Bethesda counters Interplay's counterclaim

Corith said:
All joking aside, Herve really doesn't have that type of acumen. Burdened with a huge ego, he is more reactionary and not a master planner. He is often dumbstruck by the unwillingness of others to accept his "brilliant" plans and blindly lashes out in anger.
*shrugs* no clue, I never meet him in real life (who knows maybe he's some awesome Contract bridge partner or something or a cool guy to go out with ...). But what you say just makes him more and more similar to palpatine. ~ except for the masterplaner.
Ausir said:
Hiring Jeffrey Gersh as Interplay's lawyer was his first good business decision in years, though.

Its sort of like the thousand monkeys with typewriters analog, one of them is bound to write Shakespeare sooner or later.
Imagine how embarrassing it would be for Bethesda to lose the case along with the Fallout rights. It would be a rare case in gaming's history. Doubt it will happen though, it's not a world of miracles.
though quesiton is what can we expect to come out for this in the end ? I mean is it very likely that Beth and Iplay will settle this down at some point without the curt ?
Not likely at all. What is likely is that Bethesda loses the case and Interplay gets to continue developing (or fucking up) the MMO.

Really doubt Interplay will win back the franchise rights, that would be a miracle. And here's a funny thought, say they did. What then? Would they go back to the isometric perspective and turn based combat of F1 and 2? Sadly, I doubt it. However, they could make a bigger, shooter-like Fallout game for the consoles and a lower budget Van Buren-like game for the PC crowd. But that would be more than just a miracle, that would be divine intervention.
Interplay getting the license back would mean more Fallout:BoS-quality games. For us, it is definitely not the better scenario. Funnier, but not better.
Vik said:
Not likely at all. What is likely is that Bethesda loses the case and Interplay gets to continue developing (or fucking up) the MMO.

Really doubt Interplay will win back the franchise rights, that would be a miracle. And here's a funny thought, say they did. What then? Would they go back to the isometric perspective and turn based combat of F1 and 2? Sadly, I doubt it. However, they could make a bigger, shooter-like Fallout game for the consoles and a lower budget Van Buren-like game for the PC crowd. But that would be more than just a miracle, that would be divine intervention.

This. At first i thought IP would loose it all, but now i guess they will retain the right to do a mmo(rp)g. I put this at 80%, loosing all at 19% and winning it all at 1%. But IF they win it all, i guess herve will flog the franchise to the next bidder for another ton of cash. EA would be hilarious, imagine him fucking EA, or SOE

Anyway, i share the opinion with Vik that FO in the hands of Interplay nowadays is just as fucking horrible a thing to contemplate as it remaining in the hands of bethesda. With the industry as it is now the best thing we could hope for would be IP gaining it all(for the laughs) and outsourcing it to Obsidian without strings attached. But that will remain a wet dream, im sure.
Arden said:
the best thing we could hope for would be IP gaining it all(for the laughs) and outsourcing it to Obsidian without strings attached. But that will remain a wet dream, im sure.
THAT'S IT! EXACTLY WHAT I WANT! It's not gonna happen, but I WANT IT!
Brother None said:
Interplay getting the license back would mean more Fallout:BoS-quality games. For us, it is definitely not the better scenario. Funnier, but not better.

I think what they've been doing with Fallout Online (Armageddon Rag, getting the team back together, etc) shows that IF (and that's a big if) Interplay gets the Fallout rights back they'd likely be more careful with it in the future to ensure BOS type games aren't released.

Quick question though, was BOS started as an internal project that was pitched to the higher ups at Interplay or was it the higher ups at Interplay who "pitched" it to a team?

I don't think a main series Fallout game can go back to the isometric perspective though, the "new look" has a lot to do with Fallout's success from what I can tell by reading user opinions, talking to fellow gamers, etc. It's a pipe dream but if a game could offer both options and the end user can simply choose which view they want to play it in that might settle the debate. I think Southpeak had published a game recently that let you switch between FPS/RTS on the fly, haven't played it and I heard the game wasn't that great either but the concept sounds interesting.
well I am not sure but if I remember correctly Fallout 3 by Interplay was somewhat "canceled" (during production) to get more resources for a BOS 2 or something like that ... so yeah ... no clue what it tells us at that point. But it sure doesnt sound really great.