ignoring it (or simply having an easter egg) would be a bit of a disservice. Hell, even referencing it in a joking aspect like "oh man, New Reno, that was one crazy-ass place... destined to implode on itself" as a way to acknowledge how silly that place was (setting-wise, that is).

Or.. um.. something.
I think they should add Area 51 as an playable area or an random encounter, since it's near Las Vegas. Maybe even an quest to return the alien saucer to Area 51 from Southern California! :o
Morbus said:
TapLup said:
Alphadrop said:
Wonder if the currency will be bottle caps or money. Spose that depends on the time it's set... well not really considering Fallout 3 :P

Casino chips might take the place of bottle caps. Then you could have a whole economy going with different types of money(chips) from different casinos having different values depending on which area/location/casino you were visiting.

That'd be too much for the kids.

Caps is my bet.

Yeah maybe too much but they should replace the caps with casino chips as they would make a good form of currency and add a change of place and idea (the whole U.S shouldn't be using bottle caps as currency)
TapLup said:
Casino chips might take the place of bottlecaps. Then you could have a whole economy going with different types of money(chips) from different casinos having different values depending on which area/location/casino you were visiting.
That's an interesting and maybe even cool idea, the problem is that it would require a big enough economy around Las Vegas, something which I'm doubtful of given the size of cities in the first two games, and the prevalence of casino chips in the area would make the currency effectively worthless. Now if the NCR took over and found Las Vegas, it might be possible to make casino chips currency for the area which they control.
Arthur9 said:
I think they should add Area 51 as an playable area or an random encounter, since it's near Las Vegas. Maybe even an quest to return the alien saucer to Area 51 from Southern California! :o

I honestly don't mind Area 51, in many of my Fallout fan designs I wrote the place down.

But no aliens or flying saucers please, I always saw those encounters as jokes, nothing you should take serious.

Rather I see the place as an advanced research and testing place where the US army, Air force and various corporations working for the government were working on all kinds of technologies, weapons and experimental stuff.
With the help from Google(tm) I've found this site

that tells about Vegas in the 1950's and then some.

As you can see many of the hotels like Desert Inn etc. were actullay built during the 1950's; the El Ranco Vegas was built in 1941 (according to the website above).

Of course, New Vegas also evolved from the 1950's to 2077 (when the war happened). It will be interesting to see Obsidian's take on this...
Don't shoot me, but i found the different cities in fallout 2 quite nice and new reno a very interesting town, not just the way they did the quests. Basically, if it doesn't blatantly insult your intelligence, some inconsistency isn't always a bad thing.
For example, new reno was fine for me, san Fransisco on the other hand i didn't like at all. It's all about how you do things!
You can change scenery every 5 meters and don't care at all and you can keep the same setting in your entire game and still feel that it is lacking!

Anyway, that said, it should have gambling, it should have prostitutes and all, not because it is las vegas, but because it is a destroyed world and ethics in a destroyed world don't count for much. No, i don't want for example nudity for the sake of nudity, but it should have a dark atmosphere, that even "good" places aren't holy, with the sun shining and the birds singing!

About how vegas building style should be... I'll leave that to the experts :P Joke aside though, I do want one thing. If it is many decades after the war, it should show some evolution from the citizens that live there. Reasonable evolution. Don't show repaired buildings with technology that came right through top-notch construction yards,but also don't make them live in buildings that feel that they would crumble in the next second. Materials should have been salvaged and used by now!
The Dutch Ghost said:
I honestly don't mind Area 51, in many of my Fallout fan designs I wrote the place down.
As interesting as it might be to explore, I think it serves the setting best if it's a crater. I can't see the Chinese not nuking one of the main Air Force development centers not being nuked.
Joervol said:
About how vegas building style should be... I'll leave that to the experts :P Joke aside though, I do want one thing. If it is many decades after the war, it should show some evolution from the citizens that live there. Reasonable evolution. Don't show repaired buildings with technology that came right through top-notch construction yards,but also don't make them live in buildings that feel that they would crumble in the next second. Materials should have been salvaged and used by now!
Well I hope they dont make the same mistake as they did Fallout 3 I am serously F***** from all this shacks even when its aprox. 200 years after the war. One would assume people go the idea to build at least some settlement that is a bit, more well thought out then a third world town build in 2 ours.

