Thank you for your civil response and plea.
I have followed this forum since its inception. I don't post, because until of late, I have found the input informative, thoughtful and entertaining. NMA kept me clear of BoS and Tactics, for which I am grateful. They have ceasesly lobbied for a true successor to the Fallout series, true to the style, gameplay,humor, grittiness and choices with conciquince. For that I am grateful as well.
My concerns are real. I have been waiting for someone to take up the challenge to make a true successor for 8 years. But if I was with Bethesda, and every comment I made was met with replies of "Bethesda Suxx!", "Bethesda is nothing but a bunch of fucking idiot whores!" and "My donkey's dick is stuck in Bethesda's ass" by a particular community, I belive I would find myself increasingly less open to real suggestions from same.
Bethesda will not implement every nuance demanded by NMA, DaC and Codex. But if these communities treat Bethesda with occasional respect, appreciation that they attemped to revive a failed francize we revere with resources they worked for, and acceptance that we may not get everything we want, but may get something new we can embrace with surprise, Bethesda may listen to our suggestions and be more open to work with us. I see Bethesda attempting this. I see Briosafreak trying this approach as well. I would hate to see NMA sidelined.
If you see my fondness for the Pancor as my only requirement for a successor, then maybe you might entertain the thought that I might have the capacity for other fondnessess as well. It could happen, even for an idiot like me.
Thank you for your vote for the Pancor, Sorrow!