RedMenaceNow said:
1.) This game will be awesome - even if it is "Oblivion with guns" (which is a glib statement that disregards a ton of other differences like, uhm, the whole world that it takes place in). I played Oblivion for a ton of hours, and I don't really like elves and magic and all that, but that same game in a post-apocalyptic urban setting sound just right. BUT- to clarify, it WILL BE AN AWESOME FALLOUT GAME!
Even if you like oblivion, are you so devoted to it you want the exact same game just with different scenery?
Or do you want something innovative and different?
Perhaps that respects your view to much by offering you valid socratic discussion in return for it. You actually seem to be more of a talking head regurgitating someone elses poorly thought out party line and talking points that have been issued to you, and I should probbaly just treat you accordingly.
A post-apocalyptic world does not instantly equate to Fall Out. They could have bought the Mad Max Franchise and made that an FPS, probably fewer problems would have occured and since the game caters to console owning action gaming kids anyway they'd probably have liked the ability to drive tricked out muscle cars.
But Oblivion doesn't support cars, so I guess that would have been too hard as it involved oh, a little work finding a new engine or god forbid making your own.
Further if you buy a franchise, you're kinda supposed to live up to the franchise. It's actually kinda weird not to at least try. I mean if I went out and bought a KFC franchise outlet with all the typical KFC fittings and churned out recognizable pattern fixtures while at the same time not picking up any chicken to serve cause I personally think what my customer really is looking for by coming into a KFC Restaurant for the expected Chicken is the charcoaled ground beef on a bun I'm going to serve him. He's wrong to just expect me to live up to his expectations just cause I decorated my restaurant like KFC rather than a Burger King. I mean there was a KFC franchise available in the area to buy cheaper than what BK offered, and after paying for it I think I have every right to do what I want regardless of anyone elses expectations or oversights.
I bought that other guys restaurant for me, dammit, not for you!
You eat what I think you'll like, cause I'm the one who it's made to please!
Obvioulsy Fallout isn't important to some people, so maybe they don't care what's changed - and not for the better, but they should probably think about what franchises they do care about and how they'd like to see them changed. What if Bungie bought the Star Trek Franchise and set Halo there? Halo's a great game and the human tech was reminescent of Aliens, but when they decided the game wasn't good enough on it's own and they wanted a name brand franchise people would recognize Aliens wasn't available, so they bought Star Trek just cause and they didn't think anyone would mind if they were liberal with the Trekkies lore.
Better yet the story I really want to tell is How the Ewoks of Star Wars are secretly the most technologically advanced race in the universe. That whole tribal bullshit and living in trees man? Total crap man, all sleight of hand. The tree cities actually conceal elevators down to the bowels of hollowed out Endor where our super advanced metropolises are. Actually we construct planets down there like Magratheans did in Hitchhiker's Guide, but the galatic ecomy suffered and we decided we were just gonna pretend to be tribals to lull the rest of the galaxy, that we built for the most part, into paying little attention to us so they wouldn't come gank our super techy stuff man. I know some people don't believe we wouldn't use our super techy weapons to overthrow the empire when they came and enslaved us and built that totally obsolete death star in orbit, but hey man, if we could take them out with stone spears and a couple of tree swings why not huh?
RedMenaceNow said:
2.) Quit ragging on Bethesda. They spend YEARS on a project of huge scope to bring it to you, for hours of enjoyment, so I think a few flaws can be overlooked. When was the last time you worked on a multi-million dollar project for years? (The ass groove in the couch doesn't count.)
There is this unfortunate trend among gamers right now to worship these developers who give them crap. It's this sick sort of desperation for something new and cool to latch on to, constantly, and I'm not sure if they even bother to finish the one game before latching onto another. I think it's a lack of value among younger gamers who just have games handed to them by inattentive parents who've let the TV raise them anyway so the thought of being left alone while the stare at the screen is worth 40-60 bucks or whatever to get them to go away. If you keep getting free mass produced sugar candy and you're not old enough to remember some of the gourmet hand crafted chocolate of yesteryear lovingly crafted by people who cared about every detail of a product before offering it to their consumers then you'd probably be pretty ticked at anyone advocating slowing down the process you know of in getting your quick fixes.