UncannyGarlic said:
The Dutch Ghost said:
I honestly don't mind Area 51, in many of my Fallout fan designs I wrote the place down.
As interesting as it might be to explore, I think it serves the setting best if it's a crater. I can't see the Chinese not nuking one of the main Air Force development centers not being nuked.
yeah another place similar to the Glow. That would be awesome ;) !
UnidentifiedFlyingTard said:
maybe when it got nuked it exposed lower levels that where previously unknown, I mean there is no way Area 51 has only a ground level.
Crni Vuk said:
yeah another place similar to the Glow. That would be awesome ;) !
And that's what I was debating with myself, whether it should be like The Glow or more like The Glow would be if it wasn't radioactive. I worry about making too many irradiated holes in the ground but at the same time it would make sense. The thing I wonder about is getting there, I think that it'd have to be like the glow where you have to take Rad-X for the end of the trip (the surrounding area being radioactive) which is doable, but I worry about making it all work in a Fallout 3 scale of game (one city).
Another glow is really dangerous... What would you put under area 51 to make it interesting? You risk having to put aliens just for the sake of it's "reputation"!
With the proper story i'm all for it, the glow or for example sierra army depot where nice places, but i don't know for area 51. Only if they can find some really good reason of having lower hidden levels.
There are some nice radioactive sites in Fallout 3 but they arent as scary as in FO AND FO2, I think it is because radioactivity is very easy to measure in 3 and you can buy a home device that wipes your rads (which I got with my first character but no longer purchase).

As for rewards for going into a glow style place I would suggest maybe a permanent rad altering perk (small increase in resistance) by finding something in the basement or perhaps a "lead shielded" power armor, heavy as heck and not as tough but blessed with great rad resistance.

EDIT: One thing I would love to see since people are mentioning Aliens is a VR "scenario" to prepare soldiers for an alien invasion. Imagine fighting aliens X-Com style in a 1950's neighborhood (complete with civilians). That way you can get a full blown fight against aliens but keep them out of main continuity.
lugaru said:
As for rewards for going into a glow style place I would suggest maybe a permanent rad altering perk (small increase in resistance) by finding something in the basement or perhaps a "lead shielded" power armor, heavy as heck and not as tough but blessed with great rad resistance.

That would be really impractical. Lead can absorb limited amount of radiation after it's just another piece of radiated metal. The world of Fallout, as far as I got it, is the world that lives with radiation. They found a way to suck the radiation out of the organism and have Rad-X to protect them in addition to the standard suits. Correct me if I'm wrong.
UncannyGarlic said:
And that's what I was debating with myself, whether it should be like The Glow or more like The Glow would be if it wasn't radioactive. I worry about making too many irradiated holes in the ground but at the same time it would make sense. The thing I wonder about is getting there, I think that it'd have to be like the glow where you have to take Rad-X for the end of the trip (the surrounding area being radioactive) which is doable, but I worry about making it all work in a Fallout 3 scale of game (one city).

When I am thinking about Obsidians last games I think thats not so much the issue. Kotor for example.

I would prefer a style of travel similar to it with big (partly) lifeless places. I mean its not like the world of Fallout 3 was that rich in content. Arguable I know ... what is "meaningfull" content now ... but still the point stands.

For the Glow, What I hope is that you will have a place rich in small story lines. Either the small parts witz Zaxx (something comparable you know), tapes, bits of information here there (never to much but enough to keep you interested and entertained!) about the war, the setting etc.

And of course lots of hidden hard to reach armor and weapons ! :mrgreen: but that should come after a good story.

Usualy the concept of the levels and their layout is much better then directly compared with Bethesda which does a very heavy railroading. Obsidian is doing that as well, but at least its not that noticeable in my eyes.
TapLup said:
Casino chips might take the place of bottlecaps. Then you could have a whole economy going with different types of money(chips) from different casinos having different values depending on which area/location/casino you were visiting.

or maybe, like, in a casino, there would be this guy by the door who would sell you chips for caps, or even exchange chips back for caps before you went to the next casino because they wouldn't give a fuck about your chips from a rival casino.

that's just such a crazy idea though.
TapLup said:
Casino chips might take the place of bottlecaps. Then you could have a whole economy going with different types of money(chips) from different casinos having different values depending on which area/location/casino you were visiting.

That might be cool idea. With fallout's barter system, every item in the game is potentially a form of currency, and knowing where to sell what is part of playing the game. Even with the dumbing down present in F3, this is still the case.

The multiple types of currency is not without precedent either; You encountered scrip from the mines in Redding in Fallout 2 for example, and Fallout 3 has the pre-war money, and the cigarettes which are worthless gameplay wise except as an alternate currency.
I had a couple of cool ideas to be able to work things in to FO:NV.

New Reno-

New reno ruins, like someone else mentioned the place would have imploded due to it's design, so it would be fun to go and see the husk of what once was.

Area 51- people don't want aliens outright, so make it similar to the glow, except at the bottom have dessicated corpses of indeterminate origin and leave it up to the individual to decide.
I mean, even if they did have weird stuff in area 51 it would likely be rotted away by now and I think it would be a fun tease to say that there may have been aliens there at one point but that due to mankind's flaws now everything has rotted to the point where we'll never know whether we're alone in the universe.

I dunno, just my two cents.