Bethesda planning a survival overhaul. Has hell frozen over?

@olestra , just saying but you might wanna be careful with those triple posted walls of text that nobody read.

Anyways, I know there's another topic on this, but I personally think the survival mode should've been implemented already. Fallout 4 is a shooter yet now it's trying to be a survival game is also very dumb.

The super hyped settlement system will also take a huge blow because all the crap you're lumbering around is heavy and from what I've heard there is no fast travel or console commands, so that's dumb.

Tl:dr the biggest part of this trashy game will take huge hits and make it go from a mediocre game to a complete pile of shit(at least in my opinion)
Quite the conversation you're having there. I'm pretty sure @Hassknecht doesn't like double posts, he never said anything about triple posts though.
Yeah, n-posts for n>1 are not a favourite among the staff.
@olestra: Please use the edit-button instead of multiposting.
Also, merged this with the longer thread about Survival mode, just for fun.
Tl:dr the biggest part of this trashy game will take huge hits and make it go from a mediocre game to a complete pile of shit(at least in my opinion)
It ain't mediocre, it is pungent baby diarrhea. It could get worse and I'm sure Bethesda can make that happen, but who cares? I have all the games I love. Let the shallow fanboys dig in to it, they don't know what they're missing.
It ain't mediocre, it is pungent baby diarrhea. It could get worse and I'm sure Bethesda can make that happen, but who cares? I have all the games I love. Let the shallow fanboys dig in to it, they don't know what they're missing.

It's my personal opinion that the base game is mediocre. I like shooting raiders in the face, I find it fun. I enjoy the shooting, not as much as other games and it's probably the lowest on my most fun gameplay, but I like to think it's mediocre. Survival Mode will make transporting your crap to your settlements almost impossible since your loaded down with food and water, and since the settlement system takes up 4/10's of the game (while the rest is shooting raiders and animals) it will pretty much take out the only fun part of Fallout 4.
It's my personal opinion that the base game is mediocre. I like shooting raiders in the face, I find it fun. I enjoy the shooting, not as much as other games and it's probably the lowest on my most fun gameplay, but I like to think it's mediocre. Survival Mode will make transporting your crap to your settlements almost impossible since your loaded down with food and water, and since the settlement system takes up 4/10's of the game (while the rest is shooting raiders and animals) it will pretty much take out the only fun part of Fallout 4.
you know you can ferry stuff by "caravan system"? only for building tho, not for upgrading guns and armors. seems weird. god give me the geck so i can improve the game myself.
The idea of Fallout: Boston's hardcore mode doesn't make much sense to me. The reason Fallout 3's hardcore mode worked as a concept was that it was set in the desert, the Commonwealth is lush with vegetation, it wouldn't take a survivalist character to survive there.

I assume you meant F: NV? I don't remember there being a hardcore mode in F3.
No, you are incorrect. Many people are aware of your incorrectness, there is even a popular video that explains why you are wrong. I can respect that "you" like it better then FONV system, but that doesn't mean it's better, it means you have a shallow way of seeing bethesdass shallow worlds and you probably have a shallow way of seeing our world, only looking at the immediate surface and never asking any questions.
Fallout 4: Designed by idiots, for idiots.

Whoah, seems a bit harsh. Personally, I can't speak to 4's survival system, as I haven't played it. What I find frustrating is Bethesda's apparent tendency to push in mechanics that should have always been part of their games as if they were breaking new ground. I agree that the hardcore mode in New Vegas started to feel like vanilla pretty quickly, but that's because it SHOULD have been vanilla all along. Bethesda builds these huge games filled with food, water, places to sleep, and endless amounts of inventory junk; and never provided a satisfactory reason to utilize any of it until Obsidian came along and introduced hardcore mode and a more robust crafting system. Then Skyrim comes along and backtracks in many ways including that. Two games and a DLC later, we finally have something comparable in a Bethesda title.

And while I don't want to be too unfair, if this is like other features they've patched in much later than they should have - like actually being able to attack from horseback or the less-cool-than-advertised houses in Hearthfire for Skyrim - it is probably much more shallow and lazily designed than one might expect from a successful AAA studio.
The only uses for the houses in skyrim:

1: A place to send all the annoying street urchins you accidentally agreed to adopt.

2: Rare alchemy ingredient farming

3: Making your save game files ginormous by piling up loot in all of their chests.
The only uses for the houses in skyrim:

1: A place to send all the annoying street urchins you accidentally agreed to adopt.

2: Rare alchemy ingredient farming

3: Making your save game files ginormous by piling up loot in all of their chests.
The only use for houses in Fallout 4L

1. A place to send all your annoying companions and random people you've accidentally taken into your entourage.

2. Junk farming around the map to waste on houses.

3. Another settlement needs your help.
No, you are incorrect. Many people are aware of your incorrectness, there is even a popular video that explains why you are wrong. I can respect that "you" like it better then FONV system, but that doesn't mean it's better, it means you have a shallow way of seeing bethesdass shallow worlds and you probably have a shallow way of seeing our world, only looking at the immediate surface and never asking any questions.
Fallout 4: Designed by idiots, for idiots.

It ain't mediocre, it is pungent baby diarrhea. It could get worse and I'm sure Bethesda can make that happen, but who cares? I have all the games I love. Let the shallow fanboys dig in to it, they don't know what they're missing.

Holdin' nothing back as usual, @DirtyOldShoe. You know, I can actually picture you as one of those people who call Mass Effect games "glorified popamole trash". Mind telling me what newer games you actually enjoy? Would be nice to get some perspective on your unique take on things.
Holdin' nothing back as usual, @DirtyOldShoe. You know, I can actually picture you as one of those people who call Mass Effect games "glorified popamole trash". Mind telling me what newer games you actually enjoy? Would be nice to get some perspective on your unique take on things.
I've never played ME anything, so I don't have an opinion of it. Unfortunately there just hasn't been any games that find all that interesting. That doesn't mean that an idiot wrote it, it just not my thing, you dig? I tried the Forest, but there were fundamental problems with it, and the devs desired to take it down the multiplayer path instead of fixing some core issues I had with it. If you play Fallout 4 that doesn't inherently make you an idiot, it just means that that game was designed for idiots. Anyone who thinks x is better in 4 then it is in NV is a shallow twat imo and should go back to playing J.I Joe with their mom.