actualy I am more interested to see what kind of effect Zenimax will have on ID in the future.
If Zenimax has someome inside with a sane mind and some inteligence they will alow ID software not only to stay how they are but "take over" Bethesda in the proces teaching them how to make steady games which are not filed with bugs and also how to work with a engine seriously the gamembyro or what ever engine starts to become REALY old by now ... or at least Bethesda cant work with it. I dont know.
If Zenimax has someome inside with a sane mind and some inteligence they will alow ID software not only to stay how they are but "take over" Bethesda in the proces teaching them how to make steady games which are not filed with bugs and also how to work with a engine seriously the gamembyro or what ever engine starts to become REALY old by now ... or at least Bethesda cant work with it. I dont know.