Bethesda publishing Rage

actualy I am more interested to see what kind of effect Zenimax will have on ID in the future.

If Zenimax has someome inside with a sane mind and some inteligence they will alow ID software not only to stay how they are but "take over" Bethesda in the proces teaching them how to make steady games which are not filed with bugs and also how to work with a engine seriously the gamembyro or what ever engine starts to become REALY old by now ... or at least Bethesda cant work with it. I dont know.
Crni Vuk said:
actualy I am more interested to see what kind of effect Zenimax will have on ID in the future.

If Zenimax has someome inside with a sane mind and some inteligence they will alow ID software not only to stay how they are but "take over" Bethesda in the proces teaching them how to make steady games which are not filed with bugs and also how to work with a engine seriously the gamembyro or what ever engine starts to become REALY old by now ... or at least Bethesda cant work with it. I dont know.
Judging on how much effect blizzard had on activision, i wouldn't get my hopes up....
Meh said:
And since you asked, EA has developed and published enjoyable games. Also in a less related note - it hasn't crapped over Fallout.

That's because EA has developed and published a crap load of games. Some of them are bound to be good.

I'm no fan of Bethesda or Zenimax but EA is in no way better. They destroy not only game franchises but game developers and they shit all over their customers. EA releases their games every year with minor changes and immediately abandons their support almost completely.

Sorry but Zenimax and Bethesda are decent guys compared to EA, even though they did turn our favorite series into utter crap.
UnidentifiedFlyingTard said:
EA say's it wont be releasing a lot of games in 2010, they want to focus on the good ones.

Which are?

Dante's Inferno for example seems like a God of War rip off that is parodying the work it is based upon.

Most of the other games they are working on are sequels to established licenses.
I agree with the anti-EA sentiment. Fucking DRM...

Also, what's up with Activision? What are they doing to tick people off?
Wolfenstein, Prototype and crappy games all around. Except for CoD42, which I haven't played yet.
Reconite said:
Verd1234 said:
Support ID Software or boycott Zenimax?

I love id Software but I hate Bethesda/Zenimax. :?

I died a little inside when I heard Zenimax bought id. :(

I used to love iD, but now they are another one that bites the dust. :(

Doom 3 is purelly offensive, simply throwing the franchise into garbage and messing with a classic.
Quake 4 is version 2 with better graphics. And only that.
Wolfenstein 2009 is a pure joke, the same spam can over and over.

I was shocked when Zenimax buyed iD Software and I'm not expecting nothing from Rage, wich is a pitty.

One of the few games I liked nowdays is Mass Effect. It's not the classic that everyone is crying out loud, let's make this clear!
But is not the POS that everyone also says.

You can dislike the history, the characters, the plot and the dialogs, but they also pay a lot of attention to continuity, don't throw things in the sky for being "cool" and explain everything that happens in the game and why they happen.
STALKER is another game that do this, everything is explained and the story is very good tied togheter.

I can play with that. ;)

As for the patches, I agree, most companies (not only EA) don't give a damn about it today.
I don't know why, consoles can accept updates, isn't right?

[ ]'s
brfritos said:
Doom 3 is purelly offensive, simply throwing the franchise into garbage and messing with a classic.
Quake 4 is version 2 with better graphics. And only that.
Wolfenstein 2009 is a pure joke, the same spam can over and over.

Of those three, Doom 3 is the only game developed by id Software. Honestly, I think Raven Software is the one who's going to run into trouble from the whole deal of Zenimax buying out id Soft. They've always relied heavily on Carmack's goodwill, and licensing (and support) of the id Engines may now be in other, less competent and friendly hands.
There are a few things which people seem to forget and which make this debate absolutely unnecessary.

To address the "choice" between EA and Bethesda:

Both companies represent the capitalist model of a game-developing/game-publishing anomaly. About Bethesda, I won't say a word, we all know what motivates them. EA? Are you kidding? Really now, EA is committed to establish a monopolistic state. Westwood, Bullfrog, Bioware and Valve (indeed, LFD 1-2???) are the footsteps of EA's methodical progress.

One has to see, that EA fucks the games up they publish at least as much as Bethsoft/Zenimax does.

The other point I would like to make is that there is no point in hating/loving publishers/developers whatsoever.

ID: the only original member is John Carmack
Blizzard : almost all the key people responsible for Starcraft/Diablo have already left the company.

I listed these two because people, who still choose to place their trust in computer gaming, tend to place said trusts in companies like these two.

Most companies, producing valuable pieces of software back then have either went bankrupt or survived by adhering to the same capitalistic model we all despise. It is therefore foolish to hold a debate over companies "betterness" over the other, not to mention the debate over "EA or Bethsoft" which firms are the leading capitalist representations of the mentioned model.