Bethesda hunting down Fallout 3 leak

RedMenaceNow said:
You know, I liked the first 2 Fallouts a lot. But I don't think I'd want another repeat of the same gameplay.
You know, I liked God of War 1+2 a lot. But I think it'd be much better if Nintendo bought it and made a platformer, like Super Mario! Oh man, God of War III would be the best platformer evar!
Sorrow said:
Not really. If they have funds, then they should think about quality first.

Unfortunately that's exactly the opposite of how it works. Earned money will be "taken" by Zenimax's board of directors and redistributed among other offices, Bethesda being only one of them. If they're really good, their yearly budget may go up by 15%.

Sorrow said:
It has nothing to do with morality - on normal job market a worker has to work as good as he can or he gets fired and replaced by someone better (on the other hand employers don't do everything to pay as much as they can). Game business simply exploits player's tolerance.

Gamers feel exploited because they are clicking "I Agree" without actually reading the EULA.

Morality has a lot to do with being a professional and honest worker. You wouldn't believe the amount of shit people with no morality are capable of introducing into a very simple job. These people just won't work and are not interested in improving or being responsible at all.
Morality is the basis upon which everything else builds itself.
Public said:
Gentlemen said:
Because Fallout and Fallout 2 had no flaws or bugs when they came out. /sarcasm

FO1 and 2 were 10 years ago, games should be less buggy these days!

well nowdays you have to deal with operating systems, the individual chip makers and vidio card makers and so on.

on top of that you often have a fairly large developemnt staff and invariably not everyone is going to be on the same page when it comes to developemnt time, or who come up with their own solutions (hey I need a new graphic here, hmm lets take this set of trees and strech them, turn them upside down and burry it in the ground at assorted angled so the roots stick up and looks like a bunch of dead trees. Never mind that doing so adds more graphic data to the room more than a custom set of dead trees would have because the 'live" bit (most of the graphic) is stuck under ground, or the graphics that were draged out of the visible room and then left in place because the person forgot them or thought they disapeard)
Oakraven said:
well nowdays you have to deal with operating systems, the individual chip makers and vidio card makers and so on.

[nitpick]You had to deal with those things before as well. Granted, a large number of high-profile games back then didn't rely on specific hardware features and APIs like they do today, but I'm sure many people here over the age of 20 can remember things such as choosing between OpenGL, DirectX, and Glide on some titles like Unreal Tournament.[/nitpick]
Leon said:
Oakraven said:
well nowdays you have to deal with operating systems, the individual chip makers and vidio card makers and so on.

[nitpick]You had to deal with those things before as well. Granted, a large number of high-profile games back then didn't rely on specific hardware features and APIs like they do today, but I'm sure many people here over the age of 20 can remember things such as choosing between OpenGL, DirectX, and Glide on some titles like Unreal Tournament.[/nitpick]

Let's not forget the guys over 30 who had to deal with configuring their damn Soundblasters to work on their systems because of conflicting DMA and IRQ settings.

God, I don't miss those days.
Pope Viper said:
Let's not forget the guys over 30 who had to deal with configuring their damn Soundblasters to work on their systems because of conflicting DMA and IRQ settings.

God, I don't miss those days.

My father thought our C64 was the bees knees since he didn't have to deal with punchcards, laminated or not.
taag said:
Gamers feel exploited because they are clicking "I Agree" without actually reading the EULA.
What EULA has to do with quality?

taag said:
Morality has a lot to do with being a professional and honest worker. You wouldn't believe the amount of shit people with no morality are capable of introducing into a very simple job. These people just won't work and are not interested in improving or being responsible at all.
Morality is the basis upon which everything else builds itself.
Where do you live?
And I had to get up in the morning at ten o'clock at night half an hour before I went to bed, drink a cup of sulphuric acid, work twenty-nine hours a day down mill, and pay mill owner for permission to come to work, and when we got home, our Dad and our mother would kill us and dance about on our graves singing Hallelujah.

And you try and tell the young people of today that... they won't believe you.
Jebus said:
Gentlemen said:
Because Fallout and Fallout 2 had no flaws or bugs when they came out. /sarcasm

When did I ever say that?

Man, you're such a bloody annoying troll.

I dont' get what you're still even doing here. Has it not been made abundantly clear by now that nobody likes you, and nobody thinks you're funny?
Thanks for the flames. It detracts from your argument, by the way, if you insult the person you are debating with. How rude.

You stated Fallout 3 was flawed. Yet you pretty much ignored Fallout 1 AND 2's numerous bugs and flaws. A rather bad UI (Which sadly Fallout 3 retains, so I'll let it slide), a couple useless traits, and (in Fallout 2) a whole lot of unfinished and removed stuff are some I've noticed. The Restoration Mod fixes most of these, but I still notice a few bugs here and there. I don't really expect games to ever be free of bugs and flaws on release. No one can make something perfect. A patch is nice though, but not if it is needed to play the game.
A rather bad UI (Which sadly Fallout 3 retains, so I'll let it slide)

Fallout 3's UI is atrocious compared to FO1 and 2's. At least in FO1/2 I didn't have to click *and* scroll through 3 tabs to see all my stats and skills.
Ausir said:
A rather bad UI (Which sadly Fallout 3 retains, so I'll let it slide)

Fallout 3's UI is atrocious compared to FO1 and 2's. At least in FO1/2 I didn't have to click *and* scroll through 3 tabs to see all my stats and skills.
I was referring to inventory, but ok. That too sucks.
Ausir said:
Like the time I took the fairy to Shelbyville. I needed a new heel for my shoe so I decided to go to Morganville, which is what they called Shelbyville in those days. So I tied an onion to my belt, which was the style at the time. Now to take the ferry cost a nickel, and in those days, nickels had pictures of bumblebees on them. Give me five bees for a quarter you'd say. Now where were we? Oh yeah. The important thing was that I had an onion on my belt, which was the style at the time. They didn't have white onions because of the war. The only thing you could get was those big yellow ones...

