mattpeckham said:
What, because Bethesda was up front about wanting to have a press only demo sans fansites, NMA's supposed to come off as heroic for sneaking in?
up front? not at all. they told Silencer (a reporter that did use NMA creds) that the roster was full and that there were no more spots available.
yet, when i was standing in line 2 random reporters walked up and asked if they could be fit in. the answer was yes. draw your own conclusions Matt. the 'no fansites' excuse came only after the fact. if the excuse existed prior to the fact, than they shouldve simply told it as it is: sorry Silencer, we arent allowing any fan sites in on the viewing.
either way, badly handled. besides, is it so weird that a reporter might actually be a fallout fan WITH ties to the fan community? i've seen many if not most reporters claim to be fans, yet few have ties and none of them have stepped forward with additional information.
me, i had press creds from Madshrimps. legitimate press creds. but i also happen to be a "rabid fallout fan" as they so often like to call us. well, i shared my information with the fans. so what?
does that mean you have the right to slander us?
mattpeckham said:
Forums as a source for investigative journalism? There's never been a less credible source for anything in modern history. And don't mistake what I'm doing in a clearly marked op-ed blog for Ed Murrow-style hard-news style journalism.
seeing forum credibility as a single entity is kinda moronic.
Blizzard makes 'blue' posts all the time on the Blizzard forums. arent they credible?
if Grandstaff, Pete Hines or Todd Howard post on the bethsoft game forums, don't they have credibility? well, sorry, we already fully explained what happened and how on the bethesda forums. we (the authors) explained it to the fanbase and Bethesda (if they were listening).
i dont really see how this has a credibility issue. i'd even say your own claims have a far bigger credibility issue, so don't try to 180° out of this by shifting blame.
mattpeckham said:
When someone can openly admit what they did was deceitful while simultaneously claiming to have integrity... 'Nuff said.
when someone can accuse another of falsely breaking several rules, while he himself fails to show integrity by researching or backing up any of said claims?
you have a minor point that we did not reveal that we'd ALSO be posting a preview on NMA. but that is the only point in your entire message of accusations that has any groundings in reality.
sorry if we're left unimpressed.