It's a junkie mentality and it focuses on defending your crack dealer against anyone who suggests you know, maybe you shouldn't be selling that stuff in a school yard, maybe you should be trying to appeal to your older clients who appreciate quality of quantity.
The junkies who probably have yet to enter the harsh reality of having to provide for themselves in the world are entirely to used to spending other peoples money and having things handed to them. You get raised in a society where every kid on a sports team gets a trophy and no one keeps track of the score because 'everyone wins' it's understandable you grow up with a selfish feeling of entitlement.
You don't understand yet that big business is not your friend, they're not looking out for you, they're lookign out for themselves. They take from you, and if you thank them for it they'll take more. Big business makes money, and games are not immune any longer, they have become big business.
Do you defend Fox? MGM? Time Warner? If someone bags on a movie coming out? Few do, cause it's Hollywood, and you expect them to sell out and bastardize scipts for a buck. It's big business.
So now are games.
Why they get defended and offered passes for shoddy work and declining standards I don't get.
The mentality that it's ok for games to release with bugs, bad gameplay, bad stories, and be obviously unready for release in many cases - and kids still defend them amazes me. You lower standards to let someone get away with something, and time and time again they keep trying to get lower under the bar.
Kids basically keep shooting themsleves in the foot by defending game companies for giving them products early, unpolished, and buggy and expecting companies given that leeway to for some reason... stop short changing them? I mean if a company releases ok and hands you a defective product and you thank them and say it's ok, are they realistically going to change or are they gonna release even earlier next time because no one is drawing a line?
RedMenaceNow said:
And, also, what if Fallout 3, beside the stupid exploding cars (don't shoot them) and the nuke launcher (don't use it), has the most amazing, Fallout-y storyline ever? What if the complexity and intrigue round out the Fallout universe and make you go "Wow, man, that was amazing!"?
It doesn't.
The story is out, and it's crap.
The decided to go against the Oblivion with Guns stereotype by trying to surprise us by giving us the Oblivion ending in thier version of it with guns. Amazing. How do you even remotely begin to think that's a good idea? Steal the plot form the game you just did? I mean I expected them to rehash a plot they'd take from something else, cause not much is really new now anyway, but to re-tell the story you JUST DID!?!
I personally wasn't expecting that great of a fallout game, but I figured they'd at least give me a decent shooter with a story I could at least sit through, I've gotten used to sitting through some really crappy plots these days as a modern gamer with developers spending all thier time on graphics rather than content, but they can't even live up to my low expectations and anticipated dissapointment - they have to set the bar even lower.
I suppose that is in itself a feat, much like W. Bush set new precedents for how much damage one man can do to the world.
Gentlemen said:
Because Fallout and Fallout 2 had no flaws or bugs when they came out. /sarcasm
You just don't get it do you?
One, I played both of those patch free on computers that didn't even connect to the internet. I didn't notice any bugs. Maybe I was lucky. But on a budget a fraction of the size of Bethesda's they made damn few errors, given teh patchwork nature of even production pc's it's hard to play for everyones hardware and some bugs inevitibly seep in. Back then though companies did their very best to track them down BEFORE release, then addressed them as quickly as possible in freely provided patches that they would actually SHIP to you if you weren't connected to the internet. Problems were typically issues that very few people had, yet they were still important customers and the problems would be addressed so they could enjoy the game as much as everyone else who had no problems. Quality MATTERED back then.
Now it doesn't.
Now they don't even BOTHER to address known issues, and some are fairly major and unavoidable to EVERYONE.
Now you get taken advantage of and you don't care, and they will keep taking advantage of you till you do, but by then who will really care about you since you don't really seem to care much about others?