Go back to bed, grandpa. :D

Anyways, that's enough off-topic hooplah from me.
Sorrow said:
What EULA has to do with quality?

EULA means you're agreeing to some conditions as a customer so the best thing you can do (in case the game doesn't deliver for you) is to sell it, throw the disc out on the street or sit and cry.
You could get a refund but only if you didn't accept EULA in the first place.
EULA basically makes you agree to the possibility that you have just inserted shit into your disc slot.

Sorrow said:
Where do you live?

On Earth.
Seriously, does it matter? I don't want to turn this into a geolocation dependent debate over moral values of various ethical groups.
taag said:
Sorrow said:
What EULA has to do with quality?

EULA means you're agreeing to some conditions as a customer so the best thing you can do (in case the game doesn't deliver for you) is to sell it, throw the disc out on the street or sit and cry.
You could get a refund but only if you didn't accept EULA in the first place.
EULA basically makes you agree to the possibility that you have just inserted shit into your disc slot.

Sorrow said:
Where do you live?

On Earth.
Seriously, does it matter? I don't want to turn this into a geolocation dependent debate over moral values of various ethical groups.

Actually you are wrong about EULA's most are completely unenforceable in the United States.
Gentlemen said:
You stated Fallout 3 was flawed. Yet you pretty much ignored Fallout 1 AND 2's numerous bugs and flaws.e.
Fallouts were done in dark old times. When I played Fallout, I expected that it's sequel will have less bugs and will be better at everything.
Actually, there were so much things fucked up in Fallout that I'm bitter that that very imperfect game is the best cRPG I have ever played, and if things will go on like that, the best I'll ever play.
Personally, I wish there were more people working on making Fallout 1 more moddable (i.e. doing a scripting guide in English, a fully working mapper, etc.).
Anyway, there are some horrible things - for example - why the hell would anyone give enemy humans in encounters where PC is outnumbered stats like 9 8 8 5 7 9 7???
Human prototypes in Fallout look like the person preparing them wanted to make combat as frustrating to player as it's possible or thought that the character development will include increasing stats.
Also, the combat is pretty poor when compared to JA2 or GURPS. There are a lot of things that aren't really well developed like some reactions to events in game and behaviour of towns in general.
Still I can forgive it because it has other features that I like.

Mane said:
Generally the point of sequels is that you liked somethign so much that you want to have more of it.
Yes. With less bugs and things that I liked being improved so that I'd like them even more.

taag said:
Sorrow said:
What EULA has to do with quality?

EULA means you're agreeing to some conditions as a customer so the best thing you can do (in case the game doesn't deliver for you) is to sell it, throw the disc out on the street or sit and cry.
You could get a refund but only if you didn't accept EULA in the first place.
EULA basically makes you agree to the possibility that you have just inserted shit into your disc slot.
Funny. I got a refund for Fallout Tactics (because it was completely unplayable in Tough Guy mode because of its atrocious unstability) and for Hammer & Sickle (because of Starforce).
Anyway, it still doesn't have anything to do with quality, because players can simply boycott a publisher/developer anyway. Oh wait, they are too addicted to do such thing.

taag said:
On Earth.
Seriously, does it matter? I don't want to turn this into a geolocation dependent debate over moral values of various ethical groups.
In my country they expect super-workers and give shit money in return - if you're not perfect, they quickly fire you. I didn't know that there are places where things aren't like that.
Beth's games are so easy to pirate i dont think beth cares about this happening at all. mybe even they have some hidden plan behind it.
Fallout 3 has made me realise that the reason i enjoyed Fallout 1 and Fallout 2 (And Jagged alliance 2, silent storm & other similar games) was infact the combat. I like TB.

The story and atmosphere in Fallouts were just a huge plus to me, but the combat system is where its at for me.

So okay, Fallout 3 feels like a shooter in first person and im not impressed. Maybe i can like it as a FPS instead... time will tell :P
Sorrow said:
Funny. I got a refund for Fallout Tactics (because it was completely unplayable in Tough Guy mode because of its atrocious unstability) and for Hammer & Sickle (because of Starforce).
Anyway, it still doesn't have anything to do with quality, because players can simply boycott a publisher/developer anyway. Oh wait, they are too addicted to do such thing.

I'm glad you got a refund because quality didn't meet your standards. That's full customer service for you.

About addiction... Well, I had enough of addicts for one lifetime, lost all sympathy for them. Maybe if someone gave them a shovel and made them do manual labor they wouldn't have a two-page list of personality disorders today.

Sorrow said:
In my country they expect super-workers and give shit money in return - if you're not perfect, they quickly fire you. I didn't know that there are places where things aren't like that.

Well, in my country that's the case as well (no surprise there). Do I like it - no. Will I talk about not liking it - yes.

I'm aware that morality is looked upon as something negative in today's business because "the end justifies the means" and "the sky is the limit" bs. But really, one cannot have respect for his coworkers, family, friends (and himself in the end) if he has no moral anchor.

Mane said:
That I'm condecending to you and make you feel self concious to the point you feel insulted because I'm obviously smarter than you in no way detracts from my posts which were largely geared for your benefit.

Why do you have to "educate" the man in front of public audience here on the internet? Write him an email or something if you would really like him to benefit from it as you write. You don't have to prove anything to me or anyone else here.
I just loved the Watership Down/El-ahariah (sp?) referance in first post, great job pulling the referance